#cowgilr tf


Jessica looked over her clipboard one last time, checking to make sure she had filled out all the check boxes and overly personal info she needed. Hell, they even asked to to take an IQ test earlier, which she was quite pleased to have scored in the high 120’s on. It was going to be worth it though, she had wanted to get a job here for years and now that she had her degree they were bound to hire her. She adjusted her outfit and fixed her long brunette hair as she waited. Eventually a receptionist came around and collected the clipboard and told her to proceed into the other room without even looking at it.

Jessica took a deep breath, feeling her C cup breasts softly heave beneath the tight fabric as she pushed open the door and left the reception area behind. The room was… dark, and she could barely see as the door shut behind her. A single light illuminated a chair in the center of the room and a intercom crackled to life from the other side of the dark space.

-Please sit in the chair miss-

“Hello? Is this the right room, I-”

-Sit in the chair please.- The voice was a bit monotone and she sighed as she made her way through the poorly lit room and sat down. 

The chair was cold, and it was even harder to see under the bright light above her, but she tried to keep composure, unsure of what to expect. Maybe this was another test, maybe they were watching her or something, she had heard of some crazy things companies would do to make sure they hired only the best, but this was starting to feel a bit weird. Her thoughts were interrupted by the speaker crackling again.

-Jessica? That is your name right?-

“U-uh yes, my name is Jessica.” The brunette sat up a little straighter and tried to look professional.

-We have a question for you.- The voice paused for a moment and then continued. -Do you really want to work here?-

“Of course I do, I mean why would I-”

-Really though.. looking at your questionnaire and test results, do you really want to work here? You certainly are qualified… but… you answered question 11 saying that you do not enjoy high stress situations. You answered question 26 that you would prefer to live in the country. Maybe a job in the city like this isn’t really for you?-

“N-no, I… I want to work here, really I do.”

The voice didn’t speak for a few minutes and then finally broke the silence. -What if we had a way that you could still work for us, but live outside of town on a ranch owned by one of our subsidiaries? We are in need of more volunteers for our project M.-

Project M? She didn’t really want to go join some experiment or something, but if this was what she needed to get a foot in the door, so be it.

“That sound perfect.”

-Very good Jessica.- Suddenly the lights in the room flicked on and Jessica was nearly blinded by how bright everything was. The chair suddenly recline and straps quickly tied her down, leaving the browned haired girl in a state of panic.

“W-what the hell is going on here!?”

-Do not worry Jessica, you are going to hell us with Project M, you want to help us right?-

She tried to calm down, she knew this was wrong but… she reluctantly agreed with the voice.

“Y-yes.” She gave a timid reply. A man in a hermetically sealed suit white suit entered through the back door carrying a silver canister. He approached a nearby table and sat it down, his back to the poor girl.

“H-hi there, I’m Jessi-”

“Subject 589”


“Your case number is 589, so your name is subject 589, at least for the purpose of project M. I’m sorry for the secrecy and all of this, but we are in a very crucial time for the company right now. We can’t afford to have any information be leaked to the press or our competitors, so these steps are needed. In time I’m sure you will see this as a welcome change, I imagine you will feel quite liberated from all of your worries.” He pulled a syringe from the canister and walked over to her, she could see her own horrified expression in his reflective faceplate as her swiftly inject the white fluid into her arm.

“W-what the hell is this, I-I want to work h-her, not be a… an experiment!?”

“Calm down or we will have to give you a sedative. If you are lucky the procedure will work as intended and be temporary, if you do not cooperate we can ensure a more permanent state of compliance.”

She was unable to understand what he was saying, what was happening, she thrashed beneath her bounds and tried to tip the chair over if possible.

The man sighed from within his suit. “I had hoped a woman of your intellect would be more open to the pursuit of science, but you are just as unreasonable as the others.” He turned back to the table and pulled a second syringe from the canister. “I had hoped to avoid this, the others have been unable to provide any information of importance since they were pacified, but you seem quite intent on escape so this is yet another precaution we must take.”

The second syringe was a clear pink color unlike the thick white one, and the moment it entered her veins she felt as if her head was on fire. Every cell in her brain felt like it was working at 150%, working so hard it couldn’t possibly keep up with the strain. Gradually, moment by moment it felt like lights were being shut off, like the burning fire in her mind was slowly being put out.

“There, now you should be a little easier to handle. I do apologize for this, but it is your own fault you see.” He shook his head and left the room, leaving her still tied to the chair staring up at the bright lights.

Her brain hurt, a fuzzy headache that made it difficult to think straight. She wished she was at home right now… or anywhere else but this damn lab. Like, why did they even need such bright lights anyhow. She struggled to move again but she felt weak. This was stupid, those jerks couldn’t do this to her. She tried to see the door but couldn’t turn her head far enough. It was extra hard and stuff because her hair was so long and thick. She tried to get the thick brunette mane out of her eyes. She didn’t even remember it being this long… but it was very pretty, girls looked hotter with long hair anyhow. She sighed and lay still for a moment until a pressure in her head returned harder than before.

