#daniel ricciardo imagine


I ripped the last page out

Part I/Part II /Part III/Part IV/Part V

I welcome you into another day of pain and suffering. Thank you for all the love and support! And a special thank you to my ride or die @thegirlinthefandoms for getting me through this. Any feedback is welcome as always. ✨

word count:2.5k

warning: angst, toxic/abusive relationship (not with Dan)

The universe at times works in the most mysterious ways. Sometimes it manages to connect to your being and make it seem like the whole world feels the emotions that you’re feeling. It’s similar to how, after a long day, when the sky gets dark and you can feel the storm coming, you can’t help but open a window and sit there waiting for the thunder to come. At moments like that, it feels like the rain and lightning wash off all the unnecessary thoughts, and the pain of the day - bringing calmness in such a powerful way.

It felt like Monaco had sensed the pain of these two lovers that morning, because if the sky wasn’t crying with them, then for sure it was crying for them. The sound of thunder ripped through the air, and she slowly stirred awake. She felt weird. It seemed like she had fallen into the deepest slumber because it took her quite a moment to register where she was, but at the same time, she felt like she had the most restless sleep of her life. The arms that were wrapped around her were more than familiar, and that same heart that she loved so much was beating right by her ear.

She tilted her head up to look at Daniel, yet she couldn’t help but frown. He was awake, holding onto her. His eyes were fixed on the window that was right in front of them. She could tell that he hadn’t slept at all last night; the bags under his eyes were a clear evince of it. Daniel was so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t even feel her stirring. Partly because she was so restless all night that he lost track of the movement and what it meant. Was it a nightmare? Was she just shifting in her sleep to make herself comfortable? Maybe he was imagining her moving. Maybe she was calm after all.

Only when she started tracing the outlines of his tattoos did Daniel turn his head to look at her. The heavy rain that picked up only emphasized the mutual pain that they were feeling. They were both victims of this need to capture moments like this. All of the sensations that were still running through their bodies.

Daniel felt a tear falling onto his chest that she was laying on, “You hate me now, don’t you?”, her voice was so small and fragile that it broke Daniel’s heart to pieces. “I could never hate you”, “But you should,” and maybe she was right, but to Daniel, it seemed unimaginable.

Maybe it was his way of running from the truth, but he quickly got up, smiling at her before picking one of his hoodies from a drawer. Daniel could tell she was confused by the abrupt change in the conversation, but knowing how much she had put him through, she chose to ignore it, just as Daniel did most of the time.

However, the two of them were running out of luck. Michael was already in the kitchen. For Daniel, it was troubling because it meant that he wasn’t going to be able to back out, and for her, it meant that she would most likely be forced to answer questions that she didn’t want to answer. At the start, the three of them were beating around the bush. They pretended that they were just three friends having breakfast together on a Monday morning. But all three of them knew that this was a situation that needed to be talked about.

It oddly felt like one of those mornings when you come back from a party you had with your friends the previous night. And you’re there all hungover and possibly still high. Aware that your parent knows everything and that you’ve been caught. But neither of the sides wants to give in because, to the parents, this would be a defeat in the parenting lane, and the kid knows for a fact that their teenage years are doomed.

Even if the food in front of her looked extremely appealing, she couldn’t swallow a single bite. She sat there, fully aware that she owed both of them more than she could ever give. She could only imagine what Michael thought about her. She didn’t know that he was quite fond of her at the beginning of their relationship with Daniel because she low-key hoped that Michael would talk Daniel out of dating her and do everything in his power to pull Daniel away from her side so she wouldn’t have to do the dirty work of breaking his heart.

Then her mind drifted off to yesterday’s evening. She was sitting at her dining table just like now, the main difference being that in front of her sat her boyfriend. From the moment he stepped into their shared apartment, she knew that something was different. Jack seemed to love her. He even brought her flowers. But she knew that only meant trouble, and she wasn’t wrong. After making her serve him dinner like she was a servant, with a laugh that made her blood run cold, he asked her, “So how is your drive boy Daniel doing?” She didn’t even get a chance to get out of the kitchen before all hell broke loose.

