#courtney crimson


•okay but like, they’re the type of friends that would literally drop anything if you needed their help

•Free snacks at the Crestmont

•Tony especially being someone you can have deep conversation with

•Clay is definitely someone who you can text at 3AM and he’d answer.

•Them both trying their hardest to keep you away from all of the tapes drama

•You’re a weakness for both Tony and Clay, so some of the people featured on the tapes threaten to get YOU involved rather than do something to Clay or Tony

•You having no problem going off on anyone who has something to say about Tony’s sexuality

•You and Tony spending all kinds of time trying to come up with ways to get Clay and Hannah together

•All of you hoping to go to college at least near one another so you can stay close

•Clay’s parents not so secretly wanting you two to end up together, but you two are definitely just friends.

•they’re SUPER protective of your heart. Like if Monty asked you out, they’d try their best to shut it down immediately

•you always falling for the boys they don’t want you to fall for anyway (ie Monty, Justin, any jock really)

•Tony and Clay pulling up in front of your house and you three going to the beach randomly

•You trying to set Clay up with all of your friends, especially Hannah, because he’s so awkward and shy.

•Attending pride with Tony, Brad, Clay, and Skye

•movie nights, star gazing nights

•Asking Tony to teach you about cars, only to have you zone out after a minute of him talking. EVERY TIME.

•"okay, but which one of us is going to be your man of honor?“

•"depends on the day.”

•If your heart was ever broken, they’d be over right away, and you’d fall asleep between them while watching movies and eating junk food they’d brought over
•Tony teaching you how to drive

•Cooking for them allll the time and you can’t decide whether they just don’t know how to cook or if they’re just lazy

•Taking care of one another

~As always, request ❤️~

~hello, this is a Drabble challenge request that I just found. This is very long, but I got so much inspiration I just couldn’t stop writing, please request ❤️~

There were a lot of reasons why you didn’t talk to many people at your school anymore. Some, you never really wanted to be talking to in the first place. Some, weren’t the people you thought they were. And some, some you just had no excuse for cutting off, it was just easier than maintaining a friendship. After Hannah Baker died, everything seemed surface level. Nothing seemed like it was even remotely important. The funny thing was, you weren’t even that close with her. But that was what you had learned from her death. One person you still talked to was Skye. She was kind of a downer, sure. But she was also understanding of other people who were down. And she saw passed the high school surface level crap the way you had come to.

Skye had gotten you a job at Monet’s. And the two of you had gotten close fast. Her family seemed happy that she’d found a friend. She was kind of a loner in most people’s minds. But she was about the only person you could stand at the moment, so you could put up with her struggle to stop being so isolated all of the time. You were on good terms with Tony Padilla and Clay Jenson, too. That was about it though. Skye was a good person, she was just different, that’s what the people at school didn’t take the time to understand.

“So, guess who was talking about you in history today?” Skye smirked as she made yet another cup of coffee as you washed one of many cups stacked in the sink.

“Would you care if this was reversed?” You rolled your eyes. It was true, if you had said that to Skye, about anyone, she would have scoffed, saying that no one mattered enough to overhear their conversations.

“Touché missy, but I don’t care how mad you are at the world, you still have a fat crush on Mr. Basketball Dempsey.” Skye pretended to clutch her heart with dramatic flair. You turned bright red. You tried not to react more than that though. He was someone that she thought could fall under the cliche ‘he’s different from his friends’. There was just something about him. He was so smart. He volunteered locally, same as you. Before everything happened with Hannah, when everyone would be at parties, he’d always get drunk just like his friends, and just like his friends, he’d find some girl, she’d sit on his lap and they’d make out for a couple of hours.

But one party, one party when you had hit the keg up a few too many times, Marcus had tried to get you to hook up with him and somehow it had turned into a drunken screaming match. Justin had pulled Marcus into one direction, and Zach had pulled you into another. In all honesty, you couldn’t exactly tell if it was the alcohol, but seconds later you’d found yourself crying in Zach’s arms. He’d taken you into a downstairs bedroom and you two sat down on the bed. Within the hour, you were spilling your guts to him, and you’d given the the chance the spill his guts to you. Neither of you would admit it, but you’d both sobered up at some point, but felt you could continue to talk to one another. He was different. God, you hated yourself for thinking so. He was a jock, you were supposed to hate jocks. It was supposed to be apart of this whole perpetual sorrow facade you’d found yourself in.

