#converting to judaism


Alright so, I’m really baffled by this, but are mezuzah necklaces actually a thing? I saw several on Amazon while I was looking for a new Magen David necklace for my daughter, and it smells like Messianic bullshit willful misinterpretation to me, but…I don’t know…

…but I got a really patronising question on Ask.fm the other day and thought I would share both the question and my answer. 

Context: I am in the process of converting to Judaism. 

As a feminist and a lefty, why do you want to convert to an archaic, misogynistic, white-supremacist heteropatriarchal Abrahamic religion such as Judaism? Like, it’s not that different from CofE, so why dont you just stick with Christianity? Or convert to something more progressive like Buddhism?

Ok. Why don’t I “stick with Christianity”? Because I’ve never BEEN Christian or CofE (Church of England). I spent my whole childhood going to schools where I learnt about Christian values and about Jesus, sang hymns that I didn’t understand and said prayers I didn’t believe in, where at my (Quaker-founded) high school 40% of the girls were Muslim or Hindu or Sikh which really summed up the ridiculousness of school-enforced religion to me. I’ve never really approached Christianity of my own will, and I’ve never felt it’s the “right” path for me. I don’t feel that way about Judaism. Judaism makes sense to me. You can tell me it’s misogynistic, patriarchal, not progressive etc, but I know that the Judaism I’m learning is none of those things. It’s helping me see my life as part of a whole, to take responsibility for my life and also to be thankful that I’m here at all and able to make this choice. I’m pretty much done answering judgemental questions on conversion now, thanks.

Guess who’s a fully fledged, official, bas Yisrael???

…. THIS GIRL. <3
