#corpo assassin


So, after 10+ hours, the latest piece of art I’ve done that’s based on my Corpo/Assassin V is done! This was super fun. I wanted to really try and show how menacing this nonbinary badass is, and I think I was fairly successful.
This is the finished piece; yeah I have a thing for blood, what about it lmao:

Check under the read more for an introduction to this V’s backstory, as well as the process and a colouring timelapse!!!

V forms a friendship with the crew, and eventually something more with Johnny. But V’s brother is sick, needing expensive treatments; a factor in why they moved to NC in the first place- so V could make more money as a merc to pay for his medications and treatments.

V forms a friendship with the crew, and eventually something more with Johnny. But V’s brother is sick, needing expensive treatments; a factor in why they moved to NC in the first place- so V could make more money as a merc to pay for his medications and treatments.

However, his condition takes a turn for the worse, and around this time V goes on an extremely risky job to try and raise money for a transplant operation their Brother will need in the near future; only to find a group of Arasaka agents at the end. They have tracked V down through means I am still working on. And V is a skilled assassin/netrunner combo. 

They offer Vex a job; one that offers benefits and will be high-paying enough to compensate for the high risk. Essentially, V will become an Assassin under Arasaka’s employ. And despite V’s ties to Johnny and knowing corps are fucked to the core, they take Arasaka’s offer; selling their soul to save their Brother.

Despite V’s noble intentions in taking the job, this creates an irrepreable rift between them and Johnny. And over time, Vex drifts from the rest of the crew, focusing solely on their Brother and their new line of work. V appears in 2013, as the one sent after Alt…having to wound Johnny in order to satisfy Arasaka. And then in 2023, appear as the one interrogating Johnny after the bombing. 

After that, having lost not only Johnny but their brother and Arasaka Mentor in the bomb, V remains under Arasaka. They just figure ‘fuck it’, with everything gone. And as the decades go by, they rise to become Saburo’s bodyguard, eventually training Takemura to take over so V can return to the field. 

And stuff transpires, V finds out stuff about Arasaka setting the bomb off early and thus killing their brother, and Vex eventually turning against their former employers. And…they end up with their friend/lover turned enemy stuck in their head.

Alright, enough rambling about my current OC obsession, here’s the (highly condensed) process for the art itself:

This piece was so much fun; I absolutely love this V, and the style/aesthetic I’ve developed for them. And for the risk of sounding psychotic, I love how blood stands out against white fabric. It was super fun to explore that, and to make my V look as menacing as they are. They are already enough of a threat before Arasaka, but after joining up with them and getting the benefits that entails? An inescapable threat.

Love their eyes in particular; especially how I got to use a brush I normally use for glitter and such to give them that evil glint- I feel that is what makes Vex look particularly creepy. Which is what I was after.

Here is the colouring timelapse (warning for flashes of colour):

This should give you a better look at the process, even if Tumblr does screw up the video quality as it normally does. You can see how even an outfit design that looks simple is still fairly complex to draw and render. As well as what a difference lighting and shadows make.

All in all, I’m pretty proud of this piece- I will definitely be trying more with this creepy eye effect, as I feel it really sets Vex apart from my other Vs.