“You better figure out how to care. Because he’s stopping by today. He wants you to 'go back to normal.” She said as she took a cup of coffee and walked it to a table. You huffed. What exactly was your supposed normal? Trying to impress Justin Foley with how many jello shots you could down in one minute? Or the way you used to playfully banter with Jeff Atkins about baseball stats when you and him were on drink making duty? Jesus Christ, thinking of that alone killed you inside. Maybe if Hannah wouldn’t have killed herself parties wouldn’t be so revolting. But you knew Jeff’s death was one of the real reasons you winced when a table of people at lunch would start raving about the party coming up that Saturday. God, you didn’t want to 'go back to normal.’ That was the absolute last thing you wanted.

“My normal is now being a barista and focusing on my studies. And that’s that.” You mumbled to her as she walked back behind the counter. As you finished washing the last of the dishes, you and Skye switched spots. You began taking orders and she began drying the cups you’d just hand washed.
“So, does this place have like a secret menu with alcoholic choices or..?” You looked up to see who you expected. Zach Dempsey. Letterman jacket and all. You looked back and scowled. You now understood why Skye had wordlessly initiated you two switching positions. She wanted you to face the music.

“Um, decaf and regular’s pretty much it.” You looked up at the boy. He wanted to make light conversation so it would be easy to initiate any other things he wanted to say.

“Alright. Hot chocolate.” He didn’t have the same humor in his voice that he had before. He stared at you as you typed whatever you were typing into the register. He sighed.

“What time do you get off of work?” Zach was going to persist, he’d just given up on the idea of it being easy.

“Looks like she can get off right about now. I can close up, run along.” Skye said from the small kitchen doorway. She smiled at you and you rolled your eyes. You weren’t getting out of this, so you thought you might as well accept it. You untied your apron and went to the back room to hang it up.

“You’ll thank me later, trust me.” Skye murmured. You elbowed her as you walked passed her again. She sighed a little like she was going to say something, but simply shook her head at your childish behavior.

“Fuck off. Now you get to clock me out.” You said, your voice monotone. You grabbed your backpack, walking to where you were in front of Zach.

“What were you going to say?” You asked him. You tried to make it so there was at least a partial chance you could get out of whatever he wanted to talk about. Or at least make it short.

“Um, well Bryce and Justin are expecting me at Bryce’s place. I asked them if you could come and they were cool with it.” Zach cleared his throat. That sounded like your very own personal hell.

“Look I’m tired and I have homewo-” Zach shook his head. No way you were getting out of this. You sighed deeply. He could tell you didn’t want to go.

“Just a couple of hours. I’ll drive you there and I’ll take you home after.” Zach looked at you with puppy dog eyes. You melted a little bit. There really was something so special about him. And he was so cute. He could probably ask you to go cliff diving with him and you’d do it eventually.

“Yeah, okay. But really, only a couple of hours. Hanson’s test has me stressing.” Zach took your hand and lead you to his car. You tossed your backpack onto the back seat before shutting the passenger door and he looked at you for a solid thirty seconds.

“Are we going somewhere?” You said, irritation in your voice.

“Not until you buckle your seatbelt.” He shot back. You hadn’t really noticed that you’d not fastened it. As you did as he said, you playfully scowled at him.

“Since when are you Mr. Safety? As I recall, you were never opposed to a game of Chinese fire drill.” He looked out of his back window as he backed out of the parking lot.

“Honesty?” He said, staring at the now open road. You smiled a little. Things were getting more comfortable.

“Always.” You said in return. You watched as his knuckles turned white, his grip on the steering wheel tightened.