The touch on her head may have jumped slightly. “Your food’s getting cold, lovey”, but her eyes remained glued to Michael, “I’m thankful for everything that you two have done for me, but the police was unnecessary. Nothing bad happened”, “So you’re calling what happened last night nothing bad?” Daniel glared at Michael.

“I don’t know what kind of Stockholm syndrome this is, but you need to open your eyes finally because you could’ve been carried out of that apartment last night.” At this point, Daniel was pleading with his eyes for Michael to stop. “You know nothing about what happened last night,” she managed to say through gritted teeth. And it was true, Michael and Daniel had no clue what happened last night after Jack brought Daniel into the conversation.

She wasn’t sure where that confidence came from, but she straightforwardly told her boyfriend that she wanted out of this relationship. She was done. She couldn’t live like this anymore. For that, she earned a whiskey glass flying her way. But that wasn’t the part that scared her the most that night. The cruel side of situations like this, when someone has control over you, is that even though you feel like they don’t know you anymore, they somehow manage to find your biggest secrets, including your weaknesses. Jack knew that Daniel was her weakness now. So the only thing he had to do to make her stay was to use Daniel as his lifeline.

The noise in the room made her body shiver as she tightly gripped the cutlery that was still in her hands. She wanted it all to stop. She wants to go back to bed with Daniel. She wanted this all to end. Daniel noticed a shift in her breathing, quickly pushing her chair back, so she could lean onto him and grasp onto his hoodie rather than the fork and knife.

The words from last night kept repeating in her head over and over again. “You’re staying with me. Or else I’ll make sure that boyfriend of yours will never walk again”. Now, this wasn’t just about her being scared to leave that relationship. It was her being scared that if she did, it was going to be Daniel who got hurt. And she didn’t care about herself anymore. She lived with Jack for years and dealt with his abusive behavior for so long that by now she didn’t care anymore, but she brought Daniel into this when she wasn’t supposed to do so. This meant that now more than ever, she needs to protect him.

But Michael wouldn’t stop talking. He kept on saying things that she already knew. She knew how bad the situation was, and she understood why they were reacting this way, but at the same time, she couldn’t help but wish that the Aussie in front of her would shut up. Every word that he spoke felt like torture to her. Michael wasn’t stupid. He knew that he had to push her because Daniel would never. He had a strong feeling that there was more to this. He simply refused to believe that she was that stupid and willing to stay in a relationship like this. He couldn’t understand what was making her stay until it clicked. Michael looked at the sight in front of him. The way she was holding onto Daniel for dear life, and through all the words that Michael was saying, Daniel, kept on whispering something in her ear, and he knew that he was trying to comfort her. That’s when the words left Michael’s mouth without him even thinking much about them. “Did he threaten you with hurting Daniel or something?”

The way she quickly lifted her head from Daniel’s shoulder to look at Michael made it all very clear. “He did, didn’t he?”, Michael couldn’t help but run his fingers through his hair, “And you didn’t make a fucking report? That’s how much you care about Daniel? ”

She wanted to disappear so badly. Now more than ever, she was convinced that Daniel was going to hate her because this was selfish. The promise that Jack gave her was that if she handled this without anyone getting involved, Daniel wouldn’t be harmed. What if it was a bluff, and there was no safe way out for him? She sank to the floor as the tears started rolling down her face. “That’s enough, Michael,” Daniel finally snapped. It would have been a lie if he was to say that he never had a thought about Jack doing something like this. That Daniel would also become a puppet in the sick game that her boyfriend was playing.

