

A few quick updates!

First of all, sorry for not pumping out as much content as usual this week. Since finals are coming up, I’ve been bogged down with a bunch of last-minute assignments including a 6-page paper due tomorrow night that I’ve hardly touched. Because of this, I regret to say I haven’t gotten much writing done this week.

I’ve gotten about three chapters ahead on CLARITAS and I’m hoping to publish part 6 sometime this afternoon. Reminder to please message me or send me an ask if you’d like to be added to the tag list when it updates!

A GLITCH IN THE PROGRAMMING is, as you can guess, still not coming along at the rate I’d like. I’ve got two chapters ready to publish, but after that I’ve got no new ideas flowing at the moment. I might have to move this to the back burner for a little while until I dig myself out of this writer’s block.

Finally, people seemed to really take a liking to the experimental Harley Quinn one shot from earlier this week. If that’s something people are interested in, I’ll start practicing with a couple more Harley Quinn pieces—and I’ve still got a Cara Dune x Reader on my to-do list!

Thanks for reading, and thanks for your support!
