#racism tw



I like to think that Reginald Hargreeves was seen a incredibly progressive for the 50s, 60s and 70s because he simply didn’t understand the point of bigotry

Reporter: these are your children?


Reporter: but those three aren’t white!

Reginald, confused because no one’s skin is completely white:what?

Reporter: they’re not of European descent

Reginald: oh! Yes, they aren’t

Reporter: so why have you adopted them?

Reginald: to save the world, same as the other children

Reporter: but they’re not white!

Reginald: yes, and I don’t see what that has to do with anything

king-chaos-world: weaver-z: restarttheworld: weaver-z: fancy-fancy: apoliticalfemdomappreciator: gla







glad my great x4 grandmother got her animals killed and baking supplies spoiled so people on the internet can dunk on that. feels great, terrific

I hope Sherman dunked on your Meemaw harder than Vince Carter at the 2000 Sydney Olympics

Ya’ll are fucking assholes.

I hope your Confederate ancestors learn from the afterlife that their descendant is running a catboy roleplay blog and die again

Hey little racist ass confed ‘white power" lookin ass bitches!

Things that lasted longer than the pwecious lil confederacy restarttheworld loves so much:

The Obama Presidency

My Chemical Romance

Ru Paul’s Drag Race

The Doritos Locos Tacos

And many, many more!!!

Post link




Just your daily reminders:

  • Racists are a problem
  • White people are not
  • Homophobes are a problem
  • Straight people are not
  • Transphobes are a problem
  • Cis people are not
  • Sexists are a problem
  • Men are not

And most importantly,

  • Hating an innocent person solely because of their race, sexuality, or gender makes you a fucking asshole


In addition, it also makes you racist, homophobic, and sexist. :D

@Everybody Who Thinks It’s Okay To say stuff like

“I hate white people”

“I have straight people”

“I hate cis people”

And, also…

“I hate men”

Acceptance is a two way street, assholes.



this needs to spread outside of italy. 3 days ago willy monteiro, a 21 years old  italian boy, was beaten up to death by 4 people. his fault? he was trying to defend a friend. their names: marco bianchi, gabriele bianchi, mario pincarelli, francesco belleggia. since willy had capo verdean origins and had dark skin, one of the aggressors relatives commented what happened with: “what did he do so bad? he just killed an immigrant” following alongside the demands of justice. the journalists describe them as four boys with the cult of tattoos. but they’re just fascists.


there’s not many sources available in english yet, but here’s one i found, along with 3 more (art 2, art 3,art 4)

and here’s a few articles available via google translate ( art 1,art 2,art 3)



Today, only one of the LMPD officers responsible for the death of Breonna Taylor was indicted on three counts of wanton endangerment. For firing into neighboring apartments. He is being held on a $15,000 bond. The other two officers are still employed by LMPD.

Today, Kentucky has confirmed that the life of Breonna Taylor did not matter.

donate to the Louisville Community Bail Fund here.

donate to Healing for Louisville here.

donate to the BLM General Fund here.

donate to a Kentucky-based BIPOC anti-eviction fund here.

countessofleslandia:Yuri Kochiyama Often in the discussion of civil rights history, Asian-American


Yuri Kochiyama

Often in the discussion of civil rights history, Asian-Americans are overlooked.  Let’s reverse that trend and learn a little bit about Yuri Kochiyama.  The disappearance of her father following the bombing of Pearl Harbor and her subsequent imprisonment in a Japanese internment camp inspired a lifetime of human rights activism and scholarship. She met her husband, Bill Kochiyama, while “interned” in Jerome, Arkansas.

In 1960, she relocated to Harlem, where she became familiar with the one and only Malcolm X.  She has advocated on behalf of Puerto Rican sovereignty, peace movements, the rights of political prisoners, and nuclear disarmament.

Author Diane Fujino does Kochiyama significantly more justice in her NPR Brief.

For her whole story, check out Heartbeat of Struggle: The Revolutionary Life of Yuri Kochiyama

Kochiyama was also nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2005, as if she couldn’t get any cooler.

