#coronavirus italy

Newsfeed #120 March 29, 2020 (29 Súlimë)COVID-19 IMMEDIATE STATEMENT: IT HIT US HARD.Not to spend mo

Newsfeed #120 March 29, 2020 (29 Súlimë)


Not to spend more time than is necessary on what has taken so long to work on The Kingdom of the Woodland Realm TrilogyandThe House of Durin, but it was Coronavirus Related.

My writing partner and author of The House of Durin is in the Italian Epicenter. Just recently, my world has experienced rapid growth of this deadly virus. At this moment in time, neither one of us has coronavirus nor have we tested positive*.

The decision to continue work, at first, was a matter of despair until today when one of my readers tested positive and said goodbye in preparation for imminent death. It was heartbreaking but heartfelt as they ask that I would continue my work on TKWRT as well as the new book due to begin in May of this year—The Secret of the House of Bourbon.

Please read my entire statement here and I look forward to the continuing adventures of The Kingdom of the Woodland Realm Trilogy.—Jaynaé Marie Miller.

*Subject to change (though we are both in quarantine).

Post link

An Austrian prospective buyer of a Tuscan estate has recently wrote to an Italian local realtor, he was in contact with, asking for a 55% discount on a property, which he was interested in, due to the “imminent bankrupcy” of the Italian economy because of the Coronavirus pandemic.

This has been the response of the real estate agent:

«I am very grateful for your interest, however we do not expect the possibility to give you a 55% discount, as desired.

You see, my dear Sir, our Country always got up from the most difficult of trials that the history has subjected to it, and we got up once again.

Among other things, we have 70% of historical, artistic, and cultural global heritage.

The world’s greatest ancient civilizations flowered around the Mediterranean Sea. Civilizations that shared culture, progress and knowledge.

I suppose you are in your home too, so you surely have time to translate this mail, so I write to you in Italian, and also I invite you to translate this old saying: “On the dead lion, the dogs celebrate. But the lions remain lions, and the dogs, dogs”. Best wishes»


To protect and to serve … seagulls.

Due to the Coronavirus lockdown in Italy, and the significant decline of offences, cops have all the time to stop any kind of brawl …

Coronavirus, a call from Bergamo hospital: “We’re in desperate need of health workers, lung ventilators, and other medical equipment”


Bergamo, Lombardy, is an Italian very industrialised city, located in the most industrialised Italian region.

It’s usually very busy and its downtown is always full of persons and places open late into the night.

But it’s also the most affected Italian area for the Covid19 disease.

This is its present situation, due to the lockdown.

Italy: Russian coronavirus response team prepares activities in Bergamo

We’ll remember.

We’ll remember anyone who will have given us a hand in this emergency, and who will have denied us any kind of help.

Our warmest thanks to the ones and blame on the others.

‘Brace Yourself’: Doctors in Italy Share Coronavirus Advice | NYT News

Our warmest thanks to the Italian medical personnel, who are taking care of every single patient with Coronavirus beyond belief.

These are our real superheroes.

In this emergency, any kind of help would be great.

If you want to donate, here are a number of fundraisers to help Italy during the Covid-19 / Coronavirus emergency:

