#cosplay woodworking guide


Carpentry can seem like magic if you aren’t familiar with it. Once you’ve learned about some of the tools, though, you’ll have a better handle on what you’re doing. When you decide to make any of your accessories out of wood this is some of the basic gear you’ll need:


You use them to draw your outlines on the wood before you cut it. Get plenty of these–they’ll dry out faster than you’d think.


Combination Square

Really great for adjusting measurements and a heck of a lot less clunky than a framing square.

Tape Measure


Good for cutting out large pieces.

Coping saw

Good for cutting out curved or unusual lines.

Hand plane

This is used to shave wood down to a nicer finish.


These are used for shaving down wood and carving out details.

…lots and lots andlots of sandpaper.

Safety Glasses


When you have to stop working every ten minutes because there’s too much dust in the air to breath, you’ll really appreciate this.



The double-ended kinds with both flat-slot (the metal tip is flat) and Phillips (the metal tip is cut into a cross-shape) heads are great ways to save space and make sure you have everything you need with you.

Nails and Screws


Drill Bits


A pair of slip joint (ones that lock in when you squeeze the handle) and needle-nose pliers will be the most useful to start off with.


Wood Glue


If you’re looking through this list and thinking that everything seems kind of expensive, don’t worry. Most of these cost less than or about $5. The most expensive item on this list is the drill, and you can find that online for a little under $20. If you’re still nervous, though, plan out your project first and buy only the tools you’ll need. Many carpenters use this technique to save money over time.

This guide was made under the wing of Costume Discounters (www.costumediscounters.com). Please go check out their site!! They sell wigs, shoes, shirts, essentials…all sorts of goodies.

Got Wood?


viaLeon Chiro Cosplay Art…and it’s just as big as it looks. Badump-tss.

Carpentry is one of the oldest professions, and for good reason. You can make beautiful, strong, resilient pieces that will get you compliments for years. A lot of people feel like it’s beyond them, though, and that’s a real shame. Anyone can learn how to do it if they start off simple enough! These tutorials will get you started in your woodworking career and give you inspiration for more projects as you get better.

This guide was made under the wing of Costume Discounters (www.costumediscounters.com). Please go check out their site!! They sell wigs, shoes, shirts, essentials…all sorts of goodies.
