#coronavirus cw


Ahahaha shit, literally five people at college have covid now, among them the three people I had boba tea with after college on Friday, the girl I was talking to at lunch all the time and the girl sitting behind me. My tests are still negative, but boy do I feel like a walking plague rat

But hey, the German government got rid off all covid restrictions except masks on public transport yesterday, because covid is over now, amrite

We had the first positive in-class covid test this week and of course it’s a girl who wears her mask under her nose all the time and who -as far as I’ve been told- isn’t fully vaccinated

Other classmate, trying to cheer her up: “Are you alright, though? At least you don’t feel sick, so it probably won’t be that bad.”

Her: “Well, I’ve been a little sick for the past few days, but it’s ok, I’ve just got a light cough.”

Me: *internally screaming*

Also when I was out of my mind with Covid fever the other night I managed to get myself through it by thinking “you know what? Diggory Graves gets dissociative episodes sometimes too. I bet they also get body aches and a sore throat and stuff since they’re undead and sewn together. If they can get through it so can I” and you know what it worked




[ID: twitter thread from Dr. Rob Davidson @/DrRobDavidson dated 6/5/20 that reads:

IMPORTANT: In coming weeks, as #COVID19 numbers stay high (or rise) in many states, @/realdonaldtrump may try to blame it on #BlackLivesMatter protests. As an ER doc, I can tell you it’s a stunt designed to evade accountability & should be refuted ASAP. Here are the facts: 1/8

We’re seeing a spike in cases of #COVID19 in AR, AZ, CA, MA, NC, NH, NV, OK, SC, TN, UT, and WA.And FL saw the most cases in 1 day this week. The cause? The rushed & reckless #reopeningofAmerica pushed by @/realDonaldTrump while failing to implement a national testing program. 2/8

Reopening may help the president’s jobs numbers, and it’s certainly understandable Americans are growing impatient. But we need to do it responsibly, or cases will rise. And we must have a #TraceandTest program in place. Many docs & public health experts warned about this. 3/8

The president has a transparent motive to link a rise in #COVID19 to #peacefulprotests against police brutality. However, reopening entire states nationwide is far more risky than targeted protests in select cities. We wouldn’t see an impact of protests for another few wks. 4/8

Further, while there may be risk of getting #COVID19 from gathering close to others, the risk of an African American man dying at the hands of the police in their lifetime is 1/1000. Which means the current state of policing in America is a public health crisis. 5/8

The difference between these protests & anti-lockdown protests of weeks past? Previous protests opposed the very measures that were clearly flattening the curve of #COVID19. This week’s protests oppose measures that are killing Americans. They’re opposites. 6/8

The vast majority of protesters against police brutality this week have been shown wearing masks. By contrast, the folks screaming at police in the Michigan state Capitol – and the partiers at the pool party in Lake of the Ozarks – went out of their way not to wear them. 7/8

Bottom line: If we see a big spike in #COVID19 cases, it’s due to lack of testing & contact tracing, & a weak president rushing to reopen society prematurely for political reasons. Don’t let @/realdonaldtrump use politics to rewrite history or shift blame. #BlackLivesMatter 8/8

/end ID]