This interview is also amazing

Post link











Also Aphobes:


this stuff is harrasment/ bullying, if you do this you are breaking the law in quiet a few countries and breaking tumblr rules of service, not only is it uncalled for and disgusting you are commiting a crime/breaking terms and conditions

if you see ANYONE (gay,straight,trans cis,black,white doesn’t matter) telling ANYONE to go die report it Immediately because it is crossing a line


This shit is absolutely disgusting. What sorry excuses of human beings willingly go out of their way to harass people because of their sexuality…….oh wait

And it’s still not over either. Check out some of this new and truly disgusting aphobic bullshit:

Apparently, being against telling ANYONE to go die or kill themselves is being pro-terf… (ughhhhh!!! i’m also against the death penalty, does that make me a super terf then?!?! like honestly, go read a book)

Oh and this:

So, hearing about the corrective rape experiences of aces is “annoying” bc “aces aren’t lgbt” according to the above aphobe, and so we all just need to shut up about it. JOY

Maybe the above is not a death threat or anything like that, but dehumanization like this is the exact type of shit that rationalizes and reinforces all this aphobic violence.

 And of course, here’s more aphobic hell (including racism & more death/suicide baiting):

What “exactly” is it that we have supposedly collectively done to deserve this kind of seething, violent hate?!?!?!???? Read those tags on the last one, it’s the things of nightmares!!

But yeah, no, of course, 

I mean, it’s not as if wishing to deny us aspecs our right to life (often in very violent ways) just because we’re aspec isn’t invalidating in any way…. /s

Aaaaand here’s some new stuff:

damn wtf did aces do to these people?! why so much hate towars em

Existing against their will, I suppose.



posting a tiktok here bc she really said it all!!!

edit: i don’t have very many followers so i didn’t expect this to get any notes or anything but now it is! and it’s mostly from terfs! and i want them to know: FUCK YOU. THIS IS NOT FOR YOU. MY BLOG IS NOT FOR YOU. GET OFF.

[VD: A TikTok stitch made by user @staceyismom from user @citizenattorney1’s original video. Citizenattorney1, a white man, says, “The [Asian women] that are here are like, not cool, not nice, I rarely meet a sweet one.” It then cuts to staceyismom, an Asian woman, doing a bunch of exaggerated cutesy poses. She says mockingly, “… Hey, guys, do I seem cool, nice, and sweet enough yet? I just really want this 60-year-old guy to like me. Anyway.” (Cut to a shot where she’s holding the camera closer to her face.) “Pedophilia’s all about like power dynamics and control because it’s so easy to take advantage of like seven-year-olds. And it’s so weird because whenever white men with Asian fetishes talk about Asian women, they always talk about us like we’re babies. East Asians are known for kind of having, like, a babyface, and not having a lot of body hair, and there comes the whole submissive trope. This is also why so many Japanese and Korean people hate weebs and Koreaboos, because—” Cut to a shot where she is once again farther away from the camera and doing cutesy poses. She continues, “—because whenever white girls Asianfish, they always put on, like, this stupid little baby act where they’re like ‘Oh my God, I’m just a cute little Asian babygirl.’” (Cut back to her holding the camera.) “They play into fetishization and add on to negative stereotypes by making themselves look more Asian and then becoming a little uwu baby.” (Cut back to her posing. She addresses citizenattorney1 again:) “Just because no one wants to suck your dick here doesn’t mean you get to go to Asia and then prey on young women, just die alone like you deserve.” End VD]

[ID: A graphic of a skull and crossbones with the words “Terfs fuck off.” End ID]


This is probably going to make people unfollow but w/e.

I really want to do a couple stories, especially one about Alice as a queen and Arthur as her twin brother, Duke of Wessex.


Keep reading

I was going to send individual replies to the kind and sweet folks who replied to this post, and while I may still do so– and those of you who replied, if you want to DM me to chat I’m ALWAYS down–

I received another comment that was absolutely outraged at speaking ill of the dead and how the sun shone out Prince Philip’s ass. (Not really, but that’s the impression I got.) 

(Shown above. Pardon the discoloration, I’ve got Flux going.)


**CW/TW FOR RACISM, XENOPHOBIA, MENTIONS OF WAR, DEATH, FAMINE, R*PE, ETC** Click & read the links at your own risk! 

However, as one of the oldest (now formerly) living vestiges of an empire whose systems, prejudices and corruptions are still alive and well–within Great Britain as well as globally–the late Duke of Edinburgh was a symbol of the bloated and overwrought stodgy system that waste(s/d) money like it’s going out of style. (Fun fact: While the British Empire’s territorial reach peaked in the 1920s [source] I have seen it argued that its actual economic/”strength” peak of influence seems to have been between 1870 and 1913.)

