#contributor applications



2 days to go before applications open!

Take a good look at the application requirements to be ready when the time arrives!

The link for the requirements is here!



Applications open in 3 days! We’re excited to see what you have in store for us!

Get ready by checking out our application guidelines here!



Applications are opening pretty soon! Take a look at our guidelines and requirements!

Check them out here!



The Contributor Applications is opened until April 23rd.Make sure to read the requirements correctly!

General Portfolio Requirements for merchandise and page Artists and Writers

Present your best pieces with a singular functional link in the form.
There will be a possibility to share additional works through the portfolio option.
Please make sure the links are working and are accessible by anyone on the mod team. Any link that is not accessible will have their application voided.
NSFW samples are okay, but we would prefer SFW pieces. NSFW samples must be tagged as much.
Your portfolio must include at least 1 Haikyuu piece.

You are not required to have an animal in your samples/portfolio. However, we do recommend including at least one if you do have works with an animal or animal-features of any kind!


Writer Requirements

3 of your best-written pieces.

Each sample must be between 1kand2.5kwords.

A portion of a longer chapter may be submitted, either as an excerpt in the shared document, or by clearly denoting which portion should be read (i.e., specific chapter of a multi/m-chapter fic or starting/ending sentence).

It can either be a published or unpublished piece.

At least one sample must be a finished piece (i.e. not an excerpt from a longer work) that falls within the zine word count (1.5k - 2.5kwords).

Writing Criteria:

Good pacing, flow, and storyline. Works should move smoothly between plot points and draw the reader into the world you’re building. What drives the story? What makes it unique and interesting?

Characterization. Readers should recognize the actions, personality, and motivations of in-story characters. If characters are placed in a different world or with a different set of values, how well-rounded are these traits? Is the reader able to agree and see your writing as true to the character?

Voice and styling. Writing should showcase your passion and/or the passion of your characters and/or narrators. Is there a point of view or opinion that readers will lean into? How does your story evoke emotion for your characters, and in turn, your readers?

Grammar, spelling, and formatting. Writing for the zine will be proofread and edited, but your work should be self-edited so that readers are able to easily follow along with your piece.


PageArtist Requirements

5of your best pieces representing your art style.

At least 2 of these pieces should be in full color with a background (not just flat colors or sketches).

Traditional art is accepted, as long as it is scanned with good quality.

Comics are accepted, but with a maximum of 4panels.

Art Criteria:

Good knowledge of anatomy, color, lighting, composition, perspective, and form. All of these fundamentals help build works that are eye-catching, cohesive and aesthetically pleasing.

Consistent style. Artists are encouraged to showcase their varied styles and approaches to work! However, your application should allow us to evaluate your work and form an expectation of what style your piece will bring to the zine. Whether your art style(s) is realistic, cartoony, or experimental, does your artwork demonstrate a willingness to add your own touch and explore your creativity?

Ability to finish full pieces. Finished compositions and background work are crucial to display the worlds and/or environments in which your characters are placed.


Merchandise Artist Requirements

5 of your best pieces representing your art style.

Merch artwork is preferred, but not required.

Merchandise Criteria:

Good knowledge of concept, colors, lines, and composition. All of these fundamentals help build works that are eye-catching for the merch vibe overall.

Consistent style. Merchandise artists are encouraged to showcase their varied styles and approaches to work! However, your application should allow us to evaluate your work and form an expectation of what style your merchandise will bring to the zine. Whether your art style(s) is realistic, cartoony, or experimental, does your artwork demonstrate a willingness to add your own touch and explore your creativity?

Ability to finish full pieces. Clean lines and attention to detail are crucial to bring a special shine to small scale charms, prints, bookmarks, and other merchandise.

We are impatient to look at your applications! Thank you for your support and interest! ✨

✨ CONTRIBUTOR APPS ARE OPEN! ✨Contributor apps are open! If you’re interested in joining this zine a


Contributor apps are open! If you’re interested in joining this zine as a writer, artist, or merch artist please fill out the form below! All forms will close February 18th 11:59 EST

We’re looking for 40 total contributors, 25 artists, 10 writers, and 5 merch artists.

⚡>>>App Guidelines<<<⚡

>>>Artist Application<<<

>>>Writer Application<<<

>>>Merch Application<<<

Have any questions? Feel free to send an ask and make sure to check out the FAQ!   

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