She kept on saying how sorry she was over and over again. But Daniel was there from her first words, comforting her and making sure that she knew that he wasn’t mad, but Michael was having none of it. He pushed Daniel off of her, pointing a finger at him, saying, “You don’t move a muscle, do you hear me?”. Daniel wanted to fight him, but the events of the past 24 hours had left him powerless, so he didn’t say a word. “Look at me,” Michael shook her slightly to ensure she was looking into his eyes, “This guy thinks he owns you. He would never be able to reach and hurt Daniel. But he sure can hurt you, and that’s the only way he would hurt Daniel because nothing will hurt him more than losing the woman he loves”.

Those words that Michael said felt different. She couldn’t see a single drop of hate in his eyes, just someone who was extremely worried about his friend and a girl that he had only seen a couple of times. Quite impulsively, she wrapped her arms around him, and Michael didn’t hesitate to do just the same.

He knew that, in a way, his behavior was outrageous and that it wasn’t his business to get involved in the situation the two of them were in. Sure, you can say that he for sure wasn’t doing this for her; it was all for Daniel. He was his long-time friend, and he wanted him to be safe, unharmed, and happy. So taking an extra mile was only natural for Michael; that’s how he always was. And if it meant pushing both of them from oblivious to the realization then he was ready to move mountains if he had to.

Before Michael left the two of them on their own, he stopped in front of Daniel and said, “I know that love sometimes makes you blind, but you have to start thinking with your head and ignore your heart at times,” and Daniel knew that he was referring to the fact that in this situation, Daniel had become weak. So he was thankful that he had someone like Michael in his life because, without him, God knows where the two of them would have ended up.

She walked past Daniel moments later before locking herself in the bathroom. Daniel could hear her sobs. He tried to ask her multiple times to let him inside. But it was all for nothing. He sat right by the door, scared that if he moved even an inch, he might miss the moment she decided to finally let him in.

They spent the rest of the evening like that, and when she finally walked out with her puffy, bloodshot eyes and hoodie sleeves drenched in tears, Daniel knew that they had reached a breaking point.

He followed her into the living room like a lost puppy, hoping to hold her just like he always did, but she pushed his hand away. “What if I can’t do it?”, he could barely make out the words she was saying, “Do what?”, “Actually, have real love”, Daniel turned to face her, not believing what he was hearing.“Don’t you think my love for you is genuine?”, he asked, but she just shrugged her shoulders, “I know it’s all confusing for you right now, but as I’ve said before, we’ll get through this together.”

This felt awful. Never did the silence between them feel this painful, yet Daniel knew that he had to fight through it. “I think that we should move to London. I have an apartment there. Now the most important thing is to get you out of here,” but she quickly stoops up before letting out a sigh, “No, but wait and think about it, Daniel. What is that WE? We haven’t had a single day of normal dating. We don’t know if we’re gonna work as a couple and you’re willing to fly me all the way to London”, “If you don’t wanna live with me, I’ll get you an apartment…”, she let out a chuckle before shaking her head, “No but this is insane. I don’t need your money. I don’t want your apartments.” These words finally broke Daniel. After everything that happened and the worrying that he’s been through he couldn’t stay silent anymore, “I’m doing this because I fucking love you. Why can’t you get that into your head still? I can’t sit here for one more day and watch you ruin your life. You don’t wanna be happy with me? Fine. At least let me get you out of Monaco so you could have a fresh start”.

She said nothing after that as they stood there staring at each other. But somewhere deep down the two of them started to feel that this was what falling out of love felt like.

I’ll settle for the ghost of you

Part I/Part II/Part III/ Part IV /Part V

English ain’t my first language! Any feedback is welcome. Keeps us writers going. ✨✨

word count:3.4k

warnings:slight injuries, toxic and abusive relationship (not with Dan bear).

Like many races before it, this one wasn’t that good for Daniel. He seemed off even before they went on the flight, even before the week had started. Believe me, Michael tried everything from “Let’s vent” until everything was off his chest, to let’s talk about the problem for 24 hours and forget about it. Even after all of the attempts to be a good friend, Michael felt like Daniel was holding back, that he wasn’t telling him something.

