

Seems like you’ve been dealt a bad hand

My inky offering this Halloween

Previously I’ve done the daily prompts to keep myself drawing regularly throughout the month but I didn’t feel the need to this year.
That being said I didn’t want October to fly by without any ink art so I had a little fun with these Blackened/Victim tarot cards

Would you risk a reading from this deck?

watercolour and ink on acrylic paper

When your life flashes before your eyes, will it be worth watching?

I’ve seen some people discuss the possibility of a hard enough hit to the head being able to dislodge the memories that the mastermind suppressed - as seen with Hifumi. This presents the utterly despairing implication that he wasn’t the only one who in the moments before his death remembered everything that happened.

He was just the only one who didn’t die alone.
