



Abortion bounty hunters are now legal in Texas.

This is so fucking scary.

Not only are abortions now illegal after six weeks (a time when eighty-five percent of people aren’t aware they’re pregnant), but any private citizen can sue people who violate this law for ten thousand dollars. People who can be sued includes anyone who “aided and abetted” the abortion—including not only doctors and healthcare providers, but the people like the fucking uber driver who drove you to the clinic.

And the Supreme Court has done nothing about it.

I am afraid.

I am angry.

I am in disbelief that a group of people, with full knowledge of the terrifying consequences of their actions, pooled their resources, wealth, and knowledge to launch this assault on abortion rights. Displaying a dearth of empathy, they plotted around Roe v. Wade by employing private citizens as bounty hunters,people they will pay thousands of dollars to report abortions.

They launched a modern-day witch hunt.

It’s hard to sort out my emotions. I feel like a pile of autumn leaves, whipped into a tornado of glacial reds and frothing golds and everything in between, unable to separate the colors, the movement, the chaos.But there are three things I do know.

I am a woman—a human being.

My rights are beginning to rot.

And I am furious.

Also, a clarification: This affects people across the entire gender spectrum. My “I am a woman” line above wasn’t meant as a ubiquitous experience, just my personal one—this law affects anyone who can get pregnant, not just women.

The Supreme Court has formally denied the request to block this unconstitutional law.

The law will stay.

Our liberties are dribbling away.

And there is nothing we can do but watch.

First of all, to the 59 people who saw my TikTok about this before I deleted it; C O W A R D S

I was trying to figure out which Hozier song was about fucking a bog. Thought it was Like Real People Do but was doubtful. Turns out I was somewhat right.

It was in fact Like Real People Do but the song in itself isn’t about fucking a bog & I had misremembered it all this time. Also it took a patreon post to answer this question so once again C O W A R D S. But also thank you random person on Patreon.



“Here is the part of the story that is new and deeply disturbing. Apparently police on the scene waited for a significant period of time — like tens of minutes — while parents outside the schools begged them to go in and kill the shooter. Parents even brainstormed about whether they should go in and rush the shooter themselves since the mass shooting was unfolding as everyone waited outside. […] The school shooting police doctrine since Columbine has been that you don’t wait on the perimeter. You enter and try to kill or disarm the shooter as soon as possible. If I were these parents I would never forgive these officers. And for good reason. You don’t have to sign up to be a police officer. These are the moments which make being a police officer dangerous. Sometimes highly dangerous. But that’s the job. That’s why, for all the shifting social perceptions of police officers, they’re given great societal deference as heroes. […] Remember that in the aftermath of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in 2018 a school resource officer was later charged with a crime because he allegedly hid rather than engage the shooter. In other words, this is not the first time when an outgunned school security officer decided he didn’t want to sacrifice his life to stop a school shooting as it unfolded or at least didn’t resort to heroic means to do so.”

The Uvalde Massacre Somehow Manages to Get Darker

Three armed, experienced, police officers couldn’t stop a single 18 year-old with an AR-15, this school with all its protections was not safe, and the police sat around waiting for backup while children were murdered.

If the police were as good at protecting these children as they are at murdering unarmed Black people, those children would still be alive.


yes jennifer walters is canonically confident and pretty and pretty feminine…she’s also CANONICALLY jacked as hell, and even when the comic art isn’t depicting it super well visually (because this genre is inherently inconsistent in any characters depiction) it’s still firmly established!

both these things can be true at once, please use your critical thinking skills people


Cops are not there to protect you or your kids. They’re only good for shooting unarmed Blacks in the back, or Blacks holding an object that cannot be mistaken for a gun. They are cowards!

Click through to read the entire thread.


oh i fucking hate them for that

squish your local yiling patriarchs cheeks. they’re very squishy. i intended this to be more suggestive than it turned out but we move ig



Somebody told me that Venom was trying to get Anne and Eddie back together and that, Venom’s entire reason for the kiss was to “make a moment” between the two, so upon finally watching the movie I was dumb struck to notice that if Venom was in fact intending for it to be a kiss between just Anne and Eddie then why cram the entirety of their tongue down Eddie’s throat and not pull back seconds before the lips touch making it so that Anne and Eddie are kissing….

Venom goes in tongue first, like that wasn’t Anne, like dam. Humans don’t kiss like that. Venom dose pull back the face first but it’s only after the tongue has reached eddie’s stomach. 

Venom even pulled Eddie up, stuck out their tongue in preparation for the kiss, all smiling and excited. I kept looking back and forth between the screen and my friend I saw it with going, “WHAT IS HAPPENING?!??! This is NOT what everyone described to me at ALL!!”

Venom made it a point to stick out their tongue and go right for it, like DAM. How deep in denial can you BE to think that wasn’t Venom going, “Anne, I need this, I NEED TO KISS EDDIE!”

Honestly the deleted scene where Venom confirms the kiss was mostly them and NOT ANNE, was only removed because the studio people are cowards.


He did NOT know it was anne, he only knew it was Venom so don’t gimme that “He’s only moaning loudly into the kiss because hes kissing anne”. How could he have known it was her?

In the last scene she was saying “run away, Venom’s trying to kill you, you’re organs are being eaten and your heart is being digested, here I’mma blast it with sound and free you!” LITERALLY the last time he saw her she was saying run away venom is trying to kill you. so there’s no way he could have known.

And thinking “He probably figured out that they teamed up to save him” that is FLIMSY, like unless there’s a deleted scene, or a MASSIVE plot hole, or Eddie is psychic how could he have guessed it was her?


Symbrock/Veddie fans:


I mean…..when it works it works


He’s only brave when facing unarmed protesters.


Antoine-Vincent Arnault, secretaire de l'Académie française (detail). By François André Vincent, 1801

This is soon and it’s going to be incredible.

Burning Light Fest 

video created by Chariot Of Black Moth


real event that occured that i cant stop thinking about

This week: Brad, James, and Evan talk Draymond’s divisiveness, Brandon Jennings’ contract negotiations, and “cupcake” as pejorative.  

Also discussed: pop song reprises, fast food promotions, Sublime,Aladdin, celebrity deaths, and MORE! Join us!

Download this episode (right click and save)


SO i just hit a goldmine and found some cut dialogue from gtav ive never heard before (INCLUDING A WHOLE OTHER SCENE FROM THE SHARMOOTA JOB), im praying they add some of this back in the ps5 version 
