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Fellow players of Skyrim, raise your hand! I always find it hilarious how brave the horses are in this game. My horse who I lovingly call Snowflake has ran ahead of me to fight dragons many times. 

I practice how to Talk Like A Person to this day, but now I tend to write myself little speeches to practice ahead of time haha. And preferably not practice them in public - I’ve learnt from my mistakes! Haha.

Does anyone else collect a billion funny videos and memes throughout the day to show your loved one for when you see them again? 

I feel like this is a similar thing to pretending to be asleep in the car so that your parents carry you to bed. I used to pretend to fall asleep around the house hoping to get carried to bed haha.

Me and Mike like to joke about what we are going to look like when we are old. I’m looking forward to being a tiny grumpy round grandma. 

Do you ever get so engrossed in a book that you start reading it and when you look up - a lot more time has passed than you expected??

Does anyone else feel like eating something savoury after eating too many sweets? 

Does anyone relate?? I feel like I’m always breathing too loud in a quiet elevator and it’s so awkward.

Do you know how to swim? People have been trying to teach me since I was a little kid and I just keep sinking. I think I’m going to need to take proper beginner swimming classes at a pool or something.

What’s the cringiest thing you remember yourself doing as a kid? I have this vivid memory of trying to “smile” like cartoon animals off the VHS tape covers on my shelf. I was convinced that if I managed to contort my face with the correct smile then I would magically look exactly like the animated dalmatians from my favourite movie.

Also thank you for everyone who joined my Patreon recently ToT. I’m working towards my dream of making comics and books fulltime and Patreon is currently one of my main streams of income. So thanks to all of you - I’m very close to making my dream come true. Thank you <3

Awkward stand-offs in hallways are a hobby of mine.

Every time I see my mum, I swear she gets smaller and smaller. Are your parents taller or shorter than you?

Are you scared of bugs? I’m okay with most of them but wasps make me quite anxious.

Many of my friends work jobs that I don’t understand and I admire them so much.

You know those moments where EVERYTHING just keeps going wrong one thing after another like in a silly comedy film? I briefly had this cleaning part-time job as a teenager and I remembered that one time I threw my headphones into the trash haha.
