

 This is a very long story, apologies. TL;DR at bottom. Trigger: Sexual Assault, Violence.

I have a friend, lets call him DJ, who has a son who is about 7. This son, lets call him Kyle, loves going to the mall and looking at all of the anime action figures in a particular store. One day I was babysitting Kyle, and he asked if we could go to the mall. I said yes, we piled in my car and headed their. We walked around the mall for a little bit and had a super good time. Then Kyle asked to go to the anime store, I tell him that his dad is coming to the mall to pick him up so this will be our last stop. Kyle agrees, and I text DJ to meet us at said anime store. Kyle and I walk in and the kid goes crazy as usual. As I follow him around I see a few guys huddled around the manga section. They looked to be about 20, maybe a little older, and were quietly mumbling to each other. As I follow Kyle, I notice one of the boys is staring at me, and I start getting creeped out. This kid then starts slowly inching closer to me and Kyle. To give a little more background on me, I am a 5 ft, female who is a little on the chubby side, and looks significantly younger than my ID suggests. I am almost 25 and I often get mistaken for a 16 year old. I am also much stronger than your average woman due to years of heavy weight lifting. This does not physically show because “if you have fat, you must be weak”`. 

So this dude starts trying to hit on me in probably the most offensive way possible. He starts going on about how “He likes kids” and “single women with children are sexy as long as the baby daddy is not there”, or my favorite “Its ok to make mistakes and be a slut sometimes”. Then he starts saying that if I lost weight, I would look like some Anime character and he was totally into that character. He was also willing to “Over look my flaws if I got them fixed eventually”. I am not joking, it was so awkward, and he kept glancing at Kyle, who was completely oblivious to what was going on. I tell this guy that I am uncomfortable and he needs to go away (I was very polite) but after he blatantly ignored my request, I go into super Auntie mode and tell Kyle we have to go. I grab Kyle and start to head out of the store. I pull out my phone to call DJ and tell him to meet by the security office in the mall, hoping to scare this guy off. Before I can do that, this guy then runs up to me and asks for my number. I tell him no, and he grabs my phone, claiming “I should at least have his number”. We are at the entrance of the store when I see DJ about 30 feet away, coming up the escalator. The only think I could think about was this guy trying to hurt Kyle (He never really acknowledge him but super Auntie mode is a step down from Mommy mode). I tell Kyle to run to his father, and at this point Kyle understands what is going on and runs. This guy starts trying to fiddle with my phone, asking me to unlock it for him. I turn to him, and make an attempt to get my phone back. This guy is much taller than I and laughs as he just holds it over my head. He then starts calling me cute and telling me we will be a great couple. So I grab his arm, the one with my phone in his hand and easily force it down to my level, and no matter how much he struggled, he couldn’t lift his arm again. This guy was weak , and at this point he realized how strong I was. I grab my phone from his hand, and give him the iciest glare I can muster.  I tell him to leave me alone and begin to walk away. I go to DJ (who is a large, very muscular, very fit man), and walk away with him and Kyle. This is not the end of my story! I walk to the parking lot and DJ says he has to go but is afraid to leave me alone. I assure him I am ok, and he walks off, telling me to call him if anything happens. As I walk to my car, guess who shows up ranting about how I “embarrassed him in front of his friends”? Creepy dude then decided I had “No idea what was good for me” and I needed to be “shown”. He grabs me , (it looked like he was going to kiss me but I can’t be entirely sure) and before I can even think I have this guy on the ground with a swift punch to the gut. I scream bloody murder, and a few nearby security guards rush over. I tell them what happened and this kid gets handcuffed. He starts going off about how I am a lying whore and all that junk. They got the statement of the shop owner, who saw him earlier and they told me they would call me if anything happened. This was about a week or so ago and I haven’t heard anything yet but they are filing this as a sexual assault case. DJ felt super bad for leaving me alone (to which I assured him I handled it) and Kyle lent me his minecraft foam sword in case it happens again.

TL;DR: Creepy dude in anime store bothers me with my friends kid. Starts saying gross things to me as if I am property instead of a person. I tell him no, he declines, my fist and security guards tell him no, he complies. 

My 18 year old  sister © is a weeaboo. Its so annoying and i just hate. When we moved into our new house she got mad i picked the one bed room that was bigger because she needed space to put all her anime stuff in there. I needed it because i got a desk. She loves Attack on Titan and some other anime i don’t know. She got mad at the kitchen table once when my little brother was talking about how crew (rowing) practice was. She wants to talk about anime 24/7. 3 months ago i had gotten my driver’s license and picked out a nice used Subaru. C found out and got upset as my parents bought her for her birthday a new Ford focus last year. She said it was unfair that and i quote, “A baka like her does not deserve a nihon car like that.”