“Jeff. I still can’t get him out of my head.” He continued to stare at the road. Clearly Zach still saw you as someone he could talk to. And you could relate. Although you had stopped driving all together for a good two months after Jeff’s death. You had so much anxiety over it. Now, you drove when you had to, but you rarely drove other than to and from school. Never out of town. Jeff was your close friend. It probably haunted you more than it haunted Zach.

“I get it. I don’t even drive to work. I rarely drive. It gets to me to much.” You spoke. You found your hand touching his upper arm. You wanted to comfort him. If he was going to show emotion and open up, you’d support that. You didn’t see him getting that from any of his friends.

Zach pulled into Bryce’s large driveway. The rest of the car ride had been fairly silent, but it wasn’t awkward by any means. You actually found yourself thinking about Skye. You were grateful she’d made you do this. You couldn’t avoid everyone forever.

“They’re in the pool I think, I brought you an extra shirt of mine just because I didn’t know if you’d wanna swim or not.” Zach got out of his car, you followed. He went to his trunk and grabbed a stack of clothes. So he was very sure you’d say yes, you thought.

“Ah, sounds fun. I think I might, actually.” You grabbed the pony tail holder off of your wrist and threw your hair into a messy bun of some sort. You didn’t know if it looked too terrible or not, but you’d know these boys for years. You honestly couldn’t care less what they thought of your hair.

“I think that’s the first time I’ve seen a genuine smile out of you in months.” Zach commented. You shrugged. He was probably right. He led you down the pathway. He opened the front door without knocking.

“His parents are out of town. I know. I’m just as shocked as you are.” Zach’s sarcasm was evident. Bryce’s parents were always out of town. You knew it, everyone knew it. It really was his house. Zach grabbed ahold of you again by the wrist as he opened the sliding glass door the lead to the backyard. It wasn’t just Bryce and Justin, Marcus was there as well. You rolled your eyes. You hadn’t really talked to him since the screaming match at that party.

“So the workin’ girl was able to get some time off to hang out with her boys?” Bryce smiled at you. You couldn’t help but smile back. Bryce knew how to have a good time. He knew how to make you smile and laugh, even though he could be an ass.

“I make time for what I want to make time for.” You joked, a smirk taking over your face.

“Ouch.” Justin laughed. You looked to Zach, you handed you his T-shirt, which was obviously going to be oversized on you.

“Ah, the good old wet tshirt contest.” Bryce hollered, making all of the boys laugh. Including Zach. You rolled your eyes, shoving his white T-shirt into his chest. He went wide eyed, not realizing you were going to be so offended.

“Here, take this one. It isn’t see through.” He practically begged as he took off the navy blue shirt he’d worn that day. He could tell your patience with their behavior was already growing thin. You examined the blue shirt.

“Can I change in the pool house?” You asked Zach rather than Bryce. You looked up at him.

“Of course, go ahead.” He gestured towards the pool house. Bryce had some sort of comment. The kind of comments you had learned to ignore. You kept your underwear and bra on, taking off your jeans and Led Zeppelin T-shirt. You slipped into his shirt.

“Damn, this is the Y/N we remember.” Marcus commented. You ignored it. You didn’t want it to be awkward, so you figured maybe they get the memo if you ignored them.

“So, you’re Ms. Landon’s favorite student now that you’ve shown effort.” Justin teased you. It was true. You had always been a good student, but you never even attempted to act like you actually cared about what was going on.

“Guess I needed to learn how to care before college starts in a few years.” You said, sitting next to Zach in the hot tub. His arm was on the side of the hot tub, so it looked like he may have been trying to put his arm around you in some shape or form. Bryce chuckled.

“We’ve missed seeing you at get togethers for, I don’t know, four months.” Marcus scoffed. He probably hadn’t wanted you around. After your spat, you had to say you weren’t all that surprised.

“It got old.” You said simply. No way were you going to let him make you out to be some sort of uptight bitch. So you were honest with them.

“Oh don’t get on your high horse. I do recall a time where you were one of the people that had the most fun here.” Bryce gestured around his backyard. He wasn’t wrong. There were many memories. Good ones. Just not ones you’d want to repeat.

