
Barbie Q. In his Brakebills exam outfit. Now to make some tiny playing cards.Printing out a bunch

Barbie Q.

In his Brakebills exam outfit. Now to make some tiny playing cards.

Printing out a bunch of Julian heads currently, did a test Bowie print last night because everyone needs a Jareth doll… This will be the year of making all the things.

I’m usually fully into the Katsucrunch right now and that’s super depressing. I keep thinking about what the popular cosplays would have been, what trends will just be completely slipped over… Can you imagine how many Gamestop themed cosplays there would be?

I miss the whole atmosphere. People wanting to talk to me for some reason. Old friends crashing the booth and making me feel super old. Having 4 redbulls a day and accepting that I was probably going to get the con flu.

Will we ever get to have photos with our favorite celebrities? I’ll never forget the feeling of Mark Hamill putting his arms around me and my bestie for a photo. That’s not really a safe option anymore.

Okay scientists and doctors, please make this go away thx bye.

#katsucrunch #magicians #brakebills #ijustwannagotoacon #customdolls #madetomovebarbie #kendoll #themagicians #lookslikeagoodtime

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Julian 2.0 is complete. I took a bunch of videos of how I paint him , and attempted to post in reels

Julian 2.0 is complete. I took a bunch of videos of how I paint him , and attempted to post in reels but I’m not sure it worked. I also posted on Tiktok but I’m over 30 and also probably did that wrong.

Blank head pre-order is ending on Sunday, so if you’d like one make sure to grab on before then!

#julianthearcana #juliandevorak #thearcanagame #thearcanadolls #customdolls #ooakdoll

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