Saturday morning my little brother told me, “Hey your car is gone.” I went outside and yup it was gone. I knew who took it so i told my parents and then called my sister. I tore her a new one and was just so pissed. She said she was not giving it back as she was an otaku and deserved to drive it.  Then hung up. My dad went driving around looking for her. But i had enough as i had caught her taking my keys many times before (still don’t know how the hell she got them when i had them hidden). I called the cops reporting my car as stolen. They did find her at the local anime store. She’s lucky she’s only getting a misdemeanor and could only face probation. The shitty thing is that she still feels like she has a right to my car. I’ve now keep my car keys on me at all times! 

Okay, so I may have submitted a story here a while ago about a girl named Neko and it wasn’t published. Well I am rewriting it and hoping it stays on track. (All names are changed.)

Well, Neko was this girl who was a furry and a complete and total Weeaboo. She wasn’t too annoying (besides the lack of personal space and loud nyas and Kawaiis) and I never really had a problem with her until these 3 instances, all of which in chronological order.

At one point I dated my friend, Kitty. She was really accepting of me being a Transgender man and we both were really close (not related but we are still friends, but dating her makes me uncomfortable)… well one day I was holding her hand and we were walking to the cafeteria when I heard a squee. Neko ran over and told us we were her otp and she shipped us. I kinda laughed it off, even though I found it creepy, and smooched Kitty on the cheek just to see how Neko would react… well, Neko knows I am a Trans man. Everyone in my grade knows. So hearing, “Kawaii Yuri” was really off putting for me. Especially since Neko went to the gay club (it’s called Diversity alliance but it was the gay club tbh) with me and I am very open about being Trans.

This next event involves a lot of detail skipping but to put it simply, I broke up with my abuser and Neko was actually nice enough to ask for my side since she heard my abuser’s side. I told her and i thought that she might believe me and hopefully take my side and- nope. She did worse than take my abuser’s side, she tried playing neutral. At this time I was in a black and white/red vs blue mindset. You were either with me, against me, or didn’t know the situation. This chick tried claiming purple, which didn’t exist. She went from slightly annoying, to me nearly hating her so quickly because she wanted to be friends with both of us.
She even invited all my friends to her birthday party and she didn’t invite me because she was inviting my abuser. She invited kitty, my abuser’s ex girlfriend… but not me. It’s childish I know, but she invited everyone I knew. I had no clue what was going in because she thought it would be a great idea to invite all my friends who barely know her/hate my abuser. Genius.

I was on edge with her. I couldn’t stand her animu talk. I couldn’t stand seeing her hot topic™ black Butler side bag. I couldn’t stand seeing her dollar store cat ears. I couldn’t stand her. She took the side of my abuser around the time, I wasn’t going to tolerate her… and yet she decided to still act like we were chummy mc pals.

Yup. She made me so upset and she decided to stay friends with someone that hurt me… but she still tried to be chums with me.

Yeah. No.

Last year she wouldn’t stop sitting at our lunch tables and trying to be friendly with me. At the end of freshman year she was still super touchy to me and she still tried to text me. She still said hi and she still approached me even after I made it obvious that I don’t like her (I have the natural death glare, so all I did to drop the hints was look at her emotionless and it looked like I was ready to kill.) And yet she didn’t back off until after winter break.

She started sitting with the other anime fans. One of the kids she sat with is a beautiful human being who I knew in German class, the other believed fat shaming wasn’t real (and argued my naturally big boned friend about it) and has a fucking sword art online bag.

Hopefully this year she leaves me 1000% alone. School is going to start in a few days, so I can only hope she knows to stay away from me.

Me: Mono

Friend #1: Coco

Friend #2: Slasher

Weeb: Valencia

(Keep in mind that this all happened back in 2014, so my memory of this whole thing is kinda hazy. Also, I want to remain anonymous for safety reasons.)

It all started in middle school. Me, Coco and Slasher were all 12. I was just plain white and kind of a weeb, Coco was born in Japan; was Japanese; but was raised in Canada since he was 4, and had impressive English skills for his age, but still had a thick accent, and Slasher was Native and had just moved from the mainland last year. One day, during lunch, Slasher introduced us to Valencia, a friend of his cousin who went to our school. She was also Native, with black hair with a single red streak in it, and that day, she wore a Panic! at the Disco t-shirt, a Scouting Legion jacket, and a tutu. The both of us were obsessed with Attack on Titan at the time, so we instantly welcomed her with open arms.