“I’m not. I’m just-” you began. Marcus cut you off. He wasn’t buying it.

“No excuses. Just come around more.” He said. Bryce and Justin laughed in agreement. You looked to Zach. He was staring at the warm water that floated in the tub. He looked unsure of what to say or do.

Suddenly, you looked to your other side, where Bryce sat. His hand grazed over you butt before squeezing it. It was more uncomfortable than if you would have been in bathing suit bottoms, because you had nothing but a small pair of underwear underneath Zach’s oversized shirt. You’d have dressed for the occasion if you’d known it was happening. You whacked his hand away, moving closer to Zach. You were officially uncomfortable with the situation. Zach hooked his arm around your shoulders as the boys continued to converse.

“You know what, I’m gonna ask Tony to come get me. I really need to study.” You stood up in the tub. Before you could fully stand up, Zach firmly gripped your wrist, you looked down into his pleading eyes.

“You said a few hours. We haven’t even been here for twenty minutes, Y/N.” Zach meant well, God he did. But this boy could not handle the idea of not getting his way. He also had no idea what Bryce had just done.

“When did you get to be such a prude? And since when are you best friends with Skye and Clay and that Fag Tony?” Bryce laughed, but seemed like he was asking a serious set of questions. Your face flushed out a little at his dig. But it didn’t stop you from getting angrier.

“This-this is what I don’t miss. Walker, you are such a prick. Fuck off.” You hopped over the tub and walked towards the pool house, where your shorts and shirt were folded. You were ready to cry.

“Y/N, just come back in. It’ll be fine.” You heard Zach approaching behind you. As you tried to hold your composure, you didn’t turn around and opened the pool house door and entered it. Before you could shut it, he entered as well and shut the door behind him. After figuring out you weren’t going to respond, he spoke again.

“I’m quite literally begging. Please just stay for a bit. You said that you could.” Zach looked like he was struggling to find a good reason. He probably was, considering there really wasn’t one.

“I don’t need to be berated for my decision to not get drunk every weekend. And I’m not going to let Bryce grab at my ass. I just won’t let it happen, okay? But above all tell your friend not to call my friend a fag, thanks.” You were breathing heavily as you unlocked your phone and shot Tony the text you’d been meaning to send.

“Stay here. Bryce and I have to have a little conversation I think.” Zach went to walk back out of the door. He sounded angry. You stopped him, grabbing his arm. He turned back around and looked at you.

“There’s no need to make a scene, but the fact that you laughed with them at some of shit they were saying. It changed my opinion of you a little, okay? Do you guys say things like that about Tony a lot?” You looked at him with disappointment. There was hurt in his brown eyes. He probably hadn’t expected to hear that from you.

“No-No! I love the dude. I want him to be happy. I didn’t mean to, I’m sorry. You don’t have to go back into the tub. You and I can go somewhere just the two of us.” He grabbed your hand and looked at you, waiting for your answer.

“Why?! I’m not the girl that you took shot after shot with every Friday and Saturday anymore. I’m just not, alright?” You took your clothes and walked into the bathroom to change. Zach didn’t follow you in, but you could feel his presence right outside the locked door.

“And I’m okay with that. Just please, let me take you to Rosie’s for a milkshake?” You were beginning to feel like you were talking in circles with the boy, and your patience had just about ran out.

“Why do you want this so bad?!” You screamed.

“Because I want to spend time with you!” He raised his voice more this time. He was getting just as frustrated as you were and it was beginning to show.

“Why take me here then?” You really wanted to know his answer. Little did you know, his body was shaking. He was getting upset, not angry.

“I thought it’d be more casual. My mistake. I’m sorry, okay?” You were trying to think of anything that would make him let you leave the house. Part of you didn’t really care if it hurt his feelings. But the other part did.

“Yeah, you’re mistake.” You said as you hung up his wet T-shirt to dry.

“You know what, scratch that. I’m just gonna be straightforward and tell you I’m in love with you. There I said it.”

