#daniel ricciardo x you



MAPS - DR / part iii

Different moments you find yourself in, connecting to each other like a map that always leads to him.

Warnings: 18+, swearing, angst, smut.

(part i) (part ii)

Spending two weeks apart from Daniel was not as easy as you had expected. You felt like an absolute cliché when you found the days pass tardily, but they actually did. Moreover, you had a constant tug at your heart as if you were sick with some undefined longing. Pathetic, really.

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summary:You haven’t really put words onto what you’ve been sharing with Daniel for the past six months, after you’ve met him in a club, but he’s finally back to you and you really want to clear some things out.. That is if he stops sulking about whatever he’s decided to sulk about.

warnings:A pinch of angst, a touch of anxiety and a handful of innuendos. You’ve been warned.

words count: 3.3k

a/n: A couple of thanks before you can read! Thank you to the anon who sent me the prompt, I hope you’ll like what I made of it! Thank you, as always, to my bestie @dansunflowers​ who keeps YELLING at me whenever I say “I wrote something, can you read it?” and then she says I’m a bitch. And a massive, enormous, GIANT thank you to @art-outlaw​ who beta-read this piece and helped me so much with grammar, punctuation and general vibes when I was sick as fuck and felt like I had written the most garbage thing ever. You’ve been a tremendous help, thank you for giving me a bit of your time  Enchantée and g’day to you  As we agreed, if you want to imagine a certain Daniel, think long hair/almost mullet Renault Dan!


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>flashbacks in the supermarket<

a/n: lol. lmao. hashtag sorry not sorry

Heavy - Orla Gartland

gif creds to owner :)

Warnings: mostly angst, slight smut in one of the flashbacks, excessive mentions of alcohol sorry guys I’ve never been broken up with so my research was romcoms

No milk. 

No alcohol either, so that was obviously the priority. 

A heavy sigh left your lips and filled the empty fridge in front of you, visible condensation laughing at the building inability to look after yourself. “Wine, yeah, that sounds good” you said to no one in particular, painfully aware of your pairing with the apartment’s four lonely walls. 

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Holy fuck it made me so and I am now a depressed piece of shit

But guys it’s a must read

@welld0nebaku you really talented and you can make people feel thing with your writing
