#damage types



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Damage Types

Dendro: Elemental damage connected to life energy and nature.

Hydro: Elemental damage from water. When affected by a hydro ability, the creature or object is wet for 1 minute, and can undergo elemental reactions involving hydro. 

Anemo:Elemental damage from wind.

Geo: Elemental damage from stone.

Electro:Elemental damage from electricity. 

Pyro: Elemental damage from fire. Will induce smoldering flames, dealing 1d4 fire damage for three turns.

Cryo: Elemental damage from cold. Affected creatures are cold for 1 minute and can undergo the associated elemental reactions. It also decreases base speed by 5ft.

Elemental Reactions

Swirl: When anemo abilities come into a 5ft proximity with another element (aside from dendro), they will produce a swirl dealing 1d6 extra damage of that element 

Crystalize: When geo abilities come into contact with another element (aside from dendro), they produce an elemental shard that grants the geo user a resistance to the other element and raises their AC by 2 for the next three turns.

Burning: When pyro abilities interact with a construct of a denro abilities, it will deal 1d4 fire damage per turn for 1 minute.

Vaporize: When a pyro ability interacts with hydro or vice versa, damage is doubled.

Melt: When a pyro ability interacts with cryo or vice versa, damage is doubled.

Frozen & Shatter: When cold interacts with a wet creature, the creature will be frozen, unable to move for 1 turn. If hit with a physical attack while frozen, they will take an extra 1d6 shatter damage.

Electro-charged:When electro abilities interact with a wet creature, that creature takes 1d4 electro damage per turn for 3 turns.

Overload: When pyro and electro interact, an explosion occurs, dealing 1d6 pyro damage in a 10ft radius.

Superconduct:When cryo and electro interact, 1d6 cryo damage is dealt in a 10ft radius and the target has disadvantage on dexterity saves for 1 minute.


Provided you have a glider, you can leap from a height and glide gently down. You can travel twice the distance gliding as the height you jump from. You glide at a speed of 40ft. When you are 10-20ft above an enemy, you may perform a plunging attack and deal your weapon’s damage in a 10ft radius.