We talked, ate our lunch, and all-around had a good time.
Weeks had passed, and I got a call from Valencia asking if she could come to my house. I asked my parents about this, and they approved. Within the hour, she arrived. We exchanged each-others Deviantart accounts, Tumblrs, and whatever else. I decided to show her my Attack on Titan drawings. I was already beyond corrupted thanks to my parents not giving me much supervision and my secretiveness, so by natural instinct I decided against showing her some of my more risque drawings. She asked me (word by word, here) “Mono, what are your SNK OTPs?”

I responded with “JeanMarco, Eremin, Eruri, Yumikuri, Arushi; thats my OC x Armin;, and most of all–” And then she interrupted, saying

“You have an OC? Can I show you mine?”


She took her phone and then showed her to me. Let’s just say she was BAD. Light blue emo hair, purple eyes, flashy clothes, and it was on a base, too, and worst of all, she was fourteen-fifteen and shipped with Levi.

Being the smart lil’ cookie I was, I pointed out all the things wrong with her character. Surprisingly, she took the advice, and tomorrow at school, she showed me her redesigned OC. This time, she looked much better. Shorter hair which was now brown, green eyes, her pink v-neck replaced with a black blouse, and her name was changed to Ayami Storm to Ariana Nichol, and she was now listed as single. But the only drastic downside was that it was made with that Rinmaru Games AOT OC maker everyone used. I complimented her, and I remembered later on in the day that I forgot to remind her that she interrupted me when I listed off my OTPs. She nodded and allowed me to continue, and I said what I said yesterday…

But that’s when things started going downhill FAST.

I was obsessed with, no LIVED AND BREATHED Eremika. I told her I liked it, and she scoffed, saying “Ew. Eremika is incest. Grody.”. I tried to retaliate by reassuring her it wasn’t, but Slasher stopped me before I could say anything. Fortunately, she just shook it off, but I could tell she probably hated that ship (which was okay i wasnt like other girls), but then she asked the question whose answer would ruin our friendship forever.

“What about Ereri? I LOOOOOVE Ereri!”

“I don’t like it. I think it’s pedophilia.”


Coco ran away before things got serious, but Slasher defended me by saying “No. She’s right. Sure, Levi did beat Eren up, but that was to save his life, not because he loved him. And plus, Eren is still considered a minor, even here, and Levi is in his thirties.” or something along the lines of that.


Slasher continued to shoot down her arguments until Valencia reached her boiling point. She grabbed me by my My Chemical Romance t-shirt and pushed me, resulting in me falling to the ground, and then she took out a rock which she had in her backpack for some reason and hit Slasher repeatedly in the face with it. The principal was notified of the ordeal and he called the police, who arrived just a minute or so later and grabbed Valencia, but she, no shit, screamed “MINI-TITANS!” before she tried to kick one of the cops in the shin, but was stopped. She wasn’t charged or arrested (she was real close to it, though), but she was suspended from school. I was okay, albeit with a scraped knee, but Slasher had to get stitches at the hospital, and atop of that, had a broken nose.

I never spoke to her again, and from that day forward, I vowed to stay away from all Ereri shippers as much as possible.

Slasher recently told me that he could have sworn he saw her again at a Tim Horton’s before a gaming convention he went to.

Me - C

My gal pal/gf - S

Weeb - R

A year or two ago I went to the Boy’s and Girl’s club for the summer since both my parents work and there was no one to watch me. I didn’t really like it there, there wasn’t a whole lot to do. We weren’t allowed to watch youtube videos or be on social media sites when we used the computers, I was definitely not interested in playing any sports in the gym, and the only other things to do were Just Dance and crafts. Since I’m transgender, I got picked on a lot too while I was there. Luckily I met S and she would stand up for me. We bonded because we’d just end up sitting on a bench and reading manga together all day. For a while things were pretty good, S and I hung out and had a nice time. And then R showed up.

R had weeb written all over her from the moment she arrived. She had a Hatsune Miku satchel bag that was just destroyed with pins, and she was almost constantly blaring anime opening songs (with black butler ear buds of course). She would bring her tablet and trace over anime bases. She tried really hard to sound “kawaii” but it was just grating and high pitched. Sometimes she’d wear a cat ear headband or a hideously put together cosplay. She’d log in to youtube on the computers even though we weren’t allowed to and she’d just watch MMD animations until she got caught. Eventually she was banned from using the computers and she had nothing else to do. This was around the time she noticed S and I reading manga.

