#curry of life


Japanese Curry

Hello my kits! Welcome to a long over due recipe. I apologize to you all but a sudden hospital stay hindered my ability to post this in a timely manner BUT here it is! Anime curry! Gosh so many animes serve this from Narutos curry of life to one of my personal favorites restaurant from another world’s version of menu 14. where the curry is served in a lovely silver gravy boat.

*some curry boxs may contain peanuts always check carefully the ingredients listed*

So without further ado here’s this week’s lovely Japanese Curry recipe!!

Don’t be scared by the amount of ingredients while many you’ll end up with a HUGE pot and will be eating like a king for days!


1 pack ~ boneless skin on chicken ~I used legs and stripped the meat off the bones for a future broth recipe also I prefer the tenderness of the leg meat but feel free to pick whichever you prefer!

3 carrots ~ peeled and diced into bite sized chunks

2 potatos ~ peeled and diced into bite sized chunks

Half a daikon ~ peeled and diced into bite sized chunks

3 cloves of garlic ~ minced or put through a garlic press (trust me. Get one. Saves time and garlic fingers)

1 small hunk of ginger~ minced fine. Or again put through a garlic press works wonders on ginger too.

1 small onion ~ minced

1 apple ~ don’t peel. Mince. I used a Fuji apple for its sweetness.

2 blocks of curry ~ you can buy boxs of curry at most supermarkets or your local Asian super market. I recommend glico curry. Amazing flavour!!! We used mild for this recipe but I’ve used the medium and spicy and can say both are equally as yummy!!!

Splash of oil ~ enough to cover bottom of large pot

4 cups of chicken stock

1 and a half tablespoon of honey

Salt ~ to taste

Pepper ~ just a pinch

2 tablespoons soysauce

2 tablespoons ketchup

A dash of liquid smoke (optional but I love how it makes it taste)


1) add the oil to your pot and put to medium heat, when ready add the chicken and 1 clove of garlic.

2) when chicken is fully cooked add the onion, remaining garlic and half the ginger.

3) once the onion is softened but not Brown! Add the carrots and saute slightly

4) add your chicken stock and turn up to medium high heat when it boils then add potatos and diakon.

5) once potatos and diakon soften a bit add the apples! (Remember to grab a slice for yourself no shame in snacking while you cook)

6) then add the honey, salt and pepper. Let simmer for 10min.

7) after the 10min go ahead and add the curry roux block. Add one at a time allowing the brothe to disolve it. You can also stir it in but run the risk of having it stick to the bottom (Now you can go about it several ways I have a fancy serving spoon from my hotpot kit that I use but a laddle works just as well)

8) you curry should be looking and smelling like that delious brown concoction you see in anime! But we arnt done yet! Add that ketchup, soy sauce and liquid smoke. Always remember to taste your food. Adjust to levels of what you’ll like!

9) let it simmer on a back burner and make some rice! Wouldn’t be curry without rice am I right! A hardboiled egg is also a yummy side to it

10) ENJOY!!!

I hope you all enjoyed this lovely dish! Feel free to leave more suggestions! I’d also love to see if you’ve made the dishes!!

Thanks and have a lovely day!!

