#rp partner wanted


Hello!  Currently seeking a few different, but specific, fandoms and pairings!  All partners must be 18+ and all characters will be aged up to the same.  Just some quick rules before I go into what I’m looking for: 

  •   Third person POV is what I’m most comfortable with
  • I don’t do more than one main plot/pairing (doubling), however, I will play side characters throughout as I hope you will too
  • As for length, I’d prefer to keep responses at 2+ paragraphs.  Starters, for me at least, are usually longer.
  • I prefer plots that are 60/40 plot/smut
  • I can usually shoot out multiple responses a day and I’d love a partner who can do the same, but I understand life gets in the way so as long as we keep open communication we’re good

  Now, what I’m looking for: (the roles I’d play will be bolded, if it’s an oc I have bios written up at your request!)

  •   Kol Mikaelson & **Averie Forbes(OC)** - Vampire Diaries
  • Loki Laufeyson & **Eira Jarrledottir(OC)** - MCU
  • Steve Rogers & **Wanda Maximoff** - MCU
  • Charles Xavier & **Raven Darkholme** - X-Men
  • Derek Hale & **Paige Krasikeva (Canon Divergent)** - Teen Wolf
  • Stiles Stilinski & **Lydia Martin** - Teen Wolf
  • Rumplestiltskin & **Belle** - OUAT
  • Peter Pan & **Lyra(OC)** - OUAT
  • Ayato Sakamaki & **Yui Komori** - Diabolik Lovers
  • Inuyasha & **Kagome Higurashi** - Inuyasha
  • Finnick Odair & **Annie Cresta** - Hunger Games

  I believe that’s it, feel free to reach out via discord (toxicdeliquency#7795) or like this post if any of this interests you! : )

in search of 1x1 angsty slice of life long-term partner

hi my name is murphy, but you can call me any variation of my name if you want! i use they/them pronouns!!
i’m 22 years old
est. time zone // located in michigan

looking for literate/semi-literate style roleplay
i don’t expect a certain amount of responses from my partners, but i am personally frequent at replying. ideally, i’d like to write with someone either every day or every other day :).
ideal response lengths anywhere from 100 to 1000 words, whatever you’re comfortable with! i’m super flexible; we can discuss further!
i prefer 3rd person narration, but again, this is something we can discuss further!

sample of my writing

“The next day would require Theodore’s patience and a level of tranquility he didn’t possess. Time after time, he struggled with having to go about his day in a normal manner only to have to put on a show for a group of lowlifes. The only types of people who showed up to underground matches were fetishists, those who had copious amounts of money to spend, and those who simply had nothing better to do with their free time. Theodore had encountered people from all walks of life during his time fighting. He noticed businessmen, drug addicts, CEOs, sex workers, run of the mill blue collar workers - any person imaginable. Many people would try to speak to him after fighting, but either his adrenaline ran too high for his thoughts to stop spiraling or he struggled to formulate words and string sentences together from too many hits to his head, though this was not typically the case.”

looking for original character x original character
i like to play angsty and brooding male characters, but would love to interact with any other type of character. i’m open to new experiences!
M/F, M/M, M/NB preferred :)
loose prompt ideas:

⭒ mafia/innocent
⭒ detective/civilian
⭒ underground boxer/runaway
⭒ famous!mma fighter/nonfamous partner
⭒ college
⭒ childhood friends to strangers
⭒ co-workers
⭒ apartment neighbors
⭒ gang/innocent
⭒ ill partner/healthy partner
⭒ friends to enemies to lovers (any order)
⭒ and more! if you don’t like any of these examples, tell me your plots! just make sure they’re angsty!!!!!!!!!

both SFW/NSFW friendly

if rapid fire response times are a possibility, i’d love to chat with you too!!

⭒ contact:

discord: #murphy2799

email: [email protected]

⭒⭒⭒ i look forward to chatting with you!!!!!! ⭒⭒⭒

long-term partner; m//

Hello, I’m Meli! I’m doing something I don’t usually do. I’m seeking a long-term writing partner with the following qualifications:

  • 18+
  • Writes M// without role preference
  • Open to multi-pairing plots
  • Loves OC and OOC chatter (a MUST)
  • Open, but not exclusive to, the fantasy genre
  • Loves worldbuilding
  • Seeking dark themes (HIGH preference for this)
  • Literate, writes enough to cover the scene and not the minimum
  • Patient
  • Uses Discord

If you’ve ticked off every bullet, I encourage you to keep reading.

