#roleplay partner needed


Welcome to my wonderful world:-


Hi everyone. My name is Shey and I’m a 21 year old roleplayer. I’ll leave a list of my fandoms below but that’s besides the point. I am a highly experienced roleplayer in fact I’ve been roleplaying for more than 5-6 years. I am advanced lit to novella style and I usually roleplay on discord. I’ll also drop that somewhere along the way. If you couldn’t tell, i’m a quite sporadic person. I get distracted a lot and I will send you lots of apologies and lots of memes if we roleplay together. I love meeting and talking to new people- it makes me so happy to actually see and learn about other people’s interests and things like that! I’m really really friendly and I promise you I will always be there for you as a friend and as a roleplay partner. I am non binary! So I use she/they pronouns but please don’t use she exclusively because that bothers me :) I am also bisexual- but if we get to the point of sending pictures to each other and I call you cute or adorable ITS NOT BECAUSE I LIKE YOU. Its because I genuinely think you’re pretty or handsome or whatever it is that I think. I hope that we can roleplay together! My rules will be on another post that I plan to put out today! And so will my muses. I’ll post the fandoms I roleplay here in this post!




Black Butler*

Ouran High School Host Club

Yuri on Ice

My Hero Academia (boku no hero academia)

Fruits Basket

Tv Shows:

Criminal Minds****


Law and Order SVU

Avatar the Last Airbender*

911 (lonestar)

The Resident


Obey Me!

Genshin Impact (kinda not really but I try)





Star Wars

Right now what i’m looking for most is a marvel! If you’re interested either message me here or on my discord heyheyitsshey#0855 !

Hey guys

i’m not replacing any of my roleplay partners. If I haven’t responded to you in more that three days I’ve either forgotten or I lost interest and i’m really bad at confrontation… and i’m really sorry about that. It says it in my rules thay I would rather be ghosted then and I would rather ghost and maybe that’s just super messed up and i’m sorry about that but its just the way I am pls to be mean to meeee.

[ok now that that’s over]

I’m looking for 18+ literate oc friendly, Marvel roleplay. I am a bit familiar with the comics- I haven’t been reading them but I’ve gotten quite interested so i’m doing my research. Recently I’ve fallen back in love with Tony Stark, and I have fallen in love with a certain Matt Murdock who has seemingly stolen my heart. I have also started reading Deadpool comics and I watched the first movie and he stole my heart so… uh… he’s hot. It would be incredible to find someone who plays either of those characters for me. I love the sarcastic and witty nature of each of the characters and I love them both incredibly. However, if I can’t get Matt, Wade or Tony I have other ships open.

I just want to say that Tony Stark is a DILF, Matt Murdock is a BILF, and Wade is just… GILF. If you decide to do me… I’ll explain there lmao.

Here are the other ships that are open (the ones bolded are the ones I’d like the most)

Bucky Barnes x oc

Loki x oc

Yelena x oc

Steve Rogers x oc

T’Challa x oc

Thor x oc

I am completely 100% open to doubling up. Here are the characters I play:

If you’d like canon x canon for your side I don’t mind doing that.

Tony Stark

Pietro Maximoff


Steve Rogers


Nick Fury

Mobius M. Mobius

Peter Parker

Bruce Banner

Sam Wilson



Frank Castle

Natasha Romanoff

Wanda Maximoff

Maria Hill


Carol Danvers

Monica Rambeau

Peggy Carter

Please message me here or on discord at heyheyitsshey#0855

Roleplay Request!

Hi everyone. Once again I’m here with a roleplay request. I’m not too picky but I do want it to be fandom related and my rules are the first post you’ll see on my blog so please check out my rules. What i’m looking for specifically is going to be laid out here

I want a good Marvel roleplay. I’m searching for a few characters. Loki,Bucky,Tony,orHoward Stark. I play my oc but I also play other canon characters. I play canon characters and my ocs and i’m very excited to meet new people and roleplay with different writing styles. I write a lot of different canon characters and I usually match my partner’s literacy. I am multiparagraph writer who is currently writing a book as well and I write a lot when i’m feeling the vibe. Please try and vibe with me. I am very lonely- but we don’t talk about that. I’ve been using roleplay to distract me from my ✨spicy thoughts✨ so it’d be awfully nice of you all to be my long term partners and friends.

