#cr things



OK I made my thoughtful Imogen and Laudna meta. Here is the mean meta.

It does not matter if Laudna is telling the truth or lying. It does not matter if Imogen can psychically tell if Laudna is telling the truth or lying. It does not matter if the rock’s magic was potentially bad. It does not fucking matter that Laudna did not intend to break the rock.

What matters is the shard of rock which Imogen believed to be a potential way out of the storm is broken. That’s it. She is allowed to feel betrayed and furious about that, because it objectively is what happened, and it is actually maddening how prominent the statement “Oh :( poor Laudna :( how terrible it is that…*checks smudged writing on hand* Iolanthe is so mad at her :(” seems to be, without any consideration that maybe, even if you ship them (honestly? ideally, especially if you ship them), these are two fully realized people with feelings and priorities of their own.


If I had a nickel for every time an Air Ashari character on Critical Role cast Gust while in the middle of a thousand foot fall in order to try and avoid getting hit by obstacles on the way down, I’d have two nickels.  Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it’s only happened twice so far.

oh it’s the interpretive dance shirt
