#dr1 spoilers


Seems like you’ve been dealt a bad hand

My inky offering this Halloween

Previously I’ve done the daily prompts to keep myself drawing regularly throughout the month but I didn’t feel the need to this year.
That being said I didn’t want October to fly by without any ink art so I had a little fun with these Blackened/Victim tarot cards

Would you risk a reading from this deck?

watercolour and ink on acrylic paper


Nonnie asked ~ “may i have a junko moodboard w/ pictures of takoyaki please? any aesthetic will do!“

I hope you like them? I kinda suck at moodboards hehe… But I hope I did them right! I made it in three different version just in case you don’t like them :sob: 

[ x xx|xxx|xxx]

(the first x/picture I lost the webpage whoops)

Hehe, I tried my best but lmk if I should redo anything or not nonnie!

- Mod Venus {Kaito Shift}

I’m glad that they actually gave Mukuro one of these, she never gets any merch.

Feel free to use, no credit is needed!

This is official Danganronpa art, I don’t own this

The Danganronpa experience.The Danganronpa experience.

The Danganronpa experience.

Post link


wanted to test out some gouache brushes the other day, ended up painting a junko

plot twist: she was cake the whole time.