I also wanted to warn everyone that I’ve been diagnosed with ADHD- its a new diagnosis, but my psychiatrist hasn’t given me any medication for it so I sometimes forget about things and I sometimes just lose my motivation to do things until something else happens. Its kind of weird but it is what it is. I also have verybad depression. So my motivation can be very hard to get. I fluctuate honestly its very difficult. Life is difficult for me sometimes. But it is what it is.

Anyway, I’ll leave my discord. If you’d like to dm me here or on discord feel free my friends.


Much love <3


Looking for a Roleplay Partner!

Hello all! My name is Shey and I’m 21 years old. I’ve had over 9+ years of roleplay experience and honestly, I’m looking for the right partner for me! I’m so excited to put this ad out there into the void of Tumblr, and I’m hoping that I can make friends and find a partner that I am compatible with. So let’s get to it!

About Me-

Like I said in my short introduction my name is Shey and I’m 21 years old. My time zone is EST! I am off school for the summer but I do have a part time job so my schedule can get a little weird! I work at a supermarket- it’s kinda small and stuff but its fun and I like working. I’m going to be a junior in college- so when fall rolls around, I think I’ll definitely be busier but of course I’ll find time for everyone. I love making friends- I’m obsessed with all kinds of music and I’m in a lot of different fandoms so we can talk about a lot of things. As of right now I’m totally obsessed with the song Bust Your Kneecaps by Pomplamoose because I danced to it with Bucky Barnes in my dream reality- 

I digress. I’m a psychology major on the premed track with a minor in criminal justice and a concentration in criminology. I don’t know what else to say about myself really but I’m really friendly and I love making friends! My dms are always open for anything and anyone!


- Please be 18+. I’m 21 so this rules should be self explanatory 

- Please be literate. I enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing so put as much effort as I do into your replies to me! 

- Be nice. Don’t trash my ocs because I genuinely will never trash yours. Don’t be rude and don’t force things. Honestly just be a decent human being. The point of roleplay is to have fun not to suck as people and cause drama you know?

- Don’t spam me please. I have a life outside of roleplay and I suffer with severe depression along with OCD. If I don’t reply within 3-5 days it means I’m either in a depressive episode or I’ve lost interest. I’m not confrontational… which is the only bad thing about me. I honestly rather be ghosted then have someone say they don’t like our rp- I mean I know that’s kind of messed up and the absolute opposite of everyone else but I guess that’s me. I’m a little weird like that. I think it’s because I have the most severe fear of failure that I’d rather be ignored than actually be told that I failed. 

- I have no triggers at all. I am open to any plot with the exception of extreme smut

What I’m Looking For-

What I’m currently looking for specifically is someone who can play canon characters against my oc(s). I usually double up. I want to make everything fair for everyone and I want both sides to be enjoyable. Anyway, like I said before I’m in a lot of fandoms, but as of right now I am most eager to roleplay a Marvel roleplay. I have a few oc(s) and one in the works which is specifically for Moonknight the show, and I’m excited to use my oc(s). I am also looking for someone who is literate to novella ad someone who roleplays in 3rd person exclusively. I usually roleplay on discord- it’s easier for me to keep track like that and if you want I can make us an awesome server. In terms of characters, I am looking for a Marc Spector, Loki, Bucky, or Tony! Most preferably Marc, Bucky or Loki! Those characters just have such fluidity and development that I just… I appreciate them incredibly. I’ll list my fandoms in order of preference below as well and the characters I play! Anyways, I’m looking for a plot that focuses a lot on character development. I am a sucker for angst. I’m also a sucker for hurt/comfort scenes. I love to write stuff that deals with mental illnesses and past traumas allowing characters to be vulnerable with one another.

Au’s I’m Open To-

- Mafia 

- Any soulmate Au at all (I’m a sucker for those) 

- Hanahaki (as long as there’s a plot and not just “oh shit bro I found love”) 

- Angels and Demons

- Fantasy

- Any kind of crossover!

- Detective stuff 

- And a lot more if you’d just ask me!

Plots and Smut-

I have no specific plot in mind- I am someone who is completely open to anything and everything with the exception of an incredible amount of smut. I prefer an 80:20 plot to smut ratio! I love real actual plot and I don’t mind smut but make it realistic- I mean I’ve had roleplays where its literally like they kiss once and its like “oh shit bro we fucking” but that’s not how it is in real life. I’m a person who thinks that one night stands do happen in real life and rps and as a person I am fine with that- but I guess what I’m saying is if it isn’t accurate please just fade to black honestly. And to me smut is NOT a requirement- sometimes smut freaks me out- it honestly depends on the day- but as long as there is plot and the smut is called for then its ok!

