#japanese cooking


Hey y'all I’m not dead!!! Watch tomorrow for a homemade ramen recipe


Hello my kits! Sorry for the long disappearance but I’m back with something new! Omurice! A staple in animes for so long I attempted this wondrous food and it turned out pretty good so here we go!


1 cup cooked rice cooler

Half of a white onion ~ minced

Mixed veggies (I used edemame and corn but any kind of fresh or frozen small mixed veg works!)

2 cloves of garlic ~ minced

3 eggs ( per person)

2 table spoons cooking oil

1/3 a cup of soy sauce

1 cup grated cheddar cheese

Splash of milk. Seriosuly just a Little bit

Ketchup. Just dollops I did it to taste so it’s preference on how much you add here

Meat! This is optional. I used bacon as I had some but it’s most commonly made with chicken. Be creative tho and try anything!


1)Heat large pan to medium heat and add cooking oil

2)Cook meat of preference throughly

3)Throw the rice, garlic, veg, onion and soy sauce into the pan

4)Mix all together with ketchup

5)Add salt and pepper to taste

6)Get a new clean pan ( or wash the one you were using and add mixture to a bowl)

7)Using a paper towel pour a bit of oil of the pan and wipe it all over the bottom and sides. While the pan is cold. Please don’t try that when its hot unless you’re using chopsticks

8) heat pan to medium heat

9) wisk eggs and splash of milk together in a bowl then gently add to pan

10) cook as you would an omelette. Don’t scramble. Don’t flip

12) also hard part. Put a plate upside down on the top of your pan and flip it all right side up.

11) now here’s the not so fun part. Turn off the heat. Imagine your egg as 3 section. First section witg about half an inch from the edge add the cheese. In the middle little ways from the cheese add the rice mixture. CAREFULLY fold the sides onto the rice mixture in the middle

Don’t forget I do take requests!

For those who have sent them in I’m sorry Tumblr went wonky and I no longer have them so please send them again!

Not sure pretty but damn was it good!!!

ALSO! By popular demand a patreon is being put together to help keep this blog running! Keep an eye out for that really soon

Who likes dumplings!

I’m back y'all! This one was Super fun! Beef potstickers/dumplings/steamed dumplings.

It took 0 effort and was delious! We ended up frying up the leftovers the next day and man also super good so let’s go!


Pack of ground beef (or pork or chicken)

1 carrot ~ shredded and chopped tiny

Green onion ~ 3 stalks like the individual stocks not the whole dang lack. Sliced thin

Salt and pepper ~ 1 table spoon each

Soy sauce ~ ¼ a cup

3 cloves garlic ~ minced super fine

Cup o water ~ to wet your fingers so they don’t stick to the wrappers

Dumplings wrappers ~ can find pretty much anywhere. Will be refrigerated section


1)Throw the beef, carrots, green onion, soy sauce, salt and pepper together in a bowl. Mix till thoroughly incorporated throughout.

2) wash your hands!!!!!!

3) grab the glass o water and the wrappers. Make sure you’re working on a dry surface so the wrappers don’t stick

4) take a spoon and spoon a little lump of meat mix into your wrapper. Spending on the size of your wrapper you can add more or less. Good rule of thumb is it it needs enough space around the meat to comfortable fold without spillage

5) wet your fingers and trace the outside of the wrapper

6) fold it over and use a fork to crimp the edges. It’ll keep it from splitting open

7) fill a pot with water and bring to a bowl, add your steamer basket lined with parchment paper

8) add a few to the basket! Don’t overlap as they will stick together and be SUPER careful. Steam is hot and hurts y'all.

9) when finished remove from basket and let cool before devouring

♧ optional step♧

10) heat frying pan with slight bit of oil and fry those babies up!

Serve warm with rice and a side of soy sauce for dipping!!

♡Foxy tips♡

Any meat or fillings work. This is just what I had on hand. Add those mushrooms! Add peppers! Make one 100% meat you do you!

Home made burgers!

Hello all! How about a delious home made burger recipe!


