#nanika zoldyck


Hey everyone! While you’re waiting for mod results and contributor apps please consider filling out this title suggestion form! It will be open until the 21st (when contributor apps open) so if you have an idea for the title feel free to submit it!

Last chance for mod apps!!Mod applications close TODAY at 11:59pm EST! If you’re interested in

Last chance for mod apps!!

Mod applications close TODAYat11:59pm EST! If you’re interested in helping out as a graphics mod, format mod, or beta reader mod then make sure to fill out an application before the form closes!!


>>>MOD APPS<<<

FAQ|Schedule |Twitter

Post link
✨ CONTRIBUTOR APPS ARE OPEN! ✨Contributor apps are open! If you’re interested in joining this zine a


Contributor apps are open! If you’re interested in joining this zine as a writer, artist, or merch artist please fill out the form below! All forms will close February 18th 11:59 EST

We’re looking for 40 total contributors, 25 artists, 10 writers, and 5 merch artists.

⚡>>>App Guidelines<<<⚡

>>>Artist Application<<<

>>>Writer Application<<<

>>>Merch Application<<<

Have any questions? Feel free to send an ask and make sure to check out the FAQ!   

FAQ|Schedule |Twitter

Post link

twin pearls
