#dammit im so tired im just going to bed


hey, so i’ve been wanting to make this post for a few days now just as a general note and apology.

content on my blog has been very slow for the past… while. as i’m sure you’ve all noticed. i keep thinking i’ll finally get back into the swing of posting again, create content more consistently, find the creative drive i lost months ago. but i haven’t done any of that. and i feel awful every time i finally post something and immediately fall back into a rut for weeks after.

the truth of this whole matter, as i’m slowly coming to realize, is that i’m reallynot well. in a multitude of ways.

i’ll be working on it as best i can, but until i reach a point where i’m able to create more freely and easily again, expect the lack of content and posting here to persist.

again, i apologize for my general lack of presence. i promise i’m always hanging around, but my drive and capacity have been at an all time low, especially in these past weeks.

i’ll do what i can when i can, and we’ll just have to go from there. thank you to all of you that have borne with me thus far.