Something needed to happen before Daniel left Monaco. Without a second thought, Michael assumed that this was connected with her. Daniel’s moods, especially since the two of them got pretty serious, became extremely dependent on the stuff related to her and the situation that he was faced with when he was back in Monaco.

Michael didn’t like that at all. More than once, he tried to prove to Daniel that this was unnecessary torture. He never tried to pursue him to try it on with other girls-he wasn’t that kind of friend. And it wasn’t the fact that he didn’t like Y/N, because he did. They had met multiple times, and he had walked in on both of them fast asleep on the sofa in Dan’s apartment when he was dropping off some food for him. Even then, his Aussie pal was holding her so tightly that she couldn’t get out of his embrace. Most importantly, he had seen the way Daniel looked at her. That kind of look was something he hadn’t seen in Daniel for quite a while, so he knew that his friend was in deep, but at the same time, he knew how much this was hurting him. He wasn’t able to fully have her. But God forbid him from trying to bring her up in conversation. It was off-topic for the last week, and so Michael only proved his suspicions that the mood, the standoffishness, and the loneliness were all because of her.

Michael watched the date as the race went on. Hands pressed tight, hoping that Daniel would turn this around and get a semi-okay race. He did not want DR to add even more problems to his shoulders. So lost in his thoughts for quite a moment, Michael didn’t even feel the phone vibrating in his back pocket and then he just ignored it. Because surely nothing was more important than keeping up with what was happening with Daniel. When the vibrations didn’t stop, Michael quickly pulled out the phone, expecting it to be his phone and ready to completely turn it off. But then he had to stop. It wasn’t his phone, after all, it was Daniels’, and the screen read “My Lovey.” Michael quickly looked around the garage as if making sure that no one saw that, practically ripping his headphones off before sprinting somewhere more private.

Hesitant for a moment, he felt weird picking it up because he didn’t know what was happening. Michael didn’t know where the two of them left off. Maybe Daniel cut it all off and him picking it up would only make it worse.

At the same time, Michael knew that he wouldn’t be able to sit still for the rest of the race if he knew that she had called and he hadn’t answered. So he did, but he didn’t say anything for a moment.

She called out for Daniel a couple of times, then Michael heard a loud banging noise and her screaming, “Fuck off, Jack, fuck off.” Some threats, some words that should’ve never been said to anyone, let alone a woman, then she cried again as she called for Daniel.

“Y/N,” Michael called out. He could tell that she was fidgeting with her phone. “Shit, the wrong number, I’m so sorry,” but he quickly interrupted her, “No, Y/N, it’s Michael. Everything’s okay. What’s going on? ”,“ and even though he knew what was going on at this moment, it also made him understand Daniel’s emotions when it came to her. Because Michael’s mind was racing as he tried to piece together a plan to help a girl on the other side of the world who was struggling and terrified.

He heard her struggle again as the shouting got louder, "Hey, try to keep calm, okay? I’m going to call a few people to make sure someone’s with you, "Michael wasn’t even sure if she could hear him through the banging that was in the background.” “No, no, you can’t call anyone! I don’t even know why I called Daniel, "but Michael knew why: because she needed someone. She was in a situation where she needed someone to protect her.

"Listen to me, it’s going to be just fine. Soon this will be over. Do you hear me? ”, she knew that he couldn’t see her, but she nodded her head because she trusted Michael even though they weren’t close. In the meantime, Michael pulled out his phone to dial a call to one of his mutual friends, not wanting to end the call with her and leave her on her own once again. “He’s going to kill me. You dumb bitch, you thought he wouldn’t find out! ”, Michael knew that he wasn’t supposed to hear those words that she was whispering, but they only proved how serious the situation was. He contacted the same guy who went to check on the apartment the last time, but when they quickly turned to call the police, she felt like her body ran cold for yet another time that night. “No, Michael, no police, please you don’t understand…” and he wanted to tell her that it was going to be fine, but there was no other option. It had to be done. But he didn’t make it that far.

