
 “Constancy”19th century Valentine card (18cm x 11.5cm).

19th century Valentine card (18cm x 11.5cm).

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1238/2000JLPT: N1School Grade: Junior high schoolThis character is a combination of ⺊ a variant of d



School Grade: Junior high school

This character is a combination of ⺊ a variant of divination (crack) and 鼎 round kettle (here simplified as 貝). Here 鼎/貝 is a phonetic element signaling the on’yomi, but also being used to express “request/seek.” Originally 貞 meant to “seek to learn the will of the gods by divination.” Its current meanings of “chastity” and “virtue” are thought by some to be a borrowed meaning. Others believe it to be an extended meaning, as in “acting in a manner approved of by the gods.”

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Lauris Dorothy Edmond

I do not ask for youth, nor for delay
in the rising of time’s irreversible river
that takes the jewelled arc of the waterfall
in which I glimpse, minute by glinting minute,
all that I have and all I am always losing
as sunlight lights each drop fast, fast falling.

I do not dream that you, young again,
might come to me darkly in love’s green darkness
where the dust of the bracken spices the air
moss, crushed, gives out an astringent sweetness
and water holds our reflections
motionless, as if for ever.

It is enough now to come into a room
and find the kindness we have for each other
— calling it love — in eyes that are shrewd
but trustful still, face chastened by years
of careful judgement; to sit in the afternoons
in mild conversation, without nostalgia.

But when you leave me, with your jauntiness
sinewed by resolution more than strength
— suddenly then I love you with a quick
intensity, remembering that water,
however luminous and grand, falls fast
and only once to the dark pool below.
