#daily tarot

This makes perfect sense. I’ve been fighting a summer cold all weekend and have done nothing r

This makes perfect sense. I’ve been fighting a summer cold all weekend and have done nothing regarding spirit or magical work. My focus hasn’t all been there so this is good advice.

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Deck: Ghost Tarot Card: 8 of Swords (reversed) Freedom comes from outside. Be more proactive in all

Deck: Ghost Tarot
Card: 8 of Swords (reversed)

Freedom comes from outside. Be more proactive in all you do so you can see the results you hope to gain.

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What does today have to offer me? What energies? What lessons are there to be learned?

The Lovers
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Keywords:Love, harmony, relationships, value alignment, major choices

This is what you wanted. You’re really pulling in good energy with the people close to you. All your close connections are giving back today. You have been opening up to romantic love and learning about love magic, so this is a sign from the universe that you are on the right track and your values are aligning with what it wants for you. As you’ll be meeting with a friend later, this could be a good opportunity to talk to them about that serious thing you wanted to talk to them about; they’ll be open to it. You have a good relationship based on trust and open communication, so you can talk. If you’re feeling nervous, bring a chunk of lapis lazuli along with you to make the conversation flow smoothly.

This past few years has been murder on my personal practice. But I’m now out of my shitty job, and after a rough few months I’ve began to work through some of my shit.

To try and get my mind back into the swing of things, I’m going to take up drawing a daily tarot card and blogging about it and my interpretation of how it fits my day.

I used to be quite handy with the tarot, but it’s been years since I properly used them so I’m very rusty.

Currently using the Lisa Parker Familiar deck.

The Magician

My card for today is the Magician. It’s illustrated with a black cat studying from a magical book, bathed in moonlight.

This card is telling me I need to get up, stop procrastinating, shut out distractions and focus on my writing.

The past week or so I’ve been struggling creatively, not able to focus or get much work done. I’ve got plans but I’ve been letting myself get side tracked. The Magician tells me I can do it. I have the ability, I just need to focus and my creativity will flow.

I’m open to comments or other interpretations!

Celebrity Tarot

I will do a 1 card reading from my Starman Tarot deck for any celebrity you want to know something about. I read through Spirit, which might be different from other readers.

I will tell you not only what I see in the card, but any words or phrases I hear, whatever vision is conjured, what emotions are evoked and what they tell me about the situation and person(s) in it.

Send me an ask about the celebrity you want to know about! Anyone past or present!

Hey guys! I know this app is dying but I wanted to let anyone who is around know that I give tarot card readings for only $1 per card! I can do them privately or on my tiktok (sydneyorcutt5). Go check my tiktok out and look at the comments to see if they’re the real deal my cashapp is $SydneyTarot and my venmo is Sydney-Orcutt-2 just add your username in it and specify what app it’s on. If it’s on tumblr I can send pics of the cards and type it and if it’s on tiktok I’ll do a video and tag you in it. I also have a witch story on snap called Witchin’ it’s a collective intelligence where everyone asks questions and answer them to help people. My Snapchat is or_cutyou

I have a good friend from high school that has completely disappeared. I’m not sure where he went, but I think about him sometimes, and miss his friendship terribly. He’s the perfect kind of friend who’s so far removed from your life that you can confide in him about anything, who asks genuine questions that help you make sense of things when you’re too far in your thoughts, and yet, cares to listen especially to my peregrinations. He was the kind of person who made me realize, as a teenager, that it was possible to love someone even if you weren’t in a relationship with them. To have such a person was such a privilege. 

When you have a connection with someone, don’t take it for granted. 

Hand made crotchet 3piece available for $140


New Moon Daily Draw in Tarot ♟

King _ of _ Pentacles / September 28th 2019

Call on the characteristics of someone who is savvy and saves their money well, but is always quite generous and does gracious favors , but dont forget to keep what you have got because you did not get to your wealthy status by giving it all away, so slay a little not a lot say? Hmmm… i think so, HAPPY NEW MOONIES MY BRONIES N WITCHES N OTHER BITCHES BUT FORGET THE SNITCHES YALL GET STITCHES IN DITCHES N FUCKED UP BITCHES !! HAAAH SKSKSK

dentelledeperle: Pixie’s Astounding Lenormand tarot cardsdentelledeperle: Pixie’s Astounding Lenormand tarot cards


Pixie’s Astounding Lenormand tarot cards

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Tarot of the day: Ace of Crystals

Guidance: Don’t forget to strive for balance and groundedness as you continue down your path right now. There is much success and prosperity ahead, just continue to focus your alignment and thoughts on the positives.

My basil bush is thriving.

The best time to harvest is on a warm, sunny day, just after the dew has dried and just before the flowers form. But you can harvest basil as you need it.

Harvest by pinching off leaves as needed once the plant is strong enough to handle it. If taking a large harvest, leave at least two shoots intact. It will grow back in a few weeks.

Hang upside in bunches or lay flat on a drying rack to dry. Ensure proper ventilation to reduce the chance of mold. Store in an airtight container away from heat or light for up to one year. The flavor of dried basil is not as good as fresh basil.

Basil helps steady the mind, brings happiness, love, peace, and money and protects against insanity.

Use basil in spells to attract love and in preparation for astral projection or to bring luck in physical journeys.

Carrying a leaf in your pocket or wallet will attract money.

Keep a bit of basil in each room to protect the home and family. To protect you when leaving the house, rub some basil on your forehead.

Also used in peacemaking spells and to make up after a fight.


My darling bought me a new tarot deck!

I am so blessed to have a man who not only takes interests in my passions, but encourages them as well.

The cards are just so cute! I cannot get over how adorable they are.