Going back to plot: like I said, I am a sucker angst. I love all sorts of issues and especially with a marvel plot with Bucky or Loki (or both hehe) there’s just so much trauma and so much angst there and I am excited. 


I’m sure you all are excited to see this list! So here goes:

- Marvel which includes Moonknight, Agent Carter, TFATWS, and when it comes out, Loki

- Supernatural

- Avatar the Last Airbender

- Sherlock 

- Black Butler

- My Hero Academia 

- Star Wars

- Criminal Minds

- Mystic Messenger

- Percy Jackson

- Doctor Who 10th doctor only 


- 911 including 911 lonestar

- The Resident 

- Law and Order 

- Genshin Impact

- Obey Me

- BTS (kpop)

- Yuri On Ice

- Lore Olympus (Webtoon)

- Ouran High School Host Club

- Haikyuu!


So there you have it. There’s me in a nutshell. I am totally open to anything and everything! Please give me a dm here or on my discord: heyheyitsshey#0855. I am active literally everywhere. 

Much love <3 


She had lived for hundreds of years.

Hundreds of years worth of memories, pain, and life had haunted her. Hundreds of years of loss. Centuries of war. Centuries of suffering. Famine and sickness. She learned that the world wasn’t at all as what she had hoped for it to be. Because as a goddess, the only thing that she wanted in her life was for her world to be good.

But she was banished from the heavens. Banished for failing in love- it was like treason to the higher ups… its was like directly disobeying her true father. And that’s how she ended up on earth. Every 100 years she would die and live again… experiencing life and death in different circumstances every time.

This made her angry. It made her angry because she didn’t deserve it. Just because she had a heart didn’t mean that she needed to suffer so dearly. It didn’t mean that she would need to lose her parents every single time she lived or lose her life to a car crash or a train derailing or cancer. It hurt her. She was supposed to be a goddess protecting her people, but instead she had been plagued to live the lives of mortals over. And over. And over again. It was like Groundhog Day- the movie- when the man lived the same day- but for her it was like hundreds of years. Each century a different body, but the same person, the same memories, and the same fated death. It would be bloody dramatic and cold.

As she walked through the streets of New York, her dark beautiful strawberry blonde locks of hair drifted to cover her face. It was a stormy day and honestly she didn’t know why she had decided to go out. Maybe it was just something that was good. Maybe she needed the fresh air to rethink her choices. But truly all she wanted was peace and she found it in the noise. Maybe the noise of the city took her mind off things.

No. The noise of the city made Celly feel less alone.

In time unknown

“Please- please just let me go- I’m human- I’m human like you are. I don’t understand why you insist on keeping me here. I’m not dangerous.” She looked through the glass as she spoke. She wasn’t speaking to anyone it seemed- it was quite a futile attempt to make any kind of escape- she knew it was no use. No use at all… but it seemed as though it was the only attempt that she could make. It was the only one.

As she stared out of her cell, she felt completely alone. There was an emptiness in herself. She felt like a caged animal- when really she was just a harmless human… she just wanted to be out in the world once more. She wanted to see her brother and her father and her mother… but she had an eerie feeling that they were all dead. That would explain the screaming that she heard in her dreams each and every night. And she cried. When she first heard the screams she cried. She cried because she couldn’t say goodbye. This… the first time she heard their screams was months ago.

She had gotten used to it.

She had gotten used to the pain, the screaming and the fear. She had gotten used to it all. And she knew that it would never stop and she would never know for sure if they were dead or not. She had gotten used to the hopelessness and the helplessness. She had gotten used to it all. The imprisonment, the loneliness, the emptiness and the uncertainty. But she would get out. As soon as she figured out how to make her great escape, she would.

In a time unknown

She had escaped without any casualties. She had broken through the glass using her pure power- the glowing illumination from her hands was supposed to be something that she used to heal, not destroy- but she needed to get out of there, she needed to get to the outside world again. She didn’t know what day it was, what time it was- all she knew was that to get out, she would have to use her strength to do the thing that she vowed not to do. She would have to destroy and cause pain… as much as she didn’t want to, she needed to get out.