If I were to espouse on the legacy of the British Empire, we’d be here all day and I don’t have the time/energy for that. Nonetheless, I want to touch on things that are actively happening in Britain still: Passive historical revisionism (largely by omission) regarding the true scope and consequences of British imperialism, nationalism, and colonialism; and of course, the perpetuation (in no small part stemming from the cultural habit of understating things) of casual racism.

Sources & Discussions:One|Two|Three|Four // And literally every single British friend I’ve ever had.

As for the casual racism? How about the active, systemic racism? Really, must we go over the entire debacle with Meghan Markle a g a i n ? Just because racism doesn’t manifest quite the same on a cultural level as it does in the United States, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. The particular extra special insidious nature of British xenophobia is that, when it is not obvious, it is understated, toned down. The obvious shit in the US is already difficult enough to deal with because of centuries of gaslighting and ignorance, but Britain has its own brand of bigotries that often get ignored or brushed aside in the shadow of American drama. And it SHOULDN’T.

The best example of this is the referral to Prince Philip’s bullshit as “gaffes.” 

Here’s the definition of “gaffe”:

(Asking a person of color if they’re still throwing spears isn’t a fucking gaffe, you absolute knobs.)


Now let’s see some things Ol Phil has said…

Actually, fuck it, I’m tired. You get the whole shebang (if you’ll bother to read it) and I even did the legwork. Here’s some good reading I bothered to dig up regarding systemic abuse, racism, and other dumb bullshit surrounding the BRF, with a healthy dose of historical context.

Sources & Discussions:One|Two|Three|Four|Five |Six|Seven |Eight 

Also here’s some interesting reads on things like the toxic masculinity of the Empire and its incompetency that stemmed from concepts of personal honor. And just general Empire history.

Sources & Discussions: One |Two|Three


TL;DR: The BRF is an economic drain and an albatross on the future of the UK.

Don’t come at me saying I’m ~speaking ill of the dead~ and ~haven’t done my research~. Definitely don’t come at me like I’m ~hating~ on Brits either. I absolutely adore British history and I adore studying its culture, past and present (though I am hardly any kind of expert). It is because of that love that I have an obligation to observe not only the historical context, but also the less glamorous side of what that history and culture represent. Love may be blind, but in and of itself does not cause nor excuse blindness. 

You, my dear Reader, are allowed to be proud of where you’re from–what really matters is what exactly you’re proud of, and how willing you are to try and understand what it all means.

If, after all of that, you still don’t want to follow this blog, I promise it’s very easy to click the button and go.




Reblogging this once more because my mom and I legitimately laughed to tears.

this is my favorite video on the internet

mental health tip: save this video. watch it when you’re sad. it’s the best goddamn thing on the internet

“I wish people would stop making everything about race whenever they see a dark skinned character li

“I wish people would stop making everything about race whenever they see a dark skinned character like Noe.“

Post link


PSA - Delete any asks you receive about “joyofsatan.org!”

We’ve been through the “Gold Star Lesbian” spam asks, as well as the amegaotaku/rekka007 ones, and it seems that the new copypasta spam ask everyone is receiving is one where people are asked what they think of Joyofsatan.org, claiming them to be “the largest Satanist organization in the world.”

These asks are mostly sent to users who frequently talk about the occult and/or witchcraft, feminist bloggers, and Jewish users, with the message slightly altered for each person it’s sent to. Here are the two most common variations of the ask:

“What do you think of Joyofsatan.org? They claim to follow the Pagan Goddess Lilith/Lalitha, they’re pro-choice and they’re the largest Satanist group in the world.” <- This one also occasionally includes “they support women’s rights” after “they’re pro-choice.” This also seems to be the most commonly sent ask.

“What do you think of Joyofsatan.org? They claim to follow the Sumerian God Enki-Satan and they’ve become the largest Satanist group in the world.”

Although these asks are usually sent on anon, they’re also sent by the burner account 88643468, presumably to bypass anyone who has anon asks turned off, so I suggest blocking that account, especially if you have anon asks turned off.

Now, the reason you should delete these asks, instead of engaging, is because the Joy of Satan Ministries in question is a Neo-Nazi group, as detailed on the Wikipedia page I just linked, and these asks appear to be a recruiting tactic, going by the types of users most commonly spammed with the asks, and how the asks are re-worded depending on who they’re sent to; instead of a singular copypasta that gets sent to everyone, it’s variations of the copypasta that are each targeted towards a different demographic.

