#commander hanji


Sorry for the bad quality :(

It’s difficult to create animations with free apps for android but they’re free so I can’t complain

“I’m not interested in becoming a spectator. I already killed four Yaegerist with my own hands, anyway. More importantly, humanity does not have much time left”_ Commander Hanji Zoe + Episode 85

We all know how Levi treats her.But the video is cute

People who don’t believe in this and are delusional please watch this

About people blaming Levi’s choice puts Hanji in a very stressful position

(well, mostly some #$%@#$ maybe)

I wonder if they had the illusion that Hanji was very happy before she became the Commander. In fact, Hanji just summoned up courage and energy to choose laughter instead of depression. (After becoming the Commander, she also could laugh)

She has often had nightmares at night in those years. When it rained, she walked like a wandering ghost, she thought she became a squad leader on the basis of other comrades’ bodies.

Under her cheerful appearance, she also has her own mental problems.

I hope they can face up to the fact that Hanji has always been carrying heavy burdens, rather than feel that she is happy only under Erwin’s protection and tired just because of her position as the Commander.

When her homeland and the world are going to be destroyed, even if she is just a civilian, she cannot avoid the heavy pressure and responsibility.

The anime deleted the panels of interactions between Mikasa and Hanji.I’m very dissatisfied with it

Mikasa was surprised when Hanji drew her blades and kill Yeagerists

back to back scene!

Mikasa was grabbing and protecting Hanji.

Anime, both WITs and Mappa, always exaggerated her strong and even ruthless side, while ignoring her more essential side - the protector