“F-fuck, ow ow ow, that hurts! Like, what the hell is going on!?” She yelled at nobody in particular as the sudden headache made her head swim. She closed her eyes and tried to ride it out, imagining that she was somewhere nicer like… like shopping at the mall, or.. or at home with her sexy lover. The pressure stopped and she opened her eyes, if she had been looking in a mirror she would have noticed they seemed a dull brown now. She also would have seen the two small bone like nubs above her temples.

she arched her back suddenly and it cracked and popped like she was visiting the chiro.. the choraproctor, the… back… back doctor. Pop, pop, crack, ech bone and muscles seemed to be uncomfortable where they were and from her neck to the tip of her tail bone, which incidentally felt like it was burning. She squirmed in her chair as she tried to get comfortable, but nothing she did made the seat feel right anymore. It felt like she was siting on something long and hard, and like sitting just didn’t feel right at all. Suddenly the ties holding her down released and she fell from the chair to the ground, landing painfully on her knees and hands. She groaned and tried to stand up, to get out of this horrible place, but… her arms and legs were wrong. She fell forward onto her hands and tried to stand again, but she couldn’t seem to get upright. Every time she got close there was just too much strain on her back and she fell to her hands and feet again. What made it worse was that it felt… better on her hands and feet, like walking on all fours would be more comfortable anyhow.

A long shape dangled just above her ass cheeks, swaying as she walked about the room on all fours. It was capped with a tuft of dirty blonde hair that matched the lightening shade on her head and looked better suited to be on the backside of an animal. She was too distracted by other sensations to notice her newly grown tail though. Her breasts had started to feel heavy, and she didn’t know if it was the angle or if she was imagining it, but she could swear her titties were bigger. “Are my boobs growing? Did they make me grow big boobies or something? Like what the hell kind of doctors are they, why would they want to… to make my..” She lifted a hand and cupped one of her breasts, unable to resist touching it. It felt… good, like really good, she could feel it actually swelling in her hand. It felt like the more she touched it the bigger her breasts were getting, and the heavier and tighter they felt. She wished there was a way to relive the pressure building in them, they were already easily F cups, maybe even in the G or H  range now, and she just wanted to stop the feeling they were being filled with something. Her hand felt… wet.

She looked down at her hand and was surprised to find it coated in a thin creamy layer of what looked and smelled like… milk? She looked at her breasts and watched as droplets of alabaster fell from her long nipples to the cold floor below. She was, full of milk? Like, was she preggers or something? She was confused for a moment as she tugged at a nipples and was rewarded by a thin jet of white spraying out. That felt good, like, really good. She tugged at her teats again, only stopping to brush the blonde locks of thick hair from her eyes, she didn’t want to miss a moment of this. She sat on her knees and milked her growing breasts. As fast as she pulled at her three inch teats more milk seemed to replace whatever she expelled. She was caught in a loop of pleasure, unable to stop or the pressure would build again. She didn’t last long though, a similar pressure began to build just above her crotch, and while she ignored it at first the sight of something pink caught her interest.

She watched it in awe, her skin was softly growing into a round shape that softly sagged, it was a fleshy pink color that looked cute with her light blond hair, but it didn’t look like something that belong on a girl. It… it looked like a cow, a cow’s udder. She felt it gently and confirmed four stiff nubs of flesh, the start of teats. It really was an udder, she… she had an udder!?

On one level she felt like this was something to be concerned about, but most of her thoughts centered on milking it as soon as possible. If milking those huge milk filled soccer balls hanging from her chest had been fun, milking an udder must be like, ten times as fun. She started to rub it softly and was happy to see it begin to grown even faster. She started to groan from the pleasure of it’s growth.

“This is like.. Mmmmm so good.” She brushed her platinum blonde hair behind her long fuzzy ears and moaned deeper as the pressure of milk filling her udder became more apparent. “Mmmmm.. Mmm. Mmmmoo… MooOoOOo!” She bellowed out a bovine cry of pleasure and her eyes rolled back a little as she came from the feeling of her udder filling with milk. For a moment she was a little out of it, a drippy haze of pleasure that made her problems seem like distant things. Eventually her eyes refocused and she was thrilled to see a udder so large it’s teats would nearly touch the ground. She reached down to give her new set of teat a love tug and was disappointed to be just pawing at it. She could seem to open her hand. She looked down, where was her hand anyway, that looked like a hoof. She tried to open her hand again, but.. it really was a hoof. She struggled for a moment and got onto her.. hooves. Her legs seemed to bend a little oddly now, her arms too, while her torso maintained a rather human shape and curved, her arms and legs were beginning to grow fur and were shaped liked those of a dairy cow.

She really did look like a diary cow now that she thought of it, she could feel that her ears were different, it seemed like she had grown a tail, the udder and the hooves. What were those science guys trying to do to her, make her into a human milk machine? That actually sounded kind of hot. She sighed, unable to figure out how to get relief for pussy that was still soaked from earlier and feeling even hotter and needier than before, and there was no way to milk herself now either.

“Like, can someone come in here and help me or something? My udder is SoooOOOooO full.” She tried to get the doctor’s attention.

Behind a one way wall a two men and a woman were looking over some charts and a monitor. “Hmm, this certainly is progress.”

“yes, she did far better than the others.”

“I’m honestly surprised, i didn’t think the changes would affect much, but the serum seems to be nearly stable now, a little work and we can get it to achieved the desired results without the loss of mobility.”

“It is a shame that she didn’t cooperate though, her work in college had been top notch.”

“Yes, she would have been such a valuable contribution to project M, being able to account for all the changes in a scientific manner, but alas, we are going to have to move her to the barns with the other cows.”

“I’m sure she will be happy enough there, just look at her, I’ve never seen someone enjoy getting milked so much. She is much more attractive as a blond now anyhow.”

The woman scowled at him. “She looks like a damn cow you pervert. I mean, I can get it if you like that big tittied blonde look after we lowered her IQ that much, but really, an udder?”

He didn’t look phased. “Hey, I don’t judge you for what happened when we tried out the equine formula on those male subjects.”

“We agreed never to talk about that again… but point taken. I guess subject 589 is rather attractive in her own way… for a cow.”