Your hand had already gripped the door handle and you were getting ready to dodge everyone and run off of the property. You couldn’t bring yourself to do that now. There was no running from this.

“No you don’t.” You shook your head, staring at the tile floor. He tipped your head up and made it so you had to look at him.

“Yes, I do. And you can try to deny it all you want. But it’s true. And if you can bring yourself to give me a chance. We can leave, we can go where ever you want. Do whatever you want. I don’t care. As long as I get to be around you.” Zach caressed your face before moving to sit on the couch. You sat next to him.

“You’re in love with a party girl-” he cut you off before you could even finish your sentence.

“Don’t. I am not in love with the girl who you keep saying doesn’t exist anymore. I know you. And I know you remember opening up to me. And me opening up to you. I’m so fucking in love with you. God, can you just accept it so I can show you?” You could hear your heart beating, it was so quiet and you were so close to him now. It crossed your mind that the other boys could possibly be listening. It didn’t matter enough.

“Okay.” You said simply.

“Okay?” He asked. He was completely shocked.

“Don’t act so surprised. You made a great case. And I think, as long as you can accept the fact that my party going days are limited now, you deserve a chance, I suppose.” You smirked at him. A smile played on his lips as he leaned into kiss you. It was slow and it was passionate but it was also one of the most exciting things that had ever happened to you.

“Finally, you came around. I was afraid I was going to have to ask for more help.” He said against your lips. You pulled away, giving him a suspicious look.

“And who might you have been getting help from, Dempsey?” You crossed your arms over your chest.

“Your good pals Tony and Skye helped me out. How do you think I knew when you were working?” You rolled your eyes, thinking of Skye. She’d definitely not overheard him in class. She was in on it, obviously.

“Speaking of Tony, he’s here to get me.” You said, holding up your phone. You had received a text message from Tony, simply saying 'here’. You got up, slinging your backpack over your shoulder.

“Let me take you to Rosie’s tonight.” Zach took your hand in his. You looked up at him, shaking your head.

“Studying.” You said, opening the pool house door. He grabbed your shoulder and turned you.

“Tomorrow. Please?” You nodded. He leaned down and kissed you again before you walked out. You watched as he began to walk over to Bryce. You caught his shirt. He tensed up.

“He’s not worth it.” Zach relaxed. He needed you. You needed him.

“You’ll tell me if he touches you again?” You nodded your head and he leaned down, kissing your forehead. He walked over to grab his phone off of the hot tub cover. He made eye contact with Bryce.

“You’re lucky.” Zach said before leading you off the property. And Bryce really was lucky you’d stopped Zach. He was your protector now.

My lovely friend Vi is off the radar vacationing, and she is usually the one that approves my my imagines and makes good suggestions. I’d love to post, but I don’t feel right posting it without getting a thumbs up from another blog, preferably one that writes as well. If anyone would be interested, I’d be more than grateful. ❤️

Rock Paper Scissors? (Clay Jensen, 13 reasons)

~the first imagine I’ve posted since I came back. Also my first Clay imagine! Thanks for the support. I love feedback!~



“Pretty please?”

“Hey- how about no?” You smiled at him, amused that he had gotten his hopes up at all. Clay slumped against your head board as you continued taking history notes, clearly a lot more concentrated on what you felt was the more important matter than he was.

“Okay, Okay. But you need to tell them within the next month. It’s really wrong to keep it from them if you ask me.” Clay replied, looking at you with very convincing eyes.

You and Clay had been together for what felt like always. He was your everything. As cliche as it sounds, nothing compared to movie nights with him, knowing a party was probably raging nearby, yet you were still wrapped in the pale, lanky boy’s arms.

You remembered when he thought he was too boring for you. You remembered feeling bad for him when he finally got the courage to ask if he was too boring for you. You’d reassured him that this wasn’t the case, and if only seemed to make your relationship stronger.

