#covid19 vaccine


TRUE: Scientists were able to develop the COVID-19 vaccines quickly because of resources and collaboration. Due to a global collective effort, millions of lives have been saved.

The COVID-19 vaccines followed the same development steps as other vaccines: They were developed and tested in a laboratory and then went through clinical trials closely monitored by the FDA.

Clinical trials involve testing the vaccine in people to see if it is safe and effective. The COVID-19 vaccines were each tested on tens of thousands of people of different genders, ages, races and ethnicities who volunteered to be part of the clinical trials.

The vaccine, without a doubt. In DND terms, think of it as a potion that gives you a +15 modifier to your saving throw to avoid getting sick, to avoid spreading it to others, and if you fail the getting sick saving throw, you retain that modifier to avoid severe illness/hospitalization. If you fail THAT roll, you still retain the huge bonus to your death save.Now, some people have very bad immune systems… vaccines are less reliable with those folks, but do still help. And, of course, rolling a 1 is certainly a thing.


AMAZING. Science yo! 