I am so excited to make the recipes it comes with. I thought I should share them just in case anyone else wants to give them a go :)

Feel free to shoot me a message if you want a reading!

I’m so happy my baby loves her earily birthday present! I love you so muchhh❤❤

Would anyone like a free tarot reading? I’m bored and I think it would be nice to do some readings. If you want one message me.

Daily Tarot Pull

October 20th 2020


I haven’t been keeping up on posting my daily card pulls but I am trying to change that. This one is from yesterday.

When I pulled this card yesterday I couldn’t help but laugh. Even though walking the high road can get a bit exhausting, I am happy that I continuously do the right thing and distant myself from toxic and negative people. A couple of people in particular come to mind automatically.

I do not wish harm to others, but seeing their actions get turned back onto them and seeing them have to deal with it has put a smile on my face. Maybe they will learn from this and become better people, maybe not. But I will continue on with my life. I am happy, I am healthy, And I don’t need people who threaten that.

Daily Tarot Card

October 16th 2020

The Hermit

Definitely appropriate for today. I’m thinking of a relaxing day. I’m going to put on a movie, make some bones for Halloween decorations and then draw

Daily Tarot Card

October 15th 2020

“Where should I focus my energy on today?”

Page Of Pentacles

Divinatory: Deep concentration and application. Study. Scholarship. Reflection. Respect for knowledge. Desire for learning and new ideas. A do-gooder. Bearer of news.

Today will be a task driven day.

After waking up at about 5 I decided to give up on sleeping. I’m going to take this day to put this energy that I have forward, and focus on working on halloween decorations for the yard.

But first, tea.

CAPRICORN: You Will Be Free From This Toxicity! - Spiritual Reading June 2022

VIRGO: You’ve Manifested This New Beginning! - Spiritual Reading June 2022

#virgo moon    #virgo rising    #virgo venus    #virgo mercury    #virgo mars    #virgo stellium    #virgo tarot    #tarot virgo    #virgo horoscope    #virgo tarot reading    #virgo love    #virgo forecast    #virgo astrology    #astrology    #zodiac    #free tarot    #daily tarot    #tarotscope    #horoscope    #lovescope    #taurus    #gemini    #cancer    #scorpio    #sagittarius    

TAURUS: You’re Going To Be Very Successful During This Time! - Spiritual Reading June 2022

#taurus    #taurus moon    #taurus rising    #taurus venus    #taurus mars    #taurus mercury    #taurus love    #taurus tarot    #tarot taurus    #taurus tarot reading    #daily tarot    #tarotscope    #horoscope    #lovescopes    #taurus horoscope    #taurus forecast    #youtube    #astrology    #zodiac    #gemini    #cancer    #scorpio    #sagittarius    #capricorn    #aquarius    

Check sun, moon, and rising. 

Aries:Stop feeling guitly for choosing yourself!

Taurus: Kill the unhealthy patterns, you’re only hurting yourself.

Gemini: Your ability to manifest your heart’s desire is at its highest!

Cancer:You know what you need to do, stop playing yourself.

Leo:It’s time to move on, there’s something better.

Virgo: No need to stress, trust your intuition.

Libra:Plant your seeds, relax, let them grow.

Scorpio: Ask yourself why you feel the need to always be right.

Sagittarius: Get out of your head and take action. 

Capricorn: A wish is granted when you take that leap of faith.

Aquarius: Honor your past and all it has taught you, but don’t stay stuck there.

Pisces: Work & play are equally important. 

Follow for more posts like this. 

LIBRA: This Connection Was Meant To Awaken You! - Spiritual Reading June 2022

#libra moon    #libra venus    #libra mars    #libra mercury    #libra rising    #libra stellium    #libra tarot    #daily tarot    #tarotscope    #horoscope    #lovescope    #astrology    #zodiac    #libra horoscope    #libra forecast    #libra june 2022    #taurus    #gemini    #cancer    #scorpio    #sagittarius    #capricorn    #aquarius    #pisces    #twinflames    

GEMINI: Be Prepared For This New Beginning! - Spiritual Reading June 2022

#gemini    #gemini moon    #gemini venus    #gemini mars    #gemini mercury    #gemini rising    #gemini stellium    #gemini horoscope    #daily tarot    #tarotscope    #horoscope    #lovescope    #gemini tarot reading    #gemini tarot    #tarot gemini    #taurus    #cancer    #scorpio    #sagittarius    #capricorn    #aquarius    #pisces    #soulmates    #twinflames    

SAGITTARIUS: You’re Extremely Confident Right Now! - Spiritual Reading June 2022

LEO: The Truth Will Set You Free! - Spiritual Reading June 2022

#leo moon    #leo venus    #leo mars    #leo mercury    #leo rising    #leo horoscope    #leo sign    #leo tarot    #daily tarot    #tarotscope    #horoscope    #lovescope    #astrology    #zodiac    #leo tarot reading    #taurus    #gemini    #cancer    #scorpio    #sagittarius    #capricorn    #aquarius    #pisces    

ARIES: Continue Trusting In The Process! - Spiritual Reading June 2022

#aries moon    #aries rising    #aries venus    #aries mars    #aries mercury    #aries stellium    #aries tarot    #daily tarot    #tarotscope    #horoscope    #lovescope    #astrology    #zodiac    #taurus    #gemini    #cancer    #scorpio    #sagittarius    #capricorn    #aquarius    #pisces    #aries forecast    #aries horoscope    #aries tarot reading    

JUNE 2022 PREDICTIONS - Pick A Card Reading

Hi everyone, please give my very first pick a card reading some love, I would really appreciate it!! Love you all  ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨

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