#con horror


My boyfriend: Max

Me: P
My friend: X
Weeaboo from Hell: Toad

This weeb story happened at an anime con that myself, X, and Max were attending. Max isn’t really a big anime enthusiast and leans more towards comics and video games so he dressed up as Max from Mad Max: Fury Road. Max looks eerily similar to Tom Hardy so his coworkers including myself encouraged him to dress up as the protagonist of Fury Road. I tried to complete my Furiosa cosplay in time but due to my busy school and work schedule, I had to settle for an unfinished product. X decided to cosplay from League of Legends since she wasn’t a fan of the movie and the three of us headed for the con. We had no idea just how nightmarish the day would be.

As we got to the con, we were immediately greeted by some avid photographers who began asking Max for some pics to which he obliged but after a few minutes kindly turned them down as he really needed to use the restroom. I told him we would wait for him outside and while he used the restroom we would go pick up the badges. After waiting for our badges a little bit longer due to some minor error the staff had on their computers, we headed for the main lobby bathrooms. Max was waiting for us there and we went to go greet him and give him his stuff. Out of nowhere, we were severely startled by this extremely loud screeching voice that seemed to come from all directions. Right afterwards we heard, “MAAAAD MAAAAAAAAX SAAAAMAAAAAA MY HEROOOOOOO DESUUUU NEEEEEEE!!!!” This very toad looking girl came running out of nowhere and immediately latched onto Max like a leech. Max is not a very warm and friendly person and will only hug people close to him that he trusts, so he was extremely put off by this. He immediately began pushing her away to which she only held on tighter. He eventually pried her off and she began shouting loudly her excitement for him. “Mad Max SAAAAMAAAAAA your so brave!!! That Immorten Joe Baka was such a rapist!! Only you should have all the kawaii girls!” Toad then turned to us and looked me up and down like if I was poop on the sidewalk. “Max-Deanna, who is SHE?” I burst out laughing at her ridiculousness and Max walked over to me and stood behind me while gripping my arms, “This is my girlfriend. She is cosplaying Furiosa with me.”

This seemed to really piss off Toad and she glared at me and stomped up into my face and growled, “She is not Furiosa!! She doesn’t look Tsundere and she doesn’t have a robot arm!!” X scoffed loudly and motioned for us to leave. I walked away from Toad and Max glared at her before walking away. Luckily she didn’t follow us. But that would not be the last of her. A few hours later after wandering the floor and getting more photos taken, we stepped out of the con to get some snacks and go sit somewhere. We found a shady spot and sat down to eat until we saw Toad walking by. She saw us and immediately ran over to Max and glomped him. Her very heavy set body knocked him back into the bushes and caused him to hit his shoulder against the trunk of a tree. She wrapped her arms around his neck and tried rubbing her face against his whole shouting, “Max daaaaannaa I missed you!!!! Aishiteru husband desuuuu!” I had enough of it and stood up, grabbing Toad by her hair and yanked her off of him to which she fell on her butt on the sidewalk. X and I helped Max up, who was extremely pissed off. Before me or X could say anything, Max stood up and stood over her, red as a beet from anger. “WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM YOU STUPID BITCH????” He shouted at her pretty loud and several con goers stopped to stare at what was happening. She started crying which did not make Max any nicer to her.

