#daily divination


Celebrity Tarot

I will do a 1 card reading from my Starman Tarot deck for any celebrity you want to know something about. I read through Spirit, which might be different from other readers.

I will tell you not only what I see in the card, but any words or phrases I hear, whatever vision is conjured, what emotions are evoked and what they tell me about the situation and person(s) in it.

Send me an ask about the celebrity you want to know about! Anyone past or present!

Pick-A-Card Reading!

5 of Wands - The figure in this card seems to regret his actions. He’s made his situation much worse than it ever needed to be. If there was a time for you to get over yourself and ask for help, now would be it. Whether that be from those around you, a therapist, or spirit you need to ask for help

Knight of Cups - New love is in the air! Watch for red flags as usual, but you might have a new relationship coming your way very soon!

6 of Pentacles - Things are going to go well for you financially on your current path, but making offerings to your ancestors wouldn’t hurt anything! Put a glass of water on the table and light a candle for them, and maybe give them a meal, and ask for their help and guidance

Would you like a reading, or some spellwork done? DM me, and I’ll schedule an appointment! Readings are $35, through CashApp or Venmo! Spell work prices vary, depending on ingredients and time, so a consultation is needed

So mant people want readings for free, either because they don’t respect the skill or because they think that we don’t deserve to earn a living wage for our work. I charge $35 for my full readings because they take a lot of energy and I let you ask multiple questions. If you want a free reading, that’s fine, but don’t try to ask someone who has set their prices. We’ve set them because we have spent our time giving free readings and building up our skills. My prices aren’t even that high in my opinion, I know there are those who charge over a hundred. So don’t sit there and tell me you still want me to do it for free, go find a new reader who’s looking to sharpen their skills and take the gamble. Especially when it’s cause you think your girlfriend is cheating, I am absolutely not lowering my prices for relationship readings. I should be charging way more for those, most of those who ask for that legitimately need some form of therapy

Daily Divination 6.6.22

She delayed Alcmene’s birth, she restrained the Ilithyiae. Il. 19.119

When nightlong celebration closes their eyes. Sap. Fr. 149

Daily Divination 5.6.22

Poor thing, death is nowhere on your mind Il. 17.201

A vine that grows up trees Sap. Fr. 174