R initiated things by asking us what we were reading. She started sitting with us at our little bench and in the cafeteria when we ate lunch. Neither of us had the heart to tell her to fuck off. Welt felt bad since both of us had been lonely and bored at the Boy’s and Girl’s club too, so we put up with her. For a while she just seemed like a regular obnoxious weeb. She was a little bit older than S and I so she called us “S-kohai and C-kohai”. She always had pocky or shrimp chips or seaweed in her lunch, and she would say “itadakimasu” before eating. S and I lived with it for a while, until R revealed just how incredibly racist she could really be. 

One day R asks me “Hey C-kohai, you pronounce Japanese words really well, are you Japanese?”

I am Japanese on my dad’s side, but I’ve always been more fascinated by my mom’s side of the family. So I admit that I have a little Japanese in me and she flips out. She said she could tell I was Japanese because I’m “just so kawaii” and “smarter than all the baka gaijins”. She insists that she and S come to my house for a sleepover and as much as I didn’t want to, I agreed. S didn’t seem too thrilled either. 

My parents are super accepting of the fact that I’m trans, even though sometimes they have a hard time understanding, and they typically let my friends sleep over regardless of their gender. So R and S arrive at my house for the sleepover, and R is decked out in a kigurumi with rikkamaru slippers. R spouts some embarrassingly broken Japanese at my dad and waltzes in. Things started out pretty chill, we all watched some movies S brought, but then R started complaining that she wanted to watch something Japanese. So we watched Angel Beats! R interrupts again to ask me if I have a kotatsu. I tell her we don’t but if she’s cold we do have blankets. She seemed pissed. After a while, we got tired and migrated to my room for the night. S changes in my room and I change in my bathroom. R is already in her pajamas so she just hangs out.

That is until she barges in on me while I’m changing. Keep in mind, I haven’t physically transitioned just yet. She gasps really loudly and yells “C-kohai is a okama! That’s so smexy! I love yaoi!” and rushes back out to tell S. 

I spend the rest of the night in the bathroom. S joined me at some point during the night.

The next morning R keeps calling me “Kuranosuke” like from Jellyfish Princess and insisting that I be her “kareshi”. I make her a bowl of fruity pebbles to try and shut her up but it doesn’t do much. I put up with her some more until her parents pick her up and I fall apart on S. 

R wouldn’t stop bothering me at the Boy’s and Girl’s club after that, she kept demanding that I date her or kiss a boy or weird stuff like that. Eventually S became my pretend girlfriend to make R stop pestering me, and then S became my actual girlfriend. R would say stuff “kissing girls isn’t very yaoi of you, C-kohai” but at that point we hardly spoke to R and summer was close to over. I don’t know if R has changed because I haven’t heard from her in years but I don’t think I really want to find out. 

My boyfriend: Max

Me: P
My friend: X
Weeaboo from Hell: Toad

This weeb story happened at an anime con that myself, X, and Max were attending. Max isn’t really a big anime enthusiast and leans more towards comics and video games so he dressed up as Max from Mad Max: Fury Road. Max looks eerily similar to Tom Hardy so his coworkers including myself encouraged him to dress up as the protagonist of Fury Road. I tried to complete my Furiosa cosplay in time but due to my busy school and work schedule, I had to settle for an unfinished product. X decided to cosplay from League of Legends since she wasn’t a fan of the movie and the three of us headed for the con. We had no idea just how nightmarish the day would be.

As we got to the con, we were immediately greeted by some avid photographers who began asking Max for some pics to which he obliged but after a few minutes kindly turned them down as he really needed to use the restroom. I told him we would wait for him outside and while he used the restroom we would go pick up the badges. After waiting for our badges a little bit longer due to some minor error the staff had on their computers, we headed for the main lobby bathrooms. Max was waiting for us there and we went to go greet him and give him his stuff. Out of nowhere, we were severely startled by this extremely loud screeching voice that seemed to come from all directions. Right afterwards we heard, “MAAAAD MAAAAAAAAX SAAAAMAAAAAA MY HEROOOOOOO DESUUUU NEEEEEEE!!!!” This very toad looking girl came running out of nowhere and immediately latched onto Max like a leech. Max is not a very warm and friendly person and will only hug people close to him that he trusts, so he was extremely put off by this. He immediately began pushing her away to which she only held on tighter. He eventually pried her off and she began shouting loudly her excitement for him. “Mad Max SAAAAMAAAAAA your so brave!!! That Immorten Joe Baka was such a rapist!! Only you should have all the kawaii girls!” Toad then turned to us and looked me up and down like if I was poop on the sidewalk. “Max-Deanna, who is SHE?” I burst out laughing at her ridiculousness and Max walked over to me and stood behind me while gripping my arms, “This is my girlfriend. She is cosplaying Furiosa with me.”

