
girl knew exactly what Daddy loved. From her pink girly dress to the bow in her hair. When she proud

girl knew exactly what Daddy loved. From her pink girly dress to the bow in her hair. When she proudly, and with a shy tone, lifted up her skirt, put one leg in front of the other and asked if Daddy liked her stockings, she knew exactly what Daddy thought. She also knew that her cute frilly panties would be coming off in a few seconds. girl had imagined Daddy taking her from behind while leaving her dress on. He would grab her pearl necklace for leverage strangling her in the process hopefully leaving red marks on her neck tomorrow.

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The only time I’m not completely worthless is when I’m naked, on my back and rubbing myself raw for a man’s amusement.



I love baff’ time so, so much! But I really do wish I had a Daddy to help clean my hair, shave my privates and to touch me under the bubbles and water.

Follow my little space, Reblog and message for the uncropped to see my pretty little brown nipples

Every inch of my body has been seen by thousands of strangers online. I am literally public property and I don’t know how to feel about that inescapable fact.



Is there anything prettier than a naked girl writhing in her sheets with her hand between her little legs as she whimpers and moans for Daddy’s permission to come?

A pretty whore abusing her little ass would be so much prettier.


Let’s normalize cute little girls wearing nothing but their old hockey jersey when they’re home alone and feeling pretty.