♧for Patty♧

2 packs ground beef

Half a pack of bacon ~ minced super fine

Half of a white onion ~ diced

3 table spoons of flour

1 egg

4 cloves of garlic ~minced

Salt and pepper




Soft burger bun ~ toasted

Tomato ketchup



Onion (red, white or yellow whatever you like)


We deep fried our own French frys and made poutine but honestly make whatever you like! Frys! Salad! Another burger!


1) mix all the burger ingredients together. Don’t over mix or you could end up with a mushy patty.

2) mold meat mush into Patty shape. Remeber it’ll shrink in the pan so make them slightly bigger then your bun.

3) over medium high heat, melt butter in a frying pan

4) take your patties and fry them up! 4 to 5min per side. Salt and pepper each side. That’ll cook them all the way through. But remeber to check if you have doubts.

5) after all pattys are cooked add a little bit of butter to the pan and lightly toast your burger buns

6) top em up!!! And enjoy!!!

Thank you all for your continued support! Send in more requests!!!!

♡Foxy ♡

Its hotpot time!!!

My gods with how cold it is lately hotpot sounds like the perfect dinner idea! So where we go!

Yum yum! So lets get started!

♤What youll need non food wise ♤

1) hot pot pot ~ easy to find on amazon or your local Asian supermarket mine was $25

2) hot plate ~ so many places sell one. I went with electric since its easiest

3) cooking chopsticks ~ longer chopsticks makes it easier to put in and take out the ingredients

4) slotted spoons

5) laddle


°please note! Hotpot is very much catered to your own likes so mine is more a basic guidelines but add anything! °

1) half a diakon ~ thinly sliced

2) 2 potatos ~ thin slices

3) 3 carrots ~ cut anyway but small enough to cook quick

4) meat! ~ we used presliced hotpot meat from TNT along with a thinly sliced steak

5) half a cucumber ~ sliced

6) 1 head of broccoli ~ cut up to bite sizes

7) instant ramen ~ 1 pack per person OR any kind of noodles you like! Glassnoodles are also amazing

8) soy sauce ~ for dipping and to flavour broth to taste

9) little sheep hotpot flavour (we used mild) ~ we got it at TNT but I’ve seen amazon sell it, you can alsp use any kind of broth

10) salt & pepper

11) garlic! ~ we ended up using 4 cloves. Its for flavour so cater it to your taste


1) clear off your table and set up the electric burner and hotpot pot.

2) fill with water (or broth) with about a inch from the top. Dont overfill! Youre putting stuff in so you don’t want it to high

3) once water is boiled add little sheep falvour pack, splash of soy and 2 cloves of garlic per side.

4) add noodles to let it cook before everything else goes in

5) start adding your meat and veggies and enjoy!!

◇foxy tips◇

Rice is a good side if you dont like noodles. You can poor your broth ontop for great flavour!

Remember that consuming under cooked meat is unhealthy. Please make sure you pay attention to your meat to make sure its fully cooked before consuming

I hope you all enjoyed!

Japanese Curry

Hello my kits! Welcome to a long over due recipe. I apologize to you all but a sudden hospital stay hindered my ability to post this in a timely manner BUT here it is! Anime curry! Gosh so many animes serve this from Narutos curry of life to one of my personal favorites restaurant from another world’s version of menu 14. where the curry is served in a lovely silver gravy boat.

*some curry boxs may contain peanuts always check carefully the ingredients listed*

So without further ado here’s this week’s lovely Japanese Curry recipe!!

Don’t be scared by the amount of ingredients while many you’ll end up with a HUGE pot and will be eating like a king for days!


1 pack ~ boneless skin on chicken ~I used legs and stripped the meat off the bones for a future broth recipe also I prefer the tenderness of the leg meat but feel free to pick whichever you prefer!

3 carrots ~ peeled and diced into bite sized chunks

2 potatos ~ peeled and diced into bite sized chunks

Half a daikon ~ peeled and diced into bite sized chunks

3 cloves of garlic ~ minced or put through a garlic press (trust me. Get one. Saves time and garlic fingers)

1 small hunk of ginger~ minced fine. Or again put through a garlic press works wonders on ginger too.

