#culmets art

Only Ever for You Revisiting another dear work, from 2018.Rest of ‘Honey Mushroom’ here.  Updating h

Only Ever for You 

Revisiting another dear work, from 2018.

Rest of ‘Honey Mushroom’ here.


  Updating here and on DeviantArt, while my instagram profile is frustratingly being held captive by the current Disco crew project (can’t ruin the layout by posting in between the carefully choreographed order *sigh* Five more to go, I believe)

Though, I don’t think this particular scene was ever even posted on instagram… in cases like these you’d rather hope you could just discreetly drop works there (you know, to keep your gallery complete) without them instantly popping up on everyone’s someones’ feeds


Still one of my favorite instances of the necklace, ever; such character to it. Now of course with the addition of “the sexy scar”.



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Some Thirsty Mushroom   Was originally just gonna leave this in the Archive, add it discreetly to th

Some Thirsty Mushroom   

Was originally just gonna leave this in the Archive, add it discreetly to the Honey Mushroom list and be done with it… but then again, what fun would that have been.

Whom it may concern: there are couple new Honey Mushroom chapters, quite out of nowhere. Including my smuttiest smut, yet. So, be advised: mature content abound, quite a lot more sexually explicit than any of the previous ones. Exactly what it says in the description: a hard fuck.

“Going Out with a Bang”(Explicit)

And as I didn’t dare post this here unless I had something alternative to offer for those, who do not prefer reading porn, there’s also this another one, amorous as well, but where nothing lewd actually happens. Despite attempts *ha*

“Home on a Heavenly Body” (Cuddly)

The image is for an older snippet “Losing Your Arms”. One of my personal favorites of the Culmets illustrations, in fact.


What else has been going on with me on Disco front? On twitter and on instagram I seem to have finally gotten a start - after numerous failed attempts - on those Discovery crew portraits/posters I’ve been babbling on about here for years in the past (well, not the exact same ones, but a series on the theme, anyway). About damn time. I’ll think about posting those here once the planned ones are complete, but the thread/account are linked above, for those interested to follow along.

I’ve also come to revisit some of the older Culmets works recently, and thought that could actually become another possible project to undertake gradually: to retouch the older works that have started to look too dated to my eye. The “Losing Your Arms” illustration for this post being one of those.

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Wilson Cruz

as Lieutenant Commander Hugh Culber

Hugh Culber and Paul Stamets

art by Jemina Malkki @jmalkki
