#dad egbert



you’re not a god. you’re just a kid who lost his dad

“It’s a special day, isn’t it? I hope you’re all having a nice time and getting along!”

Happy 4/13! Here’s some Dad Energy from back when cons were a thing.

We’re thinking about doing photoshoots outside of cons, though. We’ll both be fully vaccinated next month, so it’ll finally be safe enough for us to start seeing people. Would any of y'all wanna do a photoshoot with us out in the wild? Maybe a park or somewhere else nice like that.

We hope you’re all doing well, staying safe, and taking it easy.

Dad Egbert: @exceptionalpotato // our main photographer
:@photocaptor // ash

you’re not a god. you’re just a kid who lost his dad

variablejabberwocky:7ug7wang: notice me senpai and then the pole falls and hits senpai on the



notice me senpai

and then the pole falls and hits senpai on the head and arquius-chan hides behind the wall because OMG EMBARRASSED

Yes, exactly! X)

Post link
 I continue to draw strange things

I continue to draw strange things

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artisticmaniacwithapen: i need more of these two tbh


i need more of these two tbh

Post link






My fashion trick: have a big head. Have a father with a slightly bigger head. Abscond with all the hats your father acquires that are just slightly too small for him. Wear them everywhere.

human brain: ha ha funney post on tumblr website
homestuck brain: 

oh god did homestuck ruin another perfectly good word

With the dad and hat thing it’s even worse

I do not understand and I am frightened of my ignorance.

the egbert home isn’t even stuck, it gets warped away to another plane of existence at the end of act one