The phone on her side went dead. The same way it died on Daniel all those weeks back. There was no answer. He texted her multiple times. He texted from his phone as well, but there was nothing. A dead end.

Some people called for him to come back into the garage, but how do you focus on anything else after all that? All he could think about was her safety. What was happening back in Monaco? Even more, his mind wandered to Daniel. He would have to keep this a secret for at least till Daniel was done with all the meetings because he couldn’t cover for him once again, knowing full well that the team would not be happy. How was he supposed to tell Daniel all of this? How do you bring something like this up? What do you say?

The race flew by in seconds. Daniel managed to turn it around and it was a good race for him at the end. Michael knew that his friend was going to be happy and that only made it harder. Daniel’s car was brought back to the garage, and he stepped out of it. Michael dreaded the moment Dan was going to walk up to him. How does one lie to a friend? How do you pretend that everything’s okay when you know that it’s not? How do you keep a secret about someone’s loved one being in danger?

“You’re okay, mate?”, Michael knew he messed up right at that moment because if Daniel had managed to catch onto it straight away, there was no way he would’ve managed to keep this going for long. “Great race, DR. Good job, proud of you”, but he could tell Daniel wasn’t buying it. Michael was relieved that some of the team members came to congratulate Daniel on the race and bring some decent points to the team. But his struggle began again before they even walked to Daniel’s room for a quick moment of rest. Daniel asked for his phone, and Michael knew that he couldn’t give it to him. “New team orders,” he quickly said, “No phones before the end of the interview session.”

Daniel frowned at that. Now it was Daniel’s time to worry because this wasn’t like Michael. They would crack jokes and Michael would try to mess around, not to mention that from the moment they met and the whole time Daniel was in his room, Michael was on his phone. That never happened. It wasn’t like him. Michael was the one to tease Daniel about how much he uses his mobile phone, so seeing Michael using the phone so often was extremely bizarre for Daniel.

Daniel did his interviews, answering every single question, and Michael’s strange behavior slipped out of his mind for a moment, but he was reminded of is the moment he came back to his room and found Michael holding Daniel’s phone typing away.

Daniel crossed the room in a couple of steps, ripping his phone out of his friend’s hands, and then he saw the contact name. Michael was texting Y/N. Daniel didn’t know what came over him, but the sudden anger and jealousy that raged through him were out of this world. He felt like punching Michael in the face right now, which he had never felt before. “What the fuck are you doing texting her?”, he shoved Michael slightly, “Daniel listen to me…”, “What the fuck are you doing texting her? ”, Michael said nothing , and it only made Daniel’s blood boil more.

“First you introduced that dang rule about no phones, now this. How long have you been talking to her? ”, Michael took a deep breath before stepping to the side. “She called when you were in the middle of a race. Panicked and crying, "Daniel quickly unlocks his phone, scrolling through the messages that Michael sent to her. Not a single responds to any of them, and it’s been more than an hour. They looked like panicked messages, desperate messages from someone who is extremely concerned. When Daniel lifted his eyes to look at his friend, he realized that he hadn’t seen Michael this worried in quite a while, and Michael was good at keeping his emotions in place.

"What happened? Why did you tell me straight away? ”, their scuffle was long forgotten as Daniel realized how serious the situation was. “I’ve called some people; they’re on their way there, and so is the police.” If the first part didn’t concern him enough, the end of the sentence surely did. Daniel had overheard you two arguing several times, but it had never escalated to the point where the police would have to intervene. Daniel suddenly felt sick as a cold shiver ripped through his body, “Did anyone reply?”, but Michael just shook his head. Still, in his racing suit with all the stuff left behind, Daniel stormed out of his room. Michael straight after him. There was no way that anyone was stopping him.

The main difference between flying home now and the last time, when Daniel was sick and worried about Y/N, was that now Michael was with Daniel worrying just as much. Michael, at this point, didn’t even remember all the stuff that he told Daniel. It all became a blur.