Her escape was the only thing that she had been looking forward to during those days. And now that it had been executed, it was fated that she would complete her prophecy. She would use her powers to destroy the world- and her escape seemed to be the fated first step.

She ran. She ran as far as her bare feet could carry her. Her feet padded across the forest’s floor; the leaves crunched against them as she ran. If she was captured, it would be the end of her story.

She couldn’t let this be the end.

She stared blankly at those who had kept her in custody. She felt empty inside. She felt completely empty inside. It was weird because she didn’t know who she was or what her name was. She didn’t know what she had done or who she had killed. All she knew was that she was sitting in this dark and dingy cell where people were ogling her, examining her, asking her questions. But the only answer she had to those questions were “I don’t know” until she began to shot and squirm against her cuffs. She was often sedated when she got aggressive. But she guessed that today was different.

She sat in her cell quietly. She was playing with the sleeves of her shirt. When she sat in her cell, she was uncuffed. It was only when she was being interviews was she cuffed. She was glad that the day brought peace. She was tired- a night full of remembering wasn’t always welcome. But her memories were pleasant. She had remembered a love before- a love who had gone off to war. A love who she had missed dearly. She remembered his first name. His first name was James- and he went by Bucky. He loved to dance, he was friends with a scrawny boy. And they had gone to the fair together. She loved him. But she was sure that after all this time he was gone. Sometimes his bright blue icy eyes haunted her in her dreams, but that night a full memory had risen and she was able to smile a bit.

“I don’t know why but we were called here- you too Buck.” She looked up from her hands at the sound of that voice. That voice seemed familiar… Captain America? Why was her here? “Unlock 01A” that was her cell. Was she getting out? Or were they coming in? Either way she’d be happy to have some company. She looked back down at her hands as she heard footsteps and her cell door open. “Crimson, my name is Steve Rogers. This is Bucky Barnes. We understand you’ve worked with HYDRA” she looked up at the voice, and she immediately noticed the man with the dark blue eyes- the one that had haunted her dreams.

“Bucky,” her eyes had widened and she stood up from her seat. It wasn’t a sudden movement. “You remember me?” He asked, with gentle eyes laced with slight concern. It was a slight gentle movement when she got up. “I never thought I’d see you again soldier… welcome back.”

Crimson Pavlichenko

Character Preview


“Why can’t women go to war Momma?” Crimson looked back at her younger sister and ruffled the girl’s brightly blonde hair. “I don’t know why men think they’re so great,” Crimson replied as she grasped the girl, putting her into her lap. “You’d make a great soldier Crim.” The young woman couldn’t help but laugh at the small 6 year old girl in her lap. “You know that in Russia,” her mother began. “There is no difference of gender. Your cousin Lyudmila is fighting for a safer Russia. She is doing a great job” Her mother’s thick Russian accent filled the room which made the siblings look at each other before they looked back at their dear mother. “When we fight, we fight as a family.”

“Why did we leave Russia Momma?” Crimson smiled at her bright little sister. The girl was young, but she was smart- wise beyond her years. They both were. They had been through a lot.

Their mother came to sit with them and she smiled. “Don’t worry about that- don’t worry about the politics. Just like Russia fights as a family, we fight as a family. We go down together… now who wants dinner?”


Whydid they flee Russia?


“James! James let’s go dancing!” she said brightly as she looked back at the young army man with dark beautiful eyes. “Please- I want to dance tonight. It’s been a long time since we’ve been dancing and you’re leaving soon.” She had a beautiful pout on her painted lips, one that he couldn’t say no to. “I’m coming doll,” he said, his smile plastered across his face. Was he in love? Maybe… maybe he was.

“You know you can call me Bucky right doll?” She looked at him with those deep thoughtful eyes that he adored looking into so much. “I know- but today, you are James. My James Buchanan Barnes.” She grabbed his wrist before she looked at him with a mischievous glint in her eyes. “Now come on my handsome soldier! Let’s go and dance!”


“No- no. You can’t tell me they’re dead.” Tears began to stream down her face as she tried to rationalize with herself. Her mother had died. Her sister had died. The love of her life or the man that she thought was the love of her life had gone on to war. And her best friend had left to war too- a scrawny little boy but he was accepted into the United States Army. Everyone was gone. Everyone that she knew was gone and now she had to live her life all by herself.