This seemed to really piss off Toad and she glared at me and stomped up into my face and growled, “She is not Furiosa!! She doesn’t look Tsundere and she doesn’t have a robot arm!!” X scoffed loudly and motioned for us to leave. I walked away from Toad and Max glared at her before walking away. Luckily she didn’t follow us. But that would not be the last of her. A few hours later after wandering the floor and getting more photos taken, we stepped out of the con to get some snacks and go sit somewhere. We found a shady spot and sat down to eat until we saw Toad walking by. She saw us and immediately ran over to Max and glomped him. Her very heavy set body knocked him back into the bushes and caused him to hit his shoulder against the trunk of a tree. She wrapped her arms around his neck and tried rubbing her face against his whole shouting, “Max daaaaannaa I missed you!!!! Aishiteru husband desuuuu!” I had enough of it and stood up, grabbing Toad by her hair and yanked her off of him to which she fell on her butt on the sidewalk. X and I helped Max up, who was extremely pissed off. Before me or X could say anything, Max stood up and stood over her, red as a beet from anger. “WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM YOU STUPID BITCH????” He shouted at her pretty loud and several con goers stopped to stare at what was happening. She started crying which did not make Max any nicer to her.

“I only want Max-danna to love me!!! I’m Furiosa!!! You are supposed to be my husbando you total Baka!!!” She got up and turned to glare at me and screamed into my face, “I HATE YOU, YOU TEME WHORE!!” She picked up some dirt and threw it at me before storming off. I wanted to go after her so badly but X held me back and told me that it wouldn’t be worth it. We tried to enjoy the rest of our day which seemingly worked until the evening. We heard there was going to be an anime dance club scene at the con so we decided to go for the heck of it. The 3 of us started dancing like goofballs and what not. Max then said he would go bring us some drinks. X and I kept dancing until we noticed that 10 minutes had gone by and Max had not returned. X suggested that he had also gone to the bathroom so I took out my phone to text him. He didn’t respond and I kept feeling a strange sensation that something was wrong. X and I ran out of the dance room and went down the corridor to where the bathrooms were. As we turned the corner, we saw Max and Toad. Toad has latched onto Max and was trying to kiss him forcefully. X and I immediately pulled her off of him. Toad had thrown something at him that caused him to have eye irritation because the first thing he did was try to rub at his eyes. I took him to the water fountain and began rinsing his eyes out quickly. X began shouting at Toad, screaming every insult at her and threatened to call con security and police. Max’s eyes were clean and I yelled at X to go get security. Toad stood there angrily and shouted at Max. “How dare you!!!! How could you do this to me??? She is too ugly and too unworthy of Mad Max sama!!! I can be less fatter than her if I want to!!!” Max put a arm over me and pushed me behind him. “LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE YOU PYSCHOPATH!! YOU NEED HELP!!” Toad started crying again and we noticed a CVS bag tucked in her jacket pocket that was wrapped around her waist. “I went to go get some supplies so I can get kawaii for Max sama!!” She then blatantly told us that she had bought some laxatives so that she could get skinny really fast. We heard a weird sound and then Toad started crying. She had completely soiled herself in front of us. “LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO BAKA!!!! NOW YOU HAVE TO GIVE ME CLEAN PANTSU!!” She reached forward and suddenly grabbed at Max’s pants and tried to unzip his pants and pull them down along with his boxers.

I started screaming to try and get attention from anyone in the area for help and Max and I shoved her away. She glared at me and made this weird screaming noise and slapped me in the face hard. “YOU CAN’T BE WITH MAD MAX YOU WHORE!!!” She grabbed my arm tightly with her nails and tried to throw me into the wall of the corridor. Max then finally lost it, and punched her square in the face. She fell on her back and started sobbing as X came rushing back with con security. It turned out to be a very long night for us. Con security called police and Max was temporarily put into handcuffs. X and I explained the situation entirely to police and staff. X comforted me and I started crying in relief when we heard that several cosplayers and attendees had witnessed the day’s events. Several witnesses reported that they had seen Toad stalking us throughout the day and others saw the events that unfolded, including Toad when she had thrown something into Max’s eyes and attempted sexual assault on him including attacking me. No charges were pressed against Max and Toad was placed into handcuffs and taken away by police. The 3 of us returned to our hotel and have not returned to that con since. Max still cosplays but he threw out his Mad Max cosplay as we left the hotel the next day. It’s taken a lot of work to help him feel safe at cons again and I always make sure to stay with him no matter what. He’s a really strong and tall guy but he never thought that the incident with Toad could ever happen to him. I don’t know what happened with Toad after her being arrested but Max refuses to ever think about that con again.

