#d now you can to the time skip if you want to 3 hahaha



Kain appreciated the contact after all this; he didn’t blame Rei, not in the slightest, but the reminder of what damages they had wrought hurt.

As it should, a dark voice whispered in the back of his mind. It sounded uncomfortably like his past self. He wasn’t going to examine it too closely.

He took a slow, steadying breath, squeezing Minako’s hand gently. “I… would appreciate time to talk to Mamoru, yes. But I don’t intend to overstay my welcome here. We’ll find somewhere else to speak with each other.”

Mamoru didn’t catch the whispers, didn’t even try, but was having thoughts similar to both Minako and Kain. “Let me see Usako home, and then… if you’re up for it, Kain, I’d really like to talk.”

Kain didn’t bristle, exactly, but he held himself with more care, determined not to show weakness to his prince. Mamoru or Endymion, he would always be his prince. “Of course. I’ll give you a text so you have my number and you can call at your convenience.”

Mamoru nodded, content with this arrangement. “Alright, thanks… maybe I can help iron things out a little, with the others, before tomorrow.”

Kain hummed noncommittally. “It may be best to let me speak with them. This will take some care…. For now, I suppose I ought to see myself out.”

Minako listened to Kain and Mamoru’s little conversation then fully turned her attention to the silver haired mail when he mentioned he would leave now. She got up on her feet almost immediately and looked at him. “I will go with you..” she told him, not wanting to let him walk all the way home when his energy got drained only a few moments ago. She wasn’t going to risk him getting hurt.

“I will see you guys tomorrow, take care you two. Oh and Kain?” Usagi looked at the taller male and smiled softly. “It was good to see you again.” 

The idol smiled at her friend and nodded at the others, excusing herself as she took her partners hand and walked out of the Shrine with him. “Are you okay? I know today was a lot.. and you got hurt because of me. Im so sorry..” she sighed softly and gave his hand a soft squeeze. “I will walk you home, thats the least i can do and before you try to stop me- don’t.” a soft smile formed on her lips, letting him know that she was still her stubborn self after all and she wouldn’t leave him alone in a situation like this. 
