#dani and jamie


Please don’t compare Bly Manor to this horrendous Killing Eve finally.

Bly Manor was sad af but was well done and more important IT WASN’T SHOCK VALUE.

They killing Villanelle after giving the audience the two of them have a sweet moment together is Lexa’s death all over again.

I can’t. I thought we had overcome this terrible “dead lesbian” trope. Pheobe wouldn’t never, and this “oh but she was executive producer” don’t necessarily means she had the backstage power she once had back in season 1.

I’m so relieved that I drop the show after season 2

  • I’m simply obsessed with this 90’s damie aesthetic and well… had to draw them ✨
  • Thank you so much for the inspiration!!! @lacey-ca
  • And yes, I am going to (try to) make all these scenarios