#confessions of a mask



“It was not the reality of defeat. Instead, for me—for me alone—it meant that fearful days were beginning. It meant that, whether I would or no, and despite everything that had deceived me into believing such a day would never come, the very next day I must begin that “everyday life” of a member of human society. How the mere words made me tremble!”

— Confessions of a Mask, Yukio Mishima


Yukio Mishima, from Confessions of a Mask [tr. Meredith Weatherby]


Yukio Mishima,Confessions of a Mask (translated by Meredith Weatherby)


Yukio Mishima, from Confessions of a Mask [tr. Meredith Weatherby]

“I was emboldened and strengthened by the parade of misery passing before my eyes. I was experiencing the same excitement that a revolution causes. In the fire these miserable ones had witnessed the total destruction of every evidence that they existed as human beings. Before their eyes they had seen human relationships, loves and hatreds, reason, property, all go up in flame. And at that time it had not been the flames against which they fought, but against human relationships, against loves and hatreds, against reason, against property.”

– excerpt from Confessions of a Mask by Yukio Mishima