ABOUT ME: I want you to know me as a person because I have every intention of being your friend. For us to be good writing partners, we need to get along! As I said earlier, my name is Meli, and I am 21+ years old. My favourite things in this life include video games, classical/jazz/soul music, cats, matcha tea, and writing. I have been involved in the roleplay community for 11 years and I have had experience in fandom and original works. At the moment, I am a Chemistry major pursuing a career in pharmacy. Yes, I am busy, but I still set aside time for one of my favourite hobbies. I consider myself to have a great sense of humour and I joke around plenty; ideally, you’re within the same boat. I am a huge fan of the horror/thriller genres and would totally be down to watch some scary movies and deep dives on the disturbing things in our world with you!

ROLEPLAY: Alrighty, here we go. This is where things get a bit specific. Mentioned previously, I write M//. It wouldn’t be impossible for us to write M/F, but there are particular dynamics I’m seeking - not the cliché and overdone kind - this can be discussed personally (but, again, isn’t what I’m looking for.)

Most importantly, I will not solely write the tops to your bottoms, and I don’t expect you to be doing that for me. I am all for ambiguous roles as well.

I put my heart and soul into my characters because I love what I do. Please: nothing one-sided. I love OC chatter and I want to be able to send you a meme tagging one of our muses. As a music enthusiast, I compile playlists. I even work on muse-specific Pinterest boards to boost the inspiration. I adore writing mini one-shots of scenes in OOC as a means of plot development, whether or not it’s due to a delay in my replies. I draw! Character development is a huge part of my time spent roleplaying and as such, I expect you to be just as devoted. In a perfect world, we know each other’s characters completely because we have both contributed to their development. That being said, I don’t mind if you bring a pre-made character, so long as we can work on other developments together. This is going to be a creation we’ve made.

When it comes to the more explicit scenes, I’m not against the concept, however: I value plot over smut and as a greyromantic/asexual, I will not be writing smut. I’m horrible at it and will not subject you to that mess. Furthermore, it’s exhausting and uncomfortable for me to do so often. With this being said, be open to fading to black. Despite all of that, I’m no puritan and neither are some of my muses. Some are shamelessly lewd. I am not bothered if yours are as well. Anything else smut-related should be discussed with me. No characters will be under 18.

Worldbuilding is something I absolutely love to do. I love to explore every facet of a fantasy world from customs and currency to religion and politics. The more magical, the better. I love godly conflict. My favourite kind of fantasy is futuristic, where technology and magic go hand in hand. I love the involvement of gods; we can make our own! I simply will not do anything Earth-based because it’s not up my alley. Note: the world I just described is NOT REQUIRED, it is just something I have a lot of fun with. I’m super open-minded and can go with anything that you set forth.

Please be open to writing a cast of characters. I don’t mind if the focus is solely on two people, but there is room for secondary and background characters. It’s even better if you’d like to write a chaotic group of friends, wholesomely dysfunctional family (not having to be biological), siblings that don’t hate each other, and comical background characters. I’m not saying we’ll have over 50 muses at once, but we can expand from the standard 2.

I am a literate writer and expect the same from you. One-liners are only acceptable for the interactions that demand them, but they will remain rare. I will not drown you in text every other response, but I will write what I feel is appropriate and I expect you to do the same. I average 3-5 paragraphs, but I have been known to derail to 6k+ words. You can ask for writing samples when you reach out to me.

Plot-based stuff is going to be all up to discussion. Things can get dark. Really dark. They can be as dark as you want them to be. On the lighter side, I love the different relationship dynamics that can come of our muses’ unique personalities. At the moment, I am absolutely itching to put one of my latest boys to good use. (Spoiler: he’s a wicked, anaemic brat.) Either way, if you have an idea, spring it on me and we’ll see if things work out.

Be patient with me. I mentioned being a university student, and the goals I am pursuing come before writing. Things may be slow enough for a couple replies a week, but they also might be hectic enough that I’ll need 1-2 weeks to respond. We’ll still be chatting the whole while; I’m not going anywhere!