So a while back ago at a summer convention I went to I was dressed up in a cute pink lolita dress, white stockings, and adorable brown slippers (this is important hold on.) While I was walking around the con hall a huge fella in what looked like a knight costume or something, I can’t really remember if it was that or not since I was new to the whole anime and convention scene, but I knew it was white. He, let’s call him C, wanted to take my picture. After the picture he started hugging me (without my permission btw.) It was a tight hug and he lifted me off the ground too and spun me around. At this point I was getting really creeped out and wanted out of his death grip. Then C said something along the lines of “I really like your skin (I’m black) you’re really soft and squishy.” 

I was squeeked out and demanded he let me down. He did but asked me if I wanted to go back to his hotel room with him, I said no and started to back away from him. That’s when he grabbed my arm and started to yell at me; getting very angry. I kneed him in the groin and ran as fast as I could in the opposite direction of him. I was screaming and crying for help and I kept looking back to see if he was following me and he was and I just kept on running as hard as I could until I ran into a wall and fell down. 

A group of Fire emblem cosplayers noticed my distress and came over to me and help me. I told them what happen and they decided to protect for the time being. C spotted me in the crowd and started to come over, the very intimidating    Chrom cosplayer told C to back off or else he’ll get security. C backed off and sulked away and I didn’t see him for the rest of the con. My heart was pounding the whole time but I’m glad my new FE friends rescued from that guy.

I’m not really sure this counts as a weeb story, but it seems like the kind of thing ya’ll might like. Also submitting anon, because I don’t really want her to find me again.


Me: Rowan

My sister: Mika

My present girlfriend: Ami

Weeb (is it a weeb?): Poubelle

Strap yourselves in, mayonnaises and mustards, ‘cause this is going to be a long-ass story. 

So, my mom is a good flutist. Like, really good. Like, so good she owned a solid gold flute once upon a time, and played in an extremely renowned orchestra in the Bay Area. But then she had children, and she decided she needed a better job. So she sold the gold flute and went off to go get a degree.

She has since acquired said degree, and has lately been taking up fluting again, with a sterling silver flute gifted to her from her old tutor. My little sister, Mika, wants to become a flutist as well, so Mom has been helping her along with her practice. Mika is extremely good now, and uses the silver flute, but still owns the nickel flute she started off with.

All of this is important for reasons I will explain later on.

The story started when Fallout 4 came out. Being a fan of Fallout 3 and New Vegas, I bought it and was extremely pleased with it in general. Unfortunately, other people were too.

Enter Poubelle. Poubelle did not shun society; as a matter of fact, she was part of a very wide group of friends who were into video games, superhero movies, Doctor Who, that circle of fandom. I was (and still am) very much of a lone wolf, so when I had to run with a group, they were the ones I turned to. Generally, all of them were good, friendly people that liked me and were not assholes. Except Poubelle.

Poubelle bathed every other day, generally kept her voice at an inside level, and didn’t go around forcing her ships on every third person. She was different than most weeaboos/horrible awful fangirls I’d known, so I think that was why I didn’t notice her at first.

Somewhere during one lunch, it comes out somewhere that I like Fallout 4. Surprise surprise, she does too. So by the peculiar dynamics of high school law, we are now friends.

Poubelle and I hit it off immediately. She seemed like a friendly enough person, especially to my lonely self. But thinking back on it now, I suppose there were a lot of warning signs. For one thing, this girl was extremely judgmental. She was eager to bash things that I liked, but if I tried the same with her, she called me rude and jealous.

She was also one of those people that made lots of “jokes.” She would say things that were sometimes morally questionable, and when called out on it, she would screech that it was just a joke and that I shouldn’t take it seriously. It got to the point where it was difficult to tell what was supposed to be funny and what wasn’t. And she always compared things to Fallout 4, even when the subject didn’t relate to Fallout at all, or even video games.

