

How to get better sleep.

I have lots of difficulty sleeping so I like to do a lil bit of self care during my various restless nights.

  • Make some warm milk or soothing tea. (I prefer to heat up milk on the stove and add in lavender, honey, and vanilla)
  • Listen to ambient noise. (Rain, piano, lofi, or whatever else you find relaxing)
  • Find bedding that is the comfiest to you. (Silk bed sheets/pillow case and a huge puffy blanket is my preference)
  • Light a calming candle if you have one available. Incense works too. (My favorite scents are of the floral variety, rose in particular)
  • Manage whatever you’re stressing over, otherwise it will definitely keep you up. (My schoolwork stresses me out so I make a to-do list to feel like I have my shit together)
  • Read something in bed! While I generally prefer to watch tv instead of read, it can actually cause you to stay awake. (I’m currently reading “The Bell Jar” but anything works, including comics and manga)
  • Find little things that relieve pain or make your sleeping experience more pleasant! (I have an electric heating pad I sleep on top of)

That’s all for now! I have more ideas but these are the ones that came to mind first. Hope this helps fix ya fucked up sleep schedule!

Sooo cozy! I want to take a nap!

Sooo cozy! I want to take a nap!

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Peaceful ピ 柔 ン ら キ か ー さ 2 0 1 7

ピ 柔
ン ら
キ か
ー さ
2 0 1 7

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