I’m shy. I’m terribly shy and this is something nerve-wracking to me. Please excuse me if I don’t open up instantly, I want to get to know you as naturally as possible. By the same token, I am not your therapist and you are not mine. We have life struggles and we’re bound to mention them as friends do, but I have had instances in the past where my writing has come to an end because my partners want to do nothing but unload onto me. If you are in a situation where your mental health highly affects your relationship with your writing partners, please do not interact.

Worth mentioning: if things don’t work out, that should be okay. I will understand if it’s an issue on my end and I expect you to feel the same way. After all, it’s nothing personal, but we should be comfortable with each other.

I hope to have covered everything here. By all means, if you have any questions, feel free to DM me. 

Contact (Discord): Ƨnow#4950

Looking forward to meeting you!

Dedicated, long-term, in-depth crime-oriented MxM writing partner

Hey y'all. Veteran Tumblr roleplayer looking to broaden my horizons and find new writing partners to help explore characters and plot ideas.

A bit about me and my writing/partner preferences:

Firstly, it’s important to note that, as a Tumblr veteran, the kind of roleplay I’m used to is not one where I create a new character for a ready-made plot but, rather, the other way around. I have a (very short) list of (mostly) crime-oriented OCs which I’ve been developing for a good while now, and which I am looking to create plots and connections/relationships for. I’m very much into in-depth character development and tend to stick to the characters I create for a long time: I’ve had my longest-running character for roughly 10 years now, and he is still my absolute favorite to write. It should go without saying that they all come with their own little worlds, a well-thought-out bio, and a bunch of NPCs surrounding them. While there are, generally, arcs and/or certain plot directions that I’d love to explore for them, I also very much like catering my plots to specific partners/characters and coming up with things together. Likewise, I like writing with partners and coming up with plots that can potentially run for a very long time. I believe that I’m very good at developing characters and actively working to drive plots forward, and I’m looking to work on something with someone which could potentially run for years and years. I’ll be leaving little summaries of my OCs as well as links to their full character sheets at the bottom of the post; if any of what’s written here piques your interest, please check them out and HMU with any thoughts you may have.

As for me: I’m in my early 30s and my timezone is GMT+2. I don’t mind timezone differences when it comes to my partners, but I do ask that no one under the age of 21 approach me, as writing with minors makes me uncomfortable. Bonus points if you’re over 25.

As such, it’s important to note that I work two jobs and have a partner, pets and an offline social life, all of which goes to say I won’t be available to RP daily. I’ll try my best to post at least once a week, and there will likely be weeks when I’m available to post more often; but, as one of my jobs is freelance and the schedule tends to be a bit unpredictable, there may also be weeks when I won’t be able to post as often as I’d like. Your understanding on this matter would be appreciated, and I will extend the same courtesy to you. With that said: I’m not looking to write with someone who takes several-month-long breaks in-between replies. It’s just hard for me to maintain interest that way. It’s also important to note that, despite of the above, I’m likely to be available daily for OOC chatting and plotting.

I’ve been involved with text-based roleplaying for the better part of 15 years - almost exclusively OCs and original settings and plots - and I consider myself to be an advanced-literate writer despite English being my second language. Though I’m no stickler and don’t mind the occasional mistake here and there - we’re all only human - I do ask that you be a literate writer, and that you proofread your posts before sending them my way.

When it comes to writing preferences, I mostly do third person, present tense. This is not a must for you if you prefer writing in past tense, but it is, nevertheless, a plus. I prefer quality to quantity and have been experimenting with doing more showing than telling and limiting my characters’ internal monologue to a minimum, which often means my posts tend to be on the shorter side (normally 200-700 words/1-3 paragraphs). Though I’ve done novella-type roleplays before and can certainly produce much longer posts if the thread calls for it, I’d prefer not to go back to doing novella regularly, as I find that it disrupts the natural flow of dialog and is just plain exhausting. I don’t mind the length of your replies as long as you give me something to work with. I do, however, ask that we exchange writing samples prior to getting into any serious plotting.

On that note: I’m an active plotter. There’s little I love more than catering plots to specific characters or partners and getting into the real fine details of things (over time, of course). I try to work with the “yes, and” method as often as possible and rarely leave my partners hanging when it comes to driving the plot forward or working on character development, both IC and OOC. I expect you to be able to do the same. I’m sympathetic towards the occasional dry spell, none of us can be oozing with creativity 24/7; but if you consistently leave all the hard work up to me, I will get bored and drop our RP.