I met my current girlfriend, Ami, about a few months after I’d met Poubelle. By this point, Poubelle had become a deeply toxic person, but I was turning a blind eye to it because (I thought) she was a friend.

Where Poubelle was like a stinky, shallow brown lake with a sheen of oil on top, Ami was like a quiet, clean river. She was honestly the nicest person I’d ever met, and was clever and optimistic to boot. She was so different than Poubelle, that I started spending more and more time with her. I still hung out with Poubelle, but I suspect that she was jealous of Ami, who was getting more of my attention.

This is where the part about the flutes comes into play. I had told both Poubelle and Ami about my mother and sister, because they are one of those things I was proud about. Poubelle was over at my house one night, and I had both of the flutes on my bed and was cleaning them. I still remember the conversation we had.

P: Wait, that’s the silver one?

R: Yep. The other’s nickel.

P: Do they sound the same?

R: I can’t tell any difference, but I’m just an uncultured pleb, heh. I would think the silver one plays better, though. 

P: Cool. How much was it?

R: I dunno. Couple thousand, maybe? It was a gift, so I don’t really know.

Fast forward a week. Both flutes had disappeared a couple days earlier, which left the three of us females and my dad to frantically search for them. I was playing Minecraft on my laptop in the kitchen when the doorbell rang, but Mika was the one who opened the door. I don’t remember what happened exactly, but I’ll try to put the best approximation of what everyone said.

R: Mika, can you get that?

M: Of course I can, you lazy bum. 

<Door opens, followed by several seconds of silence>

M: What the fuck?

R: What?

I go to the door, and there’s Poubelle, standing there with a shitty trying-to-be-sorry look, while holding the flattened remains of one of our flutes.

P: I found this on the road, I’m so sorry.

M: Why the hell was it on the road!?

R: Maybe you dropped it or something, like on the way from practice.

P: Yes, this is the silver one, so that might have happened.

Poubelle’s comment catches me off guard, because I know the flute she’s holding is nickel from having cleaned it so many times. I tell her that it’s actually the nickel flute she’s holding, and she continues to insist it’s the silver one. Eventually, she starts getting frustrated and shoves the smashed flute in my face, then stomps off the porch.

I confront her at school the next day, where she angrily claims to know nothing. At this point, I have an incredibly bad feeling that Poubelle knows where the actual silver flute is.

Over the course of the week, Mika, Ami, and I start making plans. My mom, of course, is very interested in where her prized flute went, so when I tell her that Poubelle might have it, she immediately goes into full rage mode. She goes to the police, and seeing both that they have nothing better to do, and that there’s a two-thousand-dollar flute with immense sentimental value on the line, a search warrant is obtained fairly quickly.

Four days later, the search is conducted, and lo and fucking behold, the silver flute is found in Poubelle’s bedroom.

My sister and I had largely been left out of the legal proceedings, and since this ordeal took place just before school ended, I have no idea what Poubelle’s reaction was to getting caught. However, I did hear that she got charged with grand larceny (the flute was $2000) and is now spending time in a juvenile detention center, as she had committed several larcenous crimes before that. 

Hoo boy. And to think this all started with Fallout.

This is a really long story and seems awfully dramatic but this is something that actually happened.

Me: cosplaying Blanche from pokemon go

T: my bf!, cosplaying as Spark

W: horrible self-shipper

T and I were having a photoshoot for the PokeGo team leaders with another friend who was cosplaying Candela. It was a beautiful day, clear skies, brilliant lighting, location wasn’t crowded. It was supposed to be a happy day.

Cue lunch time, our group headed to grab a bite when suddenly this girl, W, ran over screaming “Oh my god Spark! So kakkoi! Can I take a photo with you?” We weren’t really in a rush and being the nice guy he was, T obliged and took a selfie with her. She thanked him and walked away and our group went to a nearby family restaurant for lunch.

Just minutes after we sat down and ordered food, W came in with her own group of friends and W immediately came over to our table (or more so right at T) and said “Oh my god we meet again! Hi! Do you remember me?”. She suddenly started introducing herself and all of her friends to T and ignored the rest of us, before she finally went to her own table which wasn’t far from ours. She kept looking back at T and waving to him.

Food arrives, T and I have a brilliant idea of taking a photo based on a fan comic we saw where Spark was feeding Blanche food because Blanche was busy with work. It was all cute and funny and we laughed about it with our friends. I then noticed that W was staring, or pretty much glaring at me from her table. She turned away when she realised I was looking at her which made me even more suspicious. I assumed that I was thinking too much because I was getting a little annoyed at how a she kept trying to get T’s attention.

