#orym cr



Some doodles from ep 22 and 23… Oooh boi ya bet your ass I’ll draw something concerning the end of episode 23!


Can’t stop thinking about Chetney’s gift to Orym. Three moons. His quiet, “Big moon… little moon… and whatever comes next.”

Permission. We don’t know if Orym has granted it to himself yet. Permission to move on from grief, permission to love again. But there it was, said out loud for maybe the first time.

Chetney’s quiet gift telling Orym that he deserves it, when he’s ready. That there is life and love after death. And it doesn’t mean the ones we loved are forgotten or dwindle in importance. The mark they carve is right there with us forever, carried into the next chapter. And that’s perfectly okay.


If I had a nickel for every time an Air Ashari character on Critical Role cast Gust while in the middle of a thousand foot fall in order to try and avoid getting hit by obstacles on the way down, I’d have two nickels.  Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it’s only happened twice so far.


Imogen: ARE YOU-

Ashton: Fucking.

Imogen: KIDDIN’ ME?! YOU-

Ashton: Fucking.

Imogen: IDIOT!

Orym: …What was that?

Ashton: Imogen doesn’t like swearing, so I’m helping her out.
