#critical role mollymauk


Drew these a long ass while ago. Basically Mighty Nein + the Fated Five because they have a whole lot of similarities. Also, I wanted to make headshots of them fused together so that’s what I did.

Might redraw them but idk

In order they are;

-a picture of Jester and Nott [from the Mighty Nein] with Br'aad, HillTree, and Live Clock [from the Fated Five]

-Beau [from the Mighty Nein] and Taxi [from the Fated Five] meditating together

-fusion between Nott and HillTree

-a fusion between Yasha and Velrissa

-fusion between Fjord and Mountain

-fusion between Caleb and Redd [they deadass the same person]

-a fusion between Mollymauk and Sylnan

-fusion between Jester and Br'aad

-fusion between Beau and Taxi

“Not tonight sailor” i always really dig the idea of any time one of The Nein die and get brought back Molly gets to send them back from the after life with with a wink, a kiss, and a pat on the bottom ✨
