#kalluto zoldyck

I had a lot of fun at Yama-con, though I only went on Saturday. I was Sukuna Gojou from K in the aftI had a lot of fun at Yama-con, though I only went on Saturday. I was Sukuna Gojou from K in the aftI had a lot of fun at Yama-con, though I only went on Saturday. I was Sukuna Gojou from K in the aftI had a lot of fun at Yama-con, though I only went on Saturday. I was Sukuna Gojou from K in the aft

I had a lot of fun at Yama-con, though I only went on Saturday. I was Sukuna Gojou from K in the afternoon, and then later at night, I changed into Kalluto Zoldyck from Hxh. (Fei-chan here changed his URL on me, damn yo u) I’m an awkward person I’m sorry if we spoke I’m sorry for me–

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 Game night at the Zoldyck’s They play mario kart & Alluka completely destroys everyoneMil Game night at the Zoldyck’s They play mario kart & Alluka completely destroys everyoneMil Game night at the Zoldyck’s They play mario kart & Alluka completely destroys everyoneMil

Game night at the Zoldyck’s

They play mario kart & Alluka completely destroys everyone
Milluki is a Rosalina main, and Killua plays as Cat Peach
Illumi never wins but the only time he’s close to getting first place he gets brutally blueshelled by Kalluto, and that’s the story of how Silva imposed the “Zoldycks can’t kill each other” rule

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Most of the Milluki Zoldyck hate, from what I’ve seen, comes from straight up fatphobia. Deadass, if Milluki suddenly became skinny and looked like Illumi but had the same shitty personality, the whole narrative would be “Aww, he’s just a bratty bottom.” “Him just baby, he can’t help it .” “I wanna hug Milluki and give him the love he needs ” “Cute nerdy boy Milluki ”

Milluki would be the easiest Zoldyck to reform.

And I’m not talking about those “Milluki loses weight and is suddenly nice because he’s ‘handsome’ and not fat anymore” fanfics and fanarts. Who’s to say Milluki loathes himself because of his weight ? That’s just a dumb assumption, sure, he probably does get picked on by his family, mainly his parents and grandpa, because he’s the portly one out of all of them, but they also judge and criticize him for everything else, so I think his weight would be one of the last things on his mind.

But think about it, Milluki is actually really smart and skilled with computers, he’s basically the family IT guy whenever they have a problem that has something to do with technology.

But what if he decided to leave ? In my opinion, I don’t think his family would care, considering that they think he’s a failure as an assassin and a son. They wouldn’t miss him like they miss Killua. Sure they’d be losing their IT guy, but they could easily just hire someone for that role. And I’m not even sure they realized he actually left the house for the first time in years when he went to Yorknew City.

What if at that moment, when he came back, he realizes that nobody even noticed that he was gone and it inspires him to leave ? He realizes that they truly don’t care.

Milluki is young and talented, so he could easily get a job that can use his skills and could even enroll in a university and could get multiple degrees.

His personality is also shitty because he’s stuck in the house with people who don’t care about him or notice him, so he doesn’t really socialize as much as he should, so if he went and found some anime nerds with common interests (assuming they aren’t the shitty incel type who’d influence his already shitty personality) he could probably make fast friends that way. He’d be a little awkward at first but he’d eventually get into the rythm.

In eighth grade I once made a fanfic where Milluki simply just had to leave the house because there was an anime figure he wanted that could only be bought in stores and he bumped into a person who wanted the same figure and they just talked and got to know each other and it was the first person who acknowledged him and showed him kindness in years, so he was eager to get away from his family and change himself for them but he was scared that they would just abandon him and ignore him just like everyone else.

Milluki could actually survive and make it in the real world if he just had the motivation and if he did ever get out and touch some grass and met some people, his spoiled man-child personality would probably decrease expeditiously. It wouldn’t be completely gone, but he’d probably just be reduced to more of an know-it-all dork who always has a 'I’m smarter than everyone in this room, so when I say Sailor Moon can beat Goku, it’s a fact, don’t question my judgment !“ personality but can turn it off whenever he has to do something important or when he wants to make new friends.


I get really sad whenever I think about the Zoldyck siblings. I literally can’t hate any of them, and I actually feel SORRY for them. Whenever I bring this up to Killua stans they get all offended because like ‘Oh ThEY AbUsEd kIlLuA!!” and I’m like, yeah, I understand that, but why do y’all think that is??? All of the Zoldyck children were conditioned by KIKYO AND SILVA to think that the way they behave now is how you show love. They think “disciplining” Killua and each other is showing love because that’s how their PARENTS treated all of them.

And this is me speaking without bringing up the fact that Killua DIDN’T EVEN HAVE IT THE WORST OUT OF ALL OF THEM! I personally think Illumi and Alluka had it the worst, and then Killua!! Alluka was literally locked in a basement and DENIED HUMAN CONTACT because of something she couldn’t control! Again, an effect of conditioning from their parents, except this one made them think that because Alluka wasn’t like them, that she couldn’t be considered as family.