Clay and you probably wouldn’t have made it this far if you really didn’t want to. He had nightmares over Hannah’s death. You had started talking not long after the suicide, and he seemed okay at first, but things got weirder and weirder. After one large blowup, where you walked out of his house crying, he came after you, and promised an explanation would come in time. ‘I was in love with Hannah Baker, Y/N. But, I think she sent me you, really I do.’ He has pleaded with you. And you couldn’t have turned from him in that moment even if you’d wanted to.

You’d been inseparable since. And things really had fallen into place for the two of you. Most people didn’t talk marriage and kids with their high school partners, but you two did. People teased Clay saying ‘he would’ be the kid to marry his high school sweetheart. But it didn’t matter. You two were happy. A lot happier than most if not all of the people in your high school.

“What do you think they’ll say? We’re thrilled that you’re no longer going to the college we’ve been prepping you for since you were two years old, so you can go to school with your high school boyfriend? I think they might kill me.” You ran your fingers through your hair. You had to tell them, he was right about that. But would there ever be a good time to let them down? Maybe you were in search of something nonexistent.

“You accepted Stanford’s offer. They can’t be that mad that you turned down Yale. I mean, Stanford is an in state school. No out of state tuition to pay.” Clay pulled your frustrated body into his chest. He knew you were nervous, but he felt the longer you waited to say something, the more spur of the moment your parents would feel the decision was, and the more they’d resent him.

“Rock Paper Scissors?” You offered, sitting up and looking at your boyfriend. He laughed at the ridiculous notion.

“You’re telling me someone who got into Stanford is using Rock Paper Scissors as a decision making tactic? I’m shocked.” He looked at you for a solid ten seconds before you both broke out into light laughter.

“Alrighty then.” He sighed, preparing for the match. You giggled and smiled brightly at him.

“Scissors beats paper!” Clay soon yelled, leaping off the bed and throwing his fist in the air.

“You were too excited for that first of all. Second of all, how about 2 out of 3?” Clay looked at you as though you were speaking a foreign language. You two could be childish, but it was part of your DNA as a couple.

“Nope! They better know by the end of tonight!” He began stuffing everything into his backpack, preparing to leave you to face the music. There was a pregnant silence as he stopped in his tracks at your bedroom door.

“You don’t regret picking Stanford right?” You could tell Clay was afraid for you to answer honestly.

“Of course not. It’s Stanford, Clay. Plus I like the teaching program there more.” You closed your textbook. You were going to be a teacher, Clay was still looking at his options supposedly.

“Guess I’m just realizing that it’s not far fetched that a good portion of why you picked the school was to be with me.” He turned around, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

“Don’t give yourself so much credit, Jensen. I’ve always wanted to be a tree.” He laughed at your joke that seemingly made fun of the Stanford tree.

“Hey, that’s the band’s mascot. We’re the cardinals, if we’re honest.” His eyes laughed and danced with happiness, like they did a lot of the time when he was around you.

“Oh, well that might change things.” You said sarcastically. He tensed up for a moment before realizing you were joking.

“I love you.” He looked at you one more time. You blushed. He was the first and only guy you’d ever said ‘I love you’ to.

“I love you too. Now leave so you don’t see my parents kill me.” He grinned one more time, leaving you alone in your room. Even though it was going to be a pain in the ass getting your parents to accept that this wasn’t going to go their way, you were going to college, you were going to fucking Stanford with Clay. No one could ruin that for you.

I’m officially back.

I think. Id like to thank everyone who’s stayed when I completely ditched this blog, which I sincerely apologize for. But requests are open. I have a job now and work every day this weekend, but I never have more than 4 hours a shift so I could predict at least two writings going up this weekend if I get enough requests. Thank you so much again for staying and I’m so excited to get back into writing !

Is finished!! Thank you for all of you that have requested it. I’m so glad it was enjoyable and I’m very happy with how part 2 turned out. I haven’t decided when I’m posting it though. I’m super tired rn and I’m going to the beach tomorrow with friends. I’m also going out of town with a friend on Saturday and then Sunday I’m going out of town AGAIN with a different friend. So if I get a minute this weekend I PROMISE I will post it. I love you all so much and thank you for the support! As always!!! Request!!!!!!!