The people sending these asks want you and your followers to go to the Joy of Satan website, so that it gains more traffic and, of course, to suck people into their white supremacist cult.

So please, please, don’t engage, just delete the asks and block the 88643468 account, and if someone you follow answers one of these asks, urge them to delete their post and to block the 88643468 account for extra measure. Right now is also a good time to disable anonymous asks, or even take it a step further and only allow asks from people you follow, just in case 88643468 isn’t the only burner account.

Please share this.

Edit: They do in fact have another burner account; please block jezebel-tarot. Also, as many people have pointed out and I myself noticed while typing this out, the other burner account’s URL starts with “88” which is a Neo-Nazi dogwhistle. Edit 2: The jezebel-tarot account is gone, but a great-dragon account has taken its place… yes, the account’s name is in fact a KKK rank. Please block the great-dragon account.

They are also targeting the following groups:

  • Hindu users, now claiming that JoS is “the largest Hindu group” and claiming to follow Shiva in an attempt to attract them.
  • Black users, attempting to attract them to the site by talking about Blacks for Satan and ATRs.
  • Catholic users and Christian users, unsurprisingly, no doubt to get hateclicks as traffic to their website, and “debate” from the person receiving the ask.
  • Atheist users, probably with the same intent of getting hateclicks and “debate.”
  • In general, they seem to target anyone who follows any religion, again no doubt to get “debate” out of them.

Speaking of how these people are trying to bait others into “debating” them, here is one of the four lovely asks I received just this morning, which I’ve noticed other people also receive this specific ask after telling these bastards to fuck off for being white supremacists:

“Joyofsatan.org are not white supremacists.Joyofsatan.org (JoS) is ran by people of color. JoS follows non-white Pagan Gods and gay Gods. JoS has a black high priestess, Asian high priest, Hispanic High Priestess, etc. Josafrica.com was created by Shannon Outlaw whom is a black woman and the high priestess of JoS.The JoS websites have repeatedly stated that people of any race can join them. According to ancient-forums.com which is the official JoS forums, there’s thousands upon thousands of non-white and mixed race JoS members that have their own spaces on the forum. I’m a mixed race person of color.The Abrahamic religions are anti-Satanic, anti-Pagan, anti-women and anti-gay so why can’t JoS be anti-Abrahamic? JoS supports women’s rights and gay rights. JoS was founded by a woman and worships Pagan Goddesses.”

The fact I and others have received this ask, and variations of it making similar claims that JoS is “ran by people of color” and isn’t actually racist, all after pointing out that they’re a white supremacist cult, is EXACTLY why I am urging people to delete the asks they receive instead of engaging. As I said before, they WANT people to “debate” them as it gets them more attention.

I know this post has over 8.5k notes at the time of me making this edit, but I urge people to reblog this edit instead.

brazilianism:Brazil, the 20th of November. A Holiday - Feriado da Consciência Negra - Black Conscienbrazilianism:Brazil, the 20th of November. A Holiday - Feriado da Consciência Negra - Black Conscienbrazilianism:Brazil, the 20th of November. A Holiday - Feriado da Consciência Negra - Black Conscienbrazilianism:Brazil, the 20th of November. A Holiday - Feriado da Consciência Negra - Black Conscienbrazilianism:Brazil, the 20th of November. A Holiday - Feriado da Consciência Negra - Black Conscienbrazilianism:Brazil, the 20th of November. A Holiday - Feriado da Consciência Negra - Black Conscienbrazilianism:Brazil, the 20th of November. A Holiday - Feriado da Consciência Negra - Black Conscien


Brazil, the 20th of November. A Holiday - Feriado da Consciência Negra - Black Conscience day.

A 40 year old black man, João Alberto Silveira Freitas, was beaten to death by two security guards at a Carrefour supermarket after a discussion. 

This spiked up protests with the “black lives matter” motto translated into Portuguese - “vidas pretas importam” - all over the country. Also, we’re now burning a few supermarkets. 

Post link

My blog is supposed to be solely for lesbian/LGBT content, but having the platform that I do, this is too important to not post about. As a non-black lesbian, I must speak up against the injustices faced by the black community, and I urge my followers to do the same. The LGBT community owes so much to black gays and lesbians both historically and today. Please consider donating to any of these organizations shown in the picture. I will provide the links for them below.