Illumi, as the oldest son, was used as an expirement! Every torture and training method Silva and Kikyo used on Killua and the others was probably used on Illumi first to see how effective they were, INCLUDING THE REALLY BAD ONES, and as a result, he lost the capability to empathize with others and take in his own emotions in a healthy way! He thinks the way he behaves with Killua is showing his love in a positive way because that is how they conditioned him to think! He isn’t even capable of thinking that Hisoka and him are connected in any way outside of “associates” BECAUSE THEY DON’T TREAT EACH OTHER LIKE ASS, AND THEY DON;T ABSUE EACH OTHER. HE THINKS THAT’S HOW YOU HAVE TO BEHAVE TO LOVE EACH OTHER.

Don’t think I’m leaving out Milluki or Kalluto either! Milluki is very obviously their least favorite child after Alluka! They use him for his technical prowess and then they leave him alone and don;t bother talking to him outside of that! Kikyo LITERALLY yells at him and ignores him when it’s very clear that all he wants is validation, but she refuses to give ANY to him, instead showering Kilua in her twisted ass “love” and “affection”.

Kalluto is the EXACT SAME WAY, except he wants attention from Killua, but he literally pays him no mind because he thinks that Alluka is the only one that actually cares for him in a positive way!! Which, in all truth, is fair, but still. Kalluto is literally paid no mind by anyone in that family because he’s the baby! Kikyo was basically using him as a little doll until he joined the phantom troupe! After he joins the Phantom troupe, you can see how reacts to their actual GOOD relationships in the troupe with their whole no fihting other troupe members thign and stuff, and that just makes him even more focused on getting Killua back because he just wants acknowledgement from his brother.

I’m not denyig that Killua had a bad childhood, but if Killua had a bd childhood, HOW DO YOU THINK THE REST OF HIS SIBLINGS WERE TREATED?!?!?!

Basically, this is now a Zoldyck siblings stan account, and a Kikyo and Silva hate page!! Zeno is on THIN fucking ice


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Recoloured this kalluto

Recoloured this kalluto

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So Kalluto just carries round paper like this huh

So Kalluto just carries round paper like this huh

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Silva: Grumpy dragon guy does not like the beach a bit. His hair pulled into a low bun,wears a custom made happi coat with his chest bare, loose cotton pants and slippers, just sitting underneath a beach parasol.

Kikyo: Well, does she have the time of her life? Huge beach hat on top of her head, wearing a 50s styled swimwear and beach kimono,eating a giant bowl of rainbow shaved ice.

Silva: Stereotypical flirty old man if you leave the “pervert” part out. Really gets a kick out of it if women blush. Smacks Silva on the head for complaining like a baby.

Illumi: Chasing Killua with a bottle of sun cream. Wearing swim trunks that matches his beach cover up with his hair in either a french braid or in a bun. Gets a lot of attention from people but just blinks at them.

Milluki: Got buried under the sand by Killua. Said boy ironically made a pig in the sand.

Killua: Surfing and eating ice cream when he’s done hiding from Illumi and the sun cream.

Alluka: This girl doesn’t make a sand castle. She pulls out a damn mansion and it’s so impressve that it even made Silva stop bitching. Also the one that gets a lot of attention from boys cause of her dress-like swimwear, but the deadly aura from Killua would chase them away.

Kalluto: This young salt is tanning, minding their own damn business. Often looking at their phone, texting their “friends” *coughtroupecough* Not going to swim, not with them wearing a fabulous Bohemian Beach Style Jumpsuit that makes everyone seeing green with envy.

Phantom Troupe members as fashion brands#4 Kalluto Zoldyck  - GU ジーユーPhantom Troupe members as fashion brands#4 Kalluto Zoldyck  - GU ジーユーPhantom Troupe members as fashion brands#4 Kalluto Zoldyck  - GU ジーユーPhantom Troupe members as fashion brands#4 Kalluto Zoldyck  - GU ジーユーPhantom Troupe members as fashion brands#4 Kalluto Zoldyck  - GU ジーユーPhantom Troupe members as fashion brands#4 Kalluto Zoldyck  - GU ジーユーPhantom Troupe members as fashion brands#4 Kalluto Zoldyck  - GU ジーユーPhantom Troupe members as fashion brands#4 Kalluto Zoldyck  - GU ジーユーPhantom Troupe members as fashion brands#4 Kalluto Zoldyck  - GU ジーユー

Phantom Troupe members as fashion brands

#4 Kalluto Zoldyck  - GU ジーユー

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Idk what the general opinion on Tumblr is on posting random sketches, but I suddenly felt the need to draw what I think Gon and Killua (with a bonus Kalluto) would look like in their early to mid twenties!

I’d imagine that Killua would experiment a lot with fashion and hairstyles over the years (and I think he’d be a lot more free spirited appearance-wise once he no longer needed to take care of Alluka) while Gon would just like switch out his green outfit for another green outfit and call it a day, maybe having slightly shorter hair but he basically looks the same. I also hc that all of the younger Zoldyck siblings end up being SUPER tall while Gon remains very short

I have a lot more headcanons about the HXH characters in like ten years but for the sake of brevity I’ll stop here, though I do have personality hcs for Leorio and Kurapika I don’t have a clear visual for them yet