“I only want Max-danna to love me!!! I’m Furiosa!!! You are supposed to be my husbando you total Baka!!!” She got up and turned to glare at me and screamed into my face, “I HATE YOU, YOU TEME WHORE!!” She picked up some dirt and threw it at me before storming off. I wanted to go after her so badly but X held me back and told me that it wouldn’t be worth it. We tried to enjoy the rest of our day which seemingly worked until the evening. We heard there was going to be an anime dance club scene at the con so we decided to go for the heck of it. The 3 of us started dancing like goofballs and what not. Max then said he would go bring us some drinks. X and I kept dancing until we noticed that 10 minutes had gone by and Max had not returned. X suggested that he had also gone to the bathroom so I took out my phone to text him. He didn’t respond and I kept feeling a strange sensation that something was wrong. X and I ran out of the dance room and went down the corridor to where the bathrooms were. As we turned the corner, we saw Max and Toad. Toad has latched onto Max and was trying to kiss him forcefully. X and I immediately pulled her off of him. Toad had thrown something at him that caused him to have eye irritation because the first thing he did was try to rub at his eyes. I took him to the water fountain and began rinsing his eyes out quickly. X began shouting at Toad, screaming every insult at her and threatened to call con security and police. Max’s eyes were clean and I yelled at X to go get security. Toad stood there angrily and shouted at Max. “How dare you!!!! How could you do this to me??? She is too ugly and too unworthy of Mad Max sama!!! I can be less fatter than her if I want to!!!” Max put a arm over me and pushed me behind him. “LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE YOU PYSCHOPATH!! YOU NEED HELP!!” Toad started crying again and we noticed a CVS bag tucked in her jacket pocket that was wrapped around her waist. “I went to go get some supplies so I can get kawaii for Max sama!!” She then blatantly told us that she had bought some laxatives so that she could get skinny really fast. We heard a weird sound and then Toad started crying. She had completely soiled herself in front of us. “LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO BAKA!!!! NOW YOU HAVE TO GIVE ME CLEAN PANTSU!!” She reached forward and suddenly grabbed at Max’s pants and tried to unzip his pants and pull them down along with his boxers.

I started screaming to try and get attention from anyone in the area for help and Max and I shoved her away. She glared at me and made this weird screaming noise and slapped me in the face hard. “YOU CAN’T BE WITH MAD MAX YOU WHORE!!!” She grabbed my arm tightly with her nails and tried to throw me into the wall of the corridor. Max then finally lost it, and punched her square in the face. She fell on her back and started sobbing as X came rushing back with con security. It turned out to be a very long night for us. Con security called police and Max was temporarily put into handcuffs. X and I explained the situation entirely to police and staff. X comforted me and I started crying in relief when we heard that several cosplayers and attendees had witnessed the day’s events. Several witnesses reported that they had seen Toad stalking us throughout the day and others saw the events that unfolded, including Toad when she had thrown something into Max’s eyes and attempted sexual assault on him including attacking me. No charges were pressed against Max and Toad was placed into handcuffs and taken away by police. The 3 of us returned to our hotel and have not returned to that con since. Max still cosplays but he threw out his Mad Max cosplay as we left the hotel the next day. It’s taken a lot of work to help him feel safe at cons again and I always make sure to stay with him no matter what. He’s a really strong and tall guy but he never thought that the incident with Toad could ever happen to him. I don’t know what happened with Toad after her being arrested but Max refuses to ever think about that con again.

So a while back ago at a summer convention I went to I was dressed up in a cute pink lolita dress, white stockings, and adorable brown slippers (this is important hold on.) While I was walking around the con hall a huge fella in what looked like a knight costume or something, I can’t really remember if it was that or not since I was new to the whole anime and convention scene, but I knew it was white. He, let’s call him C, wanted to take my picture. After the picture he started hugging me (without my permission btw.) It was a tight hug and he lifted me off the ground too and spun me around. At this point I was getting really creeped out and wanted out of his death grip. Then C said something along the lines of “I really like your skin (I’m black) you’re really soft and squishy.” 

I was squeeked out and demanded he let me down. He did but asked me if I wanted to go back to his hotel room with him, I said no and started to back away from him. That’s when he grabbed my arm and started to yell at me; getting very angry. I kneed him in the groin and ran as fast as I could in the opposite direction of him. I was screaming and crying for help and I kept looking back to see if he was following me and he was and I just kept on running as hard as I could until I ran into a wall and fell down. 

A group of Fire emblem cosplayers noticed my distress and came over to me and help me. I told them what happen and they decided to protect for the time being. C spotted me in the crowd and started to come over, the very intimidating    Chrom cosplayer told C to back off or else he’ll get security. C backed off and sulked away and I didn’t see him for the rest of the con. My heart was pounding the whole time but I’m glad my new FE friends rescued from that guy.