Eventually I go to the washroom and get out of cosplay. Note that to get to the washrom, you have to walk through a corridor that turns a few corners and there isn’t anything else around except for the janitor’s closet and the other washroom. Lo and behold when I exit the cubicle I get pushed to the floor and get beat up by W and one of her friends. I was more occupied with protecting myself but she was saying words like “Go and die you baka!” “Stupid Mystics bullying Spark! Don’t you dare control my Spark!”

When they eventually left, I didn’t even know what had happened until the pain set in and I passed out. Everything else after that was a blur because I kept going between conscious and unconscious. I remember someone coming into the bathroom and screaming, being lifted up (onto a stretcher), and seeing medical equipment.

My next clear memory was waking up in the hospital. The doctor said I had broken bones, torn muscles, and a bunch of scraps and cuts. The police came in to talk to me after the doctor verified that I was well enough for questions. My parents were also called over for the questioning.

W and her friend were already in jail due to cctv footage from the corridor outside the washrooms so all they needed was to ask me protocol questions and confirm that W and her friend were the ones responsible. They were prosecuted in court and her other friends were also treated as accomplices because they apparently posted on social media about how I was beat up. They’ll be serving jail for a while and a restraining order would also be put on them.

I’m out of hospital now but going through rehab because one of my legs was broken. I think I got off quite lucky, seeing as how they probably could have done much worse. But the one good thing that happened because of this is that T and I got closer and he’s been helping me through my rehab and treating me super nice. So… All’s well that ends well?

ok so like. my sweet lil ass was a weeb from roughly 6th grade-9th grade and 10th was about the time i started falling out, which i guess is good in retrospect? anyways. my school has an anime club that’s been going p strong for a while, even if it is. kinda on the radar for administration at the school.

anyways, they turned the lights out when they played an ep of anime, right? and this one time, apparently. this kid decided “yes i will touch this other kid P Inappropriately Without Her Explicit Consent.” so she like. reported it to the deans i think?? and so everyone got called up that had attended that day, and the whole thing was put on suspension for like. a good month or two, actually.

and from that point on, they’re not allowed to turn the lights on and a good amount of privileges were revoked for that kid.

my Problem w/ this whole thing, is the kid who did that?? is now sitting at my table of friends in the morning and he sits near me generally and it makes me so fuckin uncomfortable lmao. 

i think he’s like. somewhat aware of the fact that some of the table knows he did that, but he won’t move away.

i haven’t attended a meet of anime club in almost a year honestly, i just kinda. fell out of all that.

So last year I had a friend - let’s call him Dave - and he was a big fan of anime. He claimed to have seen 13 000 episodes of anime, was always watching it in his free time, and was learning Japanese so he wouldn’t need subtitles when he watched it. At first I kind of ignored his weeby tendencies (broken Japanese, etc.) but then he said a few things that really broke me.

The first offense came in geography class. You see, Dave claims to be an expert on all things Japanese. History, culture, you name it. So of course it surprised me when I learned he thought I was Chinese. I asked him why and he said “there are barely any anime characters with your name.” Sure, my name isn’t Sakura or Hinata, but it’s still a pretty obviously Japanese name. I realized that Dave’s claims about ‘Japanese expertise’ extended only to anime.

Being the naive motherfucker I am, I continued to be friends with Dave, and eventually we ended up on the topic of racism. One of the things I’m really passionate about is Asians in Hollywood, and seeing as Dave really enjoys Japanese pop culture, I figured he would agree with me. Boy, was I wrong. Dave made it very clear to me that he thinks that movies (specifically action movies) are not a place for Asians. He also made fun of our eyes. Lesson learned: Dave may consume Japanese media excessively, but he doesn’t give a shit about real life Japanese people, or any Asians, for that matter.

After this, I started keeping my distance from Dave, but because I’d never told him I wasn’t interested in friendship anymore, he still initiated conversations with me. One of these conversations was about Dave’s desire to move to Japan. I mentioned the immigration policy and the general xenophobia common in Japan. Dave’s response? “Oh, their population’s getting old. Their economy will crash eventually, and then they'll have to let me in.“ 

That was the last straw. Hoping a country will have an economic crisis in order to fulfill your creepy weeb fantasies is by far the most uncomfortable thing I’ve seen someone do. I cut off my friendship with Dave (it wasn’t a close one - I found him incredibly creepy) and that’s that. I ended up leaving the school, and I’ll most likely never see Dave again. And if I’m gonna be honest, I’m not upset about that.
