#custom discord emoji


blur and no idea whos fronting emoji


rapid switch/switchy emoji


frogs frogs frogs

[id: the same digital drawing of a frog with small changes: content with hearts, pleading eyes, angry, big wizard hat, tiny wizard hat, big cowboy hat, tiny cowboy hat, sweaty and nervous, just a happy frog]

ive cleared out about half my requests! feel free to send me more or message me about commissions if you want yours now!

[id: a simple digital drawing of a crow, the first looks angry and the second looks shocked, like it has been caught doing something it shouldnt. the third is the same as a flipping gif to appear dancing]

im goofing around again

[id: the same orange cat holding up pride flags, in order–genderfluid, aromantic, lesbian, pansexual, bisexual, asexual, nonbinary, transgender, and rainbow]

i have these too!

[id: the same base cat in different colors, wearing pride flags like a cape–a siamese cat and the genderfluid flag, siamese cat and aromantic flag, siamese cat and lesbian flag, grey cat and pan flag, grey cat and bi flag, orange cat and ace flag, orange cat and nonbinary flag, black cat and trans flag, black cat and rainbow flag]

it’s june! school is out and im back! i will be working through requests and taking new ones! lmk if i missed your flag, i have the base saved!

yall like ferrets?

[id: 9 transparent photos of ferrets: one in a holographic wizard costume, one in a jesters hat, one in a hula outfit, one in a hoodie and baseball cap, two together in the shape of a heart, one sniffing the camera, one in a flower-style neck ruff, one in a playing stance, and one in a bathrobe.]


[id: the hula image as a flipping gif]


[id: a pensive emoji in a cowboy hat, a bear in a cowboy hat, a pleading face emoji in a cowboy hat]

[id: sprigatito, the new grass cat pokemon, blinking and a heart appearing on both white and discord grey, followed by the same with eyes squinted, and then the same with knives around like the knifecat meme]

[id: nine transparent images, all frog-themed, in order: kitten wearing frog hat, the frosting frog from the FORG cake, kermit laying down, the froggy chair from animal crossing, a real frog curled up in a leaf like a blanket, a rubber frog toy staring into the distance, a real frog in a cowboy hat, the really bad frog cake that is just a smiley face, and a real frog with its mouth open that appears like a :D smile]

do we still like frogs

[id: six rubber ducks, in order: regular, punk with pink mohawk, tie and briefcase, blonde hair, bow, and makeup, cowboy hat and red bandana, and colored to look like toothpaste coming out of a toothpaste tube]

love incredibly specific emojis

[id: orange traffic cone, orange cat wearing the traffic cone like a wizard hat and stars]

emoji set for @okspacekid of their dog!

[id: a simple drawing of the head of a small curly white dog: tilting head neutral, sticking tongue out, silly grin, sunglasses, and two with cowboy hats from the side, the first sad and the second happy]

emoji set for @iwilltranscend ’s dnd group for winning the 1000 follower giveaway!! thank you for following!

[id: a teal anglerfish, a black outlined d20 with dark red, purple, green, and light blue swirled inside, a deer with green eyes and too many antlers with hearts, the same sticking its tongue out and doing the >:3 face, and a neutral version.]

Luisa Madrigal emoji commission!!

Message me if you are interested in commissioning emojis too!

[id: two emojis of Luisa Madrigal from Encanto flexing, the first smiling and the second smiling and winking. two emojis of Luisa’s face, the first smiling and the second weeping.]