She sat in the lobby, crying. Sobbing. Her dark blue eyes were filled with tears to the brink- they were boiling over, slipping down her face. Her cheeks had flared up, a dark red as she sobbed. They were her family. Her only family. It should’ve been her. It should have been her.


Everything was black. She was beginning to come to, a bright light was in her eyes. It looked… the man standing in front of her looked like an American sergeant. He had his uniform on- a lot of medals on his uniform. She was confused. She was disoriented but she was also incredibly calm. “Good morning soldier.” Something in her mind was screaming. She was screaming for freedom- screaming for everything- but her body didn’t move. Her body couldn’t move. It was so difficult. She could feel herself begin to lose everything. “I said good morning soldier.” She had no idea what to say or what to do. And she was put under again.

Everything was black for so long. Everything was cold for so long until it wasn’t cold anymore and she was strapped into that damn chair again. Her own screams haunted her dreams. Her pain, her fear… it all haunted her. She was scared. Alone.


Unfrozen. Car crash. Scared.

Confused. Broken. Unsalvageable.

Fragile. Family. Autumn. Explosion

“You are now the Cypher. Good morning Cypher.”

“Ready to comply.”

I have a new hyper fixation

The marvel movies have grasped my heart. Bucky Barnes was my first ever “villain” crush and I just finished The Falcon and The Winter Soldier and I fell head over heels for him again.

That being said… I would love someone to play Bucky for me. I know its probably a long shot but I am literally desperate guyssss. I really love that man- its no joke how much my fixation has been rekindled. Anyway here are my rules

Please be 18+:

I can’t stress this enough. I’m 19- and I like to have dark themes in my roleplays. Like really dark having to consist of trauma and sh and maybe even ed and obviously gore and stuff like that. If you’re not interested in that stuff that’s perfectly ok- I mean we can do mentions other we could do very subtle stuff when it comes to that but if its a trigger of yours I will respect it. I’m a nice person and I’ve had triggers once in my life and I hated it when people didn’t respect those triggers. I am now past those triggers. But please be 18+ because I like to have a 50/50 ratio of NSFW to plot. This is one of my biggest rules.

Please be literate:

Oh boy. Here’s another one. I write on discord. I write 1,000-1,800 characters and when i’m excited sometimes I have to do another entry. I like to read replies as much as I like to reply. I like to see 2-3 paragraphs because even if I can get out one reply a day or something (even though I am usually rapid fire) the story can keep going. I mean like… I don’t make exceptions with this. I’m someone who has gone through all the phases of role playing and I see that writing literately is the best option for me. If you can’t do that then I’m super sorry!! I’m really picky with my roleplay lengths.

Please be oc friendly:

This is another big one!! If I can’t play my ocs I get disinterested really fast. I like to create new stories with my ocs and I don’t mind doubling up! I’m super oc friendly so I would really appreciate it if you treated me the same exact way. If you don’t double up please be oc friendly. Please please please.

Those are my major rules. There are obviously other rules like don’t be homophobic or racist or sexist or just a horrible person. I’m not for that. I’m not behind that kind of stuff really. Like I will block you right away especially since i’m genderfluid latinx person.

I am genuinely a very nice person so please don’t be intimidated by this post. I care for all of my partners and I love all my partners. So thank you so much all for giving this a chance. My discord is heyheyitsshey#0855.

Much love <3

- archived in the FBI library-

- stolen by HYDRA-


I am absolutely DESPERATE for a good criminal minds, marvel, supernatural, MHA or ATLA roleplay. I would also love to do a SWAT one against a Daniel Harrelson (Hondo). I am literally so desperate and here are my rules I guess

Please be 18+:

- this is an ABSOLUTE must. I like darker themes and stuff especially with the fandoms i’m asking for.

Please be literate:

- this is also an ABSOLUTE must. Its just something that helps keep me writing and keep me interested.

Please double up:

- i want everything to be equal for us you know? I want both of us to have fun. That’s what these things are for. Its just important to me for us both to have fun.

Please don’t be intimidated by this post please. I’m actually really nice- i’m just desperate lol. I really want to be able to vibe ooc and I want to vibe in character too you know? So don’t be afraid to shoot me a message or like this post or message me on the discord that I will leave below. I love you all friends. Please remember to drink enough water and eat- and sleep. Please for the love of god sleep! Also there’s a meteor shower tonight! So I’ll be awake early

Here’s my discord loves:


Much love <3

- archived in the FBI library