George Floyd’s Family’s GoFundMe: https://gofundme.com/f/georgefloyd

Minnesota Freedom Fund: https://minnesotafreedomfund.org

Black Visions Collective: https://www.blackvisionsmn.org

Reclaim the Block: https://www.reclaimtheblock.org

Campaign Zero: https://www.joincampaignzero.org

Unicorn Riot: https://unicornriot.ninja

Both NBPOC (non-black people of colour) and white people have the responsibility to combat anti-blackness in our communities. As an Asian lesbian, it is my responsibility to combat anti-black racism in the Asian and LGBT communities. I again urge my followers, if you have not already, start supporting black lives and uplifting black voices today.


not to be a hater but i fucking despise the youtuber wendigoon for making an entire brand out of a native american legend, but not even the fact that its blatant appropriation, but that its based around one of the things you arent even supposed to acknowledge or say the name of out loud. and now theyre making plushes out of it like its something cute and quirky…

….its not like people arent telling them this is not fucking ok, but whatever right

I spent today talking about this on the twitter account, but here’s an official post stating that I won’t ever be involved with any racist/fetishizing flags and anything I make will only be on here or the Twitter (gayflagtwit).

Here’s that thread if you need it. I’m tired but I’ll correct any grammar/wording issues and update, I just might be slower.


Although this is literally the bare minimum, it’s promising to finally see Star Wars have their lead actors speak up against the racism their costars face.

Ewan discussed the racism and hate Moses is facing, on the official Star Wars Instagram account.

Its genuinely the least they can do as a cooperation, but it’s just really nice to see the racism and hate acknowledged in a sincere way and not dismissively.

Speaking up does something.

Speak up. Demand accountability from LucasArts and support actors of color.

This issue presents writing by Afro-Italian women. In the face of xenophobic rhetoric and policies, Black Italians have pushed their country to confront its colonial past and engage with its present diversity. The writers featured here plumbboth contemporary and historical experiences of Blackness within Italy.



terfs arent feminists isnt the same as denying that there are bigots in feminism. its meant to be that feminism should be intersectional, and that means forcing terfs out of feminist spaces, that they do not fit what feminism should be about, and that terfs should not be included in feminist spaces. that is what i am meaning with that post of mine. terfs use feminism as their excuse for bigotry - they should be forced out of feminist spaces, because their bigotry does not fit the values of what feminism should be and what intersectional feminism is.

if u have any questions about this, it is okay for u to ask them if u want.

fixed post, if u wanna rb this is the version

why its been fixed https://isappho.tumblr.com/post/662667640682283008/are-not-arent-im-sorry

fyi this is because my laptop and my train of thought when typing do not mix v well sometimes. so what happened here basically is that i had been trying to retype something and it didnt work



i’m so fucking tired of international media reporting on the philippine election with the undertone of “poor uncivilized savage uneducated little brown asian country is so so sooooo stupid for electing a dictator’s son” as if there aren’t thousands on the streets protesting it, as if there isn’t electoral fraud, as if there aren’t people staying at voting precincts for over 24 hours just to be denied their right to vote, as if this isn’t a product of decades of US-backed imperialism and as if foreign powers don’t have a hand in this decades-long project of historical revisionism. if you aren’t reporting about the philippine election with these contexts in mind then don’t report at all because fuck you we do not need your pity nor your “help”

exactly this. it’s what i was going for when i mentioned how foreign powers have their hands dirty in meddling with our elections. before cambridge analytica and facebook fucked over the US 2016 elections they fucked with ours here in the same year. and now facebook, youtube, and tiktok are willing accomplices to a massive disinformation and historical revisionist campaign because it makes them a quick buck.

mutablefire:ethiopienne:America’s grotesque amusement: the joke is on black women again by Britt



America’s grotesque amusement: the joke is on black women againby Brittney Cooper

This past weekend, Kerry Washington became only the eighth Black woman to host “Saturday Night Live.”  The paltry representation of black women on “SNL” is obviously shameful: In the 38-year history of the show, there have only been four black women cast members, averaging about one per decade.

The show attempted to poke fun at its own sexualized racism (and racialized sexism) without of course ever calling it that, by putting up a statement apologizing for its lack of black female cast members — after a particularly funny sketch in which Kerry Washington was asked to play Michelle Obama, Oprah Winfrey and Beyoncé in a span of about five minutes.

Unfortunately, the show undercut its own attempt at self-deprecation, by ending its public service announcement by saying: “we agree this is not an ideal situation and look forward to rectifying it in the near future … unless of course we fall in love with another white guy first.”

