#dance the night away

(180715) Dahyun - Dance The Night Away(180715) Dahyun - Dance The Night Away(180715) Dahyun - Dance The Night Away(180715) Dahyun - Dance The Night Away

(180715)Dahyun - Dance The Night Away

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Twice x Let’s dance the night away! [-Admin A] Like or reblog, if you save. Twice x Let’s dance the night away! [-Admin A] Like or reblog, if you save. Twice x Let’s dance the night away! [-Admin A] Like or reblog, if you save. Twice x Let’s dance the night away! [-Admin A] Like or reblog, if you save. Twice x Let’s dance the night away! [-Admin A] Like or reblog, if you save. Twice x Let’s dance the night away! [-Admin A] Like or reblog, if you save. Twice x Let’s dance the night away! [-Admin A] Like or reblog, if you save. Twice x Let’s dance the night away! [-Admin A] Like or reblog, if you save. Twice x Let’s dance the night away! [-Admin A] Like or reblog, if you save.

Twice x Let’s dance the night away!

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Wjxbwhhxns-that’s BDE

dance the night away.


arcades were the perfect place to escape. the bright neon lights always seemed to welcome pj, and the smiles glued to the faces of everyone in the room helped him feel at home. this particular arcade had recently become one of his regular hangout spots, and he was almost ready to start inviting his friends to accompany him. once i’m sure i can beat them at the games, he thought, soft laughter slipping past his lips. not that he personally felt he needed the extra practice; if there’s one thing pj felt he was somewhat good at, it was games.

he had just stood up from a racing game when he noticed him: dong sicheng, a friend of pj’s older sister. pj gave the older a confused look, furrowing his brow as he pulled a lollipop out of his pocket. “sorry to break it to you, but you being bad at it doesn’t make it bogus,” he teased, unwrapping the candy before popping it into his mouth. “it just makes you bad.” pj snickered, amused by the candy slurring his speech. “wouldn’t it be kind of a dick move for me to say i’m good at it? i think it’d be a lot less conceited of me if i just showed you.”

honestly, sicheng was glad that he recognized someone here. sure, he would’ve been able to occupy himself one way or another, but he always seems to thrive more when he’s in the company of someone else, despite the fact that he doesn’t have an abundance of friends. he can’t help but softly laugh at the younger boy, gently shaking his head. “i’m just saying that it doesn’t define someone’s dancingability. it’s just another game. i’m coordinated, but… i don’t know. i was just trying to make conversation, not challenge you to a duel.”

it’s amusing watching as jisung puts the lollipop in his mouth and speaks with it taking up so much space. he likes the kid, he’s blunt and he doesn’t seem to really be afraid or intimidated by much. he was sort of a smart-ass, which sicheng could appreciate and relate to. “is that right?” he chuckles, shifting on his feet and stepping closer to the game. “yeah, i guess it would be. go on, then. show me what a master you are. maybe your high score will be more impressive than my several million views on youtube.”

♟ starter for @rkpjs !

whenever ten wasn’t available to hang out, sicheng was generally lost. while it was an option for him to hang around the apartment by himself, it wasn’t ideal. he wanted to get out and make more friends so that he wouldn’t be as reliant on his roommate, but that seemed to be easier said than done. he had a handful of people that he was fairly close to, but none of them were waiting by their phones for a call from sicheng asking if they wanted to hang out. most days, he had to just venture out into seoul and try to look for something to do or someone to talk to.

even though gaming isn’t something he’s extremely versed in, he still curiously finds his way to an arcade. once he’s inside and he’s looking around, he’s thankful that he has. he notices a familiar face and softly smiles before approaching the younger boy. “as a dancer, these games seem kind of bogus to me. my dancing is usually rather graceful but these force you to stomp in all different directions and then pretend that’s a valid way to judge someone’s ability.” he pauses, quietly laughing at his way of greeting jisung. “you any good at it?”

Requested by anon“pansexual moodboard with dance the night away from twice”

Requested by anon
“pansexual moodboard with dance the night away from twice”

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