#criminal minds rp


ooc.   so obv my characterisation is gon be canon divergent, mostly with priorisation of beyond borders canon bc the mothershow did not do her good, but this is a selective call for plotting with linda barnes, bullet points on how i write her can be found under the cut

  • mother of two (melissa, 29, and ken, 6)
    • yeah, there’s a story there
  • makes her career in cleaning up messes within the fbi even if it means throwing the units under the bus to save the fbi’s face, and improving closure rates quickly
  • is not as cold as she appears but makes it damn sure everything she is
    • partly bc male-dominated field and objectivity and rationality are seen more favourable by her bosses than empathy towards the vics
  • moved to mostly administrative work almost immediately after the tracy ferguson case due to personal reasons and emotions attached to the case
    • let others assume she sealed the case out of discretion bc that bought her favours she could use to find her place in the fbi outside of field work
  • when she was trying to get a feel of if rossi or luke would be okay with leaving the bau, she was genuinely trying to see if she could handle giving the bau a facelift without burning bridges there
    • learnt a few things during her promotion between the shows
    • mostly abt politics and chess and patience
    • not nearly enough about the last though
  • i cannot believe i need to say this but linda barnes is not sucking off her boss for favours what the fuck is wrong with this fandom sometimes
  • the boxing is not just a metaphor, she does actually do that
  • i might add on to this after i rewatch the cmbb finale but hey come talk to me

I am absolutely DESPERATE for a good criminal minds, marvel, supernatural, MHA or ATLA roleplay. I would also love to do a SWAT one against a Daniel Harrelson (Hondo). I am literally so desperate and here are my rules I guess

Please be 18+:

- this is an ABSOLUTE must. I like darker themes and stuff especially with the fandoms i’m asking for.

Please be literate:

- this is also an ABSOLUTE must. Its just something that helps keep me writing and keep me interested.

Please double up:

- i want everything to be equal for us you know? I want both of us to have fun. That’s what these things are for. Its just important to me for us both to have fun.

Please don’t be intimidated by this post please. I’m actually really nice- i’m just desperate lol. I really want to be able to vibe ooc and I want to vibe in character too you know? So don’t be afraid to shoot me a message or like this post or message me on the discord that I will leave below. I love you all friends. Please remember to drink enough water and eat- and sleep. Please for the love of god sleep! Also there’s a meteor shower tonight! So I’ll be awake early

Here’s my discord loves:


Much love <3

- archived in the FBI library
