#cultural antisemitism




Hey uh…..I hope y'all realize how antisemitic First Kill is….

I’m only on episode three and so far they’ve appropriated the Lillith mythology and fucking call the vampire matriarchy the “Malkia”, which is Hebrew for Queendom. Yeah. It’s that bad.

Who knew Summer 2022 was going to be the Summer Tumblr would reignite antisemitic vampire stories. First Dracula Daily, and now this.

I don’t care how gay the show is. This is fucking disgusting and the antisemitism isn’t even subtle.

Oh oops almost forgot…in this godforsaken show, they’ve made vampirism matrilineal. Rabbinically, Judaism is matrilineal.

I honestly don’t know why no one else is talking about how disgustingly antisemitic this show is.

Alright so antisemites in the notes keep being like “B-but Lilith isn’t exclusively Jewish” and other nonsense.

First of all, she is.

The mythology of Lilith was created as an explanation for SIDS and other cases of infant mortality.

In Jewish mythology, Lilith is the leader of a species of night spirits called the Lilim. (The word Lilim stems from the word Lyla, which means “night”). The Lilim were said to be evil spirits that would enter people’s homes at night and kill their babies suddenly and without any explanation. This was how grieving parents would cope with the tragedy of losing their infant, by blaming it on evil spirits.

The mythology of Lilith and the Lilim has nothing to do with vampirism. The closest creature from another culture that might be called analogous to Lilith is La Llorona from Mexican folklore, not any female vampire creature.

It was only until non-Jewish people came and appropriated her begining in the 19th century that *they* wrongfully associated her with demons and vampirism.

Lilith and the Lilim were the product of grief stricken parents attempting to make sense of their loss. They have nothing to do with vampirism. So appropriating them for a vampire story is just pure antisemitism and a misunderstanding of Jewish culture.


Hey uh…..I hope y'all realize how antisemitic First Kill is….

I’m only on episode three and so far they’ve appropriated the Lillith mythology and fucking call the vampire matriarchy the “Malkia”, which is Hebrew for Queendom. Yeah. It’s that bad.

Who knew Summer 2022 was going to be the Summer Tumblr would reignite antisemitic vampire stories. First Dracula Daily, and now this.

I don’t care how gay the show is. This is fucking disgusting and the antisemitism isn’t even subtle.

Oh oops almost forgot…in this godforsaken show, they’ve made vampirism matrilineal. Rabbinically, Judaism is matrilineal.

I honestly don’t know why no one else is talking about how disgustingly antisemitic this show is.

Hey uh…..I hope y'all realize how antisemitic First Kill is….

I’m only on episode three and so far they’ve appropriated the Lillith mythology and fucking call the vampire matriarchy the “Malkia”, which is Hebrew for Queendom. Yeah. It’s that bad.

Who knew Summer 2022 was going to be the Summer Tumblr would reignite antisemitic vampire stories. First Dracula Daily, and now this.

I don’t care how gay the show is. This is fucking disgusting and the antisemitism isn’t even subtle.
