#cute hats

 © Centauri Arts 2014. Do not remove this description; do not re-upload to other sites or rip off th © Centauri Arts 2014. Do not remove this description; do not re-upload to other sites or rip off th © Centauri Arts 2014. Do not remove this description; do not re-upload to other sites or rip off th © Centauri Arts 2014. Do not remove this description; do not re-upload to other sites or rip off th

© Centauri Arts 2014. Do not remove this description; do not re-upload to other sites or rip off the photos. 

Hello all! I’ve finally made some snake (and other pet) hats for my Etsy! You can find them here

Halloween and autumn themes all around! Stay tuned, as I plan to make even more October-feeling hats and snocks :) These are perfect for your spoopy Halloween pet photoshoots!

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