Likewise, I like seeing plots through. I get very discouraged if all we ever do is plot and chat OOC, but never actually follow through with writing. Don’t get me wrong: I love chatting and plotting; I’ll be sending you plot ideas, aesthetics, music, memes and art of our characters any hour of the day; but the main goal here is to write something, not only discuss it in theory.

Most of my characters are queer men and I’m potentially looking for someone to ship with, since I like a bit of romance on the side of a good plot - so it certainly helps if you’re into writing mxm romance. With that said, however, I’m thrilled to write any sort of lost-lasting relationships for my characters: platonic, familial, antagonistic, etc., so romance is not a must. It’s also important to note that, while I like discussing NSFW headcanons/scenes in detail and think that they’re integral to writing any ship, I’m not a huge fan of actually writing out smut and would rather fade-to-black.

On a similar note: most of my characters tend to be flawed. I don’t have any particular triggers and like getting into the nitty-gritty of the human psyche/behavior/existence. I’ll obviously respect any triggers or boundaries my partners may have but, as a general rule, if you’re especially sensitive or easily triggered by themes common to the criminal genre (i.e. violence, substance abuse, etc.) - I’m likely not the right partner for you.

Lastly: I’m comfortable writing virtually anywhere - Discord, Tumblr, Google Docs, via email, etc., and very much looking forward to hearing from you!(If you choose to email me via Barbermonger, please include either a return email address or a Discord handle!)

A bit about my characters:

The Mercenary, AKA Merc, is my longest-running character of 10 years and absolute fav, and the one I have the most motivation to write. He’s in his early 30s, homosexual/romantic, and - you guessed it - a mercenary combat operative. Standoffish, thick, self-destructive, extremely dangerous and easily irate, he is also profoundly loyal, adventurous and far more sensitive and intelligent than he lets on. His themes largely include: crime, modern-realism, recent history, war, mental illness, generational abuse, nihilism, moral ambiguity, violence and redemption.

Job Edwards is a character I’ve had for roughly 5 years now and currently don’t have a lot of inspiration for, but would love to know if he catches anybody’s eye. He’s in his late 20s, pansexual/romantic, a drifter with a heart of gold and some unpleasant supernatural abilities. He’s my only character that can largely be described as a ‘good guy’ and is goofy, fun-loving, optimistic and wears his heart on his sleeve. He is, however, also a coward and has a tendency to run from his problems. His themes include: supernatural, horror, gothic Americana, loss, the afterlife, religion (particularly: Christianity) and coming-of-age.

Saul Shapiro is not exactly a new character, as he’s modern-day revamp of an old historical character I haven’t written in a long time - but the revamp has changed a lot about his character, and I’ve only been writing his modern version for a few months now. He’s in his mid-30s, demisexual/biromantic, and is a kosher deli owner by day and the leader of a small, community-oriented criminal gang by night. Though he is fair-tempered, incredibly well-versed in diplomacy and tends to come across as something of a dork, he can also be very cruel and vengeful and has an underlying mean streak. Themes include: crime, modern-realism, religion (particularly: Judaism), prosecution, community, WWII, personal responsibility, transgenerational trauma, corruption.

Writing samples for each of my boys can be found HERE. Full character sheets for each of the guys listed above may also be provided upon request.

If you’ve made it this far and are at all interested, please contact me via email at [email protected] (:

I am absolutely DESPERATE for a good criminal minds, marvel, supernatural, MHA or ATLA roleplay. I would also love to do a SWAT one against a Daniel Harrelson (Hondo). I am literally so desperate and here are my rules I guess

Please be 18+:

- this is an ABSOLUTE must. I like darker themes and stuff especially with the fandoms i’m asking for.

Please be literate:

- this is also an ABSOLUTE must. Its just something that helps keep me writing and keep me interested.

Please double up:

- i want everything to be equal for us you know? I want both of us to have fun. That’s what these things are for. Its just important to me for us both to have fun.

Please don’t be intimidated by this post please. I’m actually really nice- i’m just desperate lol. I really want to be able to vibe ooc and I want to vibe in character too you know? So don’t be afraid to shoot me a message or like this post or message me on the discord that I will leave below. I love you all friends. Please remember to drink enough water and eat- and sleep. Please for the love of god sleep! Also there’s a meteor shower tonight! So I’ll be awake early

Here’s my discord loves:


Much love <3

- archived in the FBI library
