#coran smythe


After watching the heartbreaking, tearjerking finale of Voltron Legendary Defender, it gave me time to think about the future of the Paladins + Coran. Specifically their bloodlines. 

Now we don’t know much about the biology of the Galra species but we can assume that they have longer lifespans than humans. Lotor has lived for a very long time (long enough that he could establish a colony and see generations of said colony) and Zarkon has survived 10 000+ years with the likely help of quintessence. That being said, who’s our favourite half-galra paladin of Voltron? Mr emo boi Keith Kogane himself. 

Now this got me thinking. Under the assumption that Galra do live longer than humans, this means that Keith could quite possibly outlive the rest of the paladins and many of those he considers friends. 

Another thing. We also don’t know much about the biology of the Altean species but we can assume that they also live longer than humans. There’s no specific amount of time that the original paladins of Voltron served, but assuming that King Alfor had to plan and construct all five lions which could take a long time, then be one of the paladins and have a daughter who grew into a young adult, we can assume that Alteans have a longer lifespan. That being said, who’s our original Altean and our somewhat Altean? Coran and Lance. 

Now Coran, being slightly older, may not outlive Keith perhaps but Lance is a different situation. We don’t exactly know what happened to Lance when Allura (R.I.P.) turned him into an Altean. Did she just give him the face marks? Did she completely alter his bloodline and biology? We don’t know and we may never know for sure. But if she did alter his biology, then we can assume that he lives a longer. 

Now here comes the hurt.

Obviously the paladins don’t live forever. There will be at some point that a paladin doesn’t make it to the annual Allura (R.I.P) day dinner at Altea because they passed. Soon they just start disappearing one by one. And who’s left? Coran (possibly) but if we are going along with this theory, Keith and Lance will be the only ones left. 

If Coran was the only one left, it’ll be just like the beginning. Just him and Allura (R.I.P.) alone. But this time Allura’s (R.I.P.) a statue. Coran, being alone at the statue of the person he swore to protect and had come to protect the paladins that have gone before him. 

Now if Lance was the only paladin left, he’d be alone at the statue of the love of his life without his friends, the people who always had his back and he always had theirs. The people he had so selfless protected now gone and well, I imagine he’d be feeling a little lost. 

If Keith was the last one left, then he’d be alone at the statue like a lone wolf once again like he was at the start of the series and without the people he’s has come to let into his life and place his trust in. The people he’s come to accept as a family and put down his barriers for but now they’re gone and he’s alone again just like he was years ago. 

Well this was slightly emotional. oops. 