1 small onion ~ minced

1 apple ~ don’t peel. Mince. I used a Fuji apple for its sweetness.

2 blocks of curry ~ you can buy boxs of curry at most supermarkets or your local Asian super market. I recommend glico curry. Amazing flavour!!! We used mild for this recipe but I’ve used the medium and spicy and can say both are equally as yummy!!!

Splash of oil ~ enough to cover bottom of large pot

4 cups of chicken stock

1 and a half tablespoon of honey

Salt ~ to taste

Pepper ~ just a pinch

2 tablespoons soysauce

2 tablespoons ketchup

A dash of liquid smoke (optional but I love how it makes it taste)


1) add the oil to your pot and put to medium heat, when ready add the chicken and 1 clove of garlic.

2) when chicken is fully cooked add the onion, remaining garlic and half the ginger.

3) once the onion is softened but not Brown! Add the carrots and saute slightly

4) add your chicken stock and turn up to medium high heat when it boils then add potatos and diakon.

5) once potatos and diakon soften a bit add the apples! (Remember to grab a slice for yourself no shame in snacking while you cook)

6) then add the honey, salt and pepper. Let simmer for 10min.

7) after the 10min go ahead and add the curry roux block. Add one at a time allowing the brothe to disolve it. You can also stir it in but run the risk of having it stick to the bottom (Now you can go about it several ways I have a fancy serving spoon from my hotpot kit that I use but a laddle works just as well)

8) you curry should be looking and smelling like that delious brown concoction you see in anime! But we arnt done yet! Add that ketchup, soy sauce and liquid smoke. Always remember to taste your food. Adjust to levels of what you’ll like!

9) let it simmer on a back burner and make some rice! Wouldn’t be curry without rice am I right! A hardboiled egg is also a yummy side to it

10) ENJOY!!!

I hope you all enjoyed this lovely dish! Feel free to leave more suggestions! I’d also love to see if you’ve made the dishes!!

Thanks and have a lovely day!!


Foxys Fried Rice

While I’m putting together the post and photos for the pokepuffs I thought I’d post a quick recipe for some fried rice! A staple in so many animes it’s a wonderful dish as a main or a side.


Left over parboiled rice ~ 2 cups

Butter ~ 1 tablespoon

Oil ~ enough to cover bottem of frying pan

Garlic ~ 3 cloves

Pork belly ~ cubed as much as you want!

Soy sauce ~ at least half a cup more for flavoring

Carrots ~ 2 diced

Peas ~ half a cup

Eggs ~ 2

~ now please keep in mind you can have any ingredient in your fried rice! These are just what are commonly seen and what I have a taste for but experiment!~


1) over medium heat melt butter and heat oil in a deep frying pan

2) carefully add cubed Pork belly to the pan, oil may crackle but that’s fine! Saute until lightly browned. Add garlic and stir for a quick 20seconds

3) move pork belly to one side of the pan and crack both the eggs on the other. Let them fry until whites are cooked but don’t let the yolk get hard! Once the whites are cooked mix with the pork belly and garlic.

4) add peas and carrots and saute gently for about 2 minutes make sure the garlic doesn’t burn. Keep on medium heat.

5) add rice! Mix everything together.

6) slowly add Soy sauce to the mixer tasting as you go. It’ll get darker in colour and that’s fine! Check out the picture below for reference

7) serve warm and enjoy!

◇Foxy tips◇

I like a sunny side up egg on top when making this for breakfast but add any meat or veggies as you see fit!

Also if you don’t use parboiled rice that’s fine any rice works! It’s just a preference for taste on my end.

If you don’t have left over rice make the rice at least an hour or two ahead of time so it drys a little. Leftover rice frys better then fresh.

Spice Up Your Stir-Fry With Homemade Soy Sauce Homemade soy sauce is easy to make and you can reap o

Spice Up Your Stir-Fry With Homemade Soy Sauce

Homemade soy sauce is easy to make and you can reap other edible delicacies, such as tofu or sprouts, during the process.

By R. Lewis Canupp-Penrod 

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