I get the attempt at irony. But who ain’t laughing is me. How can I, when the joke seems to be on black women?

Why is it that Americans are infinitely more comfortable with black men playing sassy, matronly black female characters in drag, as Kenan Thompson frequently does on the show, than with black women playing black female roles? Drag can be generative and subversive, but in this case, it just seems oppressive.

When Thompson came under fire a few weeks back for insinuating that “SNL” casting directors struggled to find black women who were “ready” to do comedic roles, he attempted to justify the systematic ignoring and excluding of black women from “SNL” by arguing that they’re simply unqualified to do comedy. Racists deploy this kind of argument to justify why they don’t have people of color employees and men make these kinds of arguments to justify not hiring women for top leadership positions.

But I’d venture to say that Americans in general are the ones who aren’t ready for black women to step outside of the most narrow and stereotypical racial boxes that have been cast for us. Thompson himself failed to recognize the ways in which his success on the show has been predicated on the exclusion of black women, while also being indebted to black women’s cultural traditions.

Thompson is not unique in his appropriation of black female labor and culture for his own success. Tyler Perry’s most successful character is Madea. Martin Lawrence’s most recognizable character is Big Momma. While black women are often told that these characters are an homage to black women, not allowing black women to play themselves is nothing to celebrate.

The ways in which black men collude with white power structures to deny black women access to spaces of cultural production is not a problem unique to hip-hop. In fact, much as Thompson argues, many male rappers would have us believe that the only reason Nicki Minaj is the most recognizable female emcee in the game is because women simply aren’t as talented as men. Many of these men fail to use their considerable pull with white corporate record executives to advocate for open doors for women. This is why the Grammys have not had a category for best female rapper since 2005. In the world of “SNL” Kenan Thompson plays a similar role: He seems to relate far more to the executives at “SNL” who couldn’t resist reminding us of their perennial love of white guys than to the black women who provide the comedic fodder for his sketches.

Lucky for black women, the tide does seem to be turning. Shonda Rhimes, creator of “Grey’s Anatomy,” has achieved mega success with her casting of Kerry Washington as Olivia Pope in “Scandal.” It is the best performing prime-time drama on network television. Unfortunately, however, it is also the only drama on network television with a black female lead.

Cable and Web-based shows have stepped in to do some of the cultural heavy lifting, offering amazing acting from black women in shows like “Orange Is the New Black,” “Awkward Black Girl” and “American Horror Story.” I also eagerly await BET’s new scripted drama “Being Mary Jane.”

But these shows only mildly offset the cultural train wrecks of reality television that continue to perpetuate the worst stereotypes of black female anger, back-biting, hypersexualization and more. I’m not saying that I don’t like reality television. I do, and I usually choose one show per season to follow.

But there is a reason that black women have gained such heightened visibility as the denizens of ratchet ghettoized glamour on shows like “Real Housewives of Atlanta,” “Love & Hip Hop” New York and Atlanta, “Basketball Wives” and more. Structurally, these shows require the most intrusion on people’s personal lives while also providing little job security or stability.

And by perpetuating the lie of the real, or the idea that these shows offer us a window into “reality,” it becomes all the more difficult to get an accurate picture of black women’s humanity.

Not that fans of these shows are especially interested in that in the first place.

Black women watch because in a desert of black female representation, even the most poisonous well of water can look like an oasis. Others watch for pure “entertainment.” But popular entertainment in the U.S. has never been a pure category. Peering and jeering at black women who tell fantastical tales, sing songs and recount bawdy stories has been an American cultural fascination since the 1830s when P.T. Barnum employed a black woman named Joyce Heth as a cultural performer. Joyce Heth claimed to have been George Washington’s 160-year-old former nursemaid.

She sat in a cage for hours each day while circus goers came by and peered at her body, listened to her unbelievable tales and tried to examine her physical body. Joyce Heth, according to Benjamin Reiss, was one of the earliest images – if not the earliest—of a black woman to appear in newsprint.

Black women’s long historical status as a kind of grotesque amusement for the American public informs the way we understand and interact with black women performers today.

The successful and complicated portraits of black women that emerge from the work of women like Shonda Rhimes, Kerry Washington, Issa Rae, Oprah Winfrey and some of the shows at OWN, and Sundance Award-winning filmmaker Ava Duvernay suggest that the tide may ever so slowly be turning.

But this cultural turn will not be complete until America falls out of love with white men.

excellent commentary

Post link