#color my cartomancy


Confident in Gold: Color My Cartomancy

Here we have a gold inspired spread for Color My Cartomancy! This one is all about self confidence!

In this four card spread, we have these questions:

  1. What can I already be confident about?
  2. Why should I be confident in myself?
  3. How should I go about gaining confidence in myself?
  4. How should I react to people or feelings that bring my confidence down?

You are free to use my spreads as long as you…

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Cyclic Silver: Color My Cartomancy

Yes, the Color My Cartomancy series involves a few metallic colors! Here is a silver inspired spread about cycles.

For Cyclic Silver, the questions are as follows:

  1. What kind of cycle am I in now?
  2. At what point did this cycle start?
  3. What can I learn from this cycle?
  4. What might signal the end of this cycle?
  5. What cycle may come next?

You are free to use my spreads as long as you are not making…

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Life Isn’t Black and White: Color My Cartomancy

This month’s Color My Cartomancy spread is inspired by grey, and the concept of complexity.


  1. How do I see the situation?
  2. How might others see the situation?
  3. What is the truth of the situation?
  4. What is the best way to approach this situation?
  5. What can I learn from this?

You are free to use my spreads as long as you are not making money off the reading or assuming credit. If you like…

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Wildcard White: Color My Cartomancy

Welcome back to Color My Cartomancy! This month’s spread was inspired by white being a substitute for any other color. It focuses on change.

For questions one, three, and four, feel free to pull extra cards in order to get to a second or third answer on change!

Questions for this spread:

  1. What thing(s) need change in my life?
  2. How should I got about changing these things?
  3. What is the first (second,…

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Bound in Black: Color My Cartomancy

Color My Cartomancy brings us today to the color black, and getting a grip on things.

This is one of the largest spreads in the Color My Cartomancy series! Here are the questions:

  1. In what area(s) do I need more self-control/self-discipline?
  2. What is one way I can improve my self-control/self-discipline?
  3. What is a second way?
  4. How should I approach not wanting to keep up the…

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This week the Color My Cartomancy series features the color brown. Use this spread when you seek stability.

Questions for this spread:

  1. What can I do to find solid ground to stand on in life?
  2. What can I do to keep on this solid ground, not straying from its path?
  3. What should I do if I find myself unstable?

You are free to use my spreads as long as you are not making money off the reading or…

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Today’s Color My Cartomancy post is about self-love!

Questions for this four card spread:

  1. What can I do to notice my positive attributes?
  2. What is a positive thing about myself that I tend to overlook?
  3. What is a positive thing about myself that others notice, but I do not?
  4. What can I do to show myself self-love and compassion?

You are free to use my spreads as long as you are not making money off…

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