At the beginning of that motivational speech that he was selling to Daniel, he was comforting his friend, but then towards the middle, he crossed the line where he was telling things that were also comforting him.

They tried to keep up with their friends back in Monaco as much as they could. So before the flight and when they landed in Monaco, the messages that were coming through were short and non-descriptive. Most of them end with “We’ll talk about this more when you get here” or “It’s all fine now.” Yet those messages didn’t comfort Daniel much. He was sure the main threat was eliminated, but he wasn’t sure what the damage was. He still didn’t know what happened, so when he finally reached the apartment complex, Daniel couldn’t even wait for the elevator to go to the first floor, jogging upstairs, skipping every other step on his way.

He reached the fifth floor at lightning speed. The doors in front of him were closed and he stood there for a moment, not sure of what was going to wait for him when he opened them. Bunched up at the entrance stood a couple of his friends and a police officer that was still hanging around. Daniel didn’t know what to say. This situation still felt surreal. He felt someone tapping on his shoulder, Michael nudging him slightly, “Go to her, I’ll sort everything out here.” Daniel only nodded his head.

When he saw her, Daniel felt the air getting stuck somewhere between his lungs and his throat. There she was set on a sofa, not a single emotion on her face. Meaning that Daniel couldn’t even read her and he wanted to so he could evaluate the situation better. From where he stood, he couldn’t see her face fully, but then she turned to him, probably due to the sound in the corridor, and that’s when the expression on her face changed. It switched from someone who was completely unfazed by whatever the world was throwing at them to someone terrified and utterly unfazed.

The thing that immediately worried him the most was the slight cut on her forehead, followed by a light bruise that was forming right around it. Yet Daniel didn’t have much time to process that because she started crying and his first instinct was to go there and wrap his arms around her. She tightened her grip around his torso as much as she could. Hands clenching the material of his hoodie. Her body was shaking as she tried to be as close to him as possible.

Daniel finally felt her heartbeat and that’s when the realization of actually losing her kicked in. Before, he had convinced himself that no matter how bad the situation was, he was going to go there and she would be sitting in his apartment. There was no other outcome. Seeing her like this, especially with visible bruises, proved to him once again how bad this actually was.

Daniel shook those thoughts away, leaning in to kiss her hair, “I’ve got you.” But his mind couldn’t stop wondering. He was here in his apartment with her in his arms, yet he still couldn’t help but think about her boyfriend. He was mad that Michael was the one to act upon the situation. He was blaming others, blaming himself, blaming the situation, the universe, blaming everything and anything for what happened to her. For every whimper she let out, the only words he could say were “you fine,” “I’ve got you,” and “I’ll keep you safe,” as blunt and simple as they may have sounded. Like a mantra. The mantra that was supposed to protect both her and him.

When Daniel felt the muscles in her body finally loosen up, he pulled her slightly away from him so he could take a better look at her forehead. He knew that it would’ve been great timing to joke about how somehow they always ended up with her getting hit in the head, but this time around, this was a completely different incident, something that needed to be seriously addressed. As much as Daniel knew, now more than ever, the timing of bringing her ex up would have be stupid.

“Have you been to the hospital? Did anyone make sure that this wasn’t a serious injury? ”, but she just shook her head no, “Well, then let’s go. I’ll take it to the hospital,” Daniel said, but she remained motionless. “There’s no point in pretending that this isn’t serious. I hate to break it to you, but you have a cut on your forehead”, and when she flinched slightly at the raised voice, regret took over Daniel because he knew that he was approaching this in the wrong way.

He took a hold of her hand before pressing it to his lips, “Lovey, do this for me, okay?” He could tell she was against this idea by the look she gave him, but he she gave in. Knowing full well that Daniel would never let this go.

The drive to the hospital was as blurry as Daniel’s trip to Monaco. With them waiting in line, the doctor asked all kinds of questions. She denied every fact and took every chance there was to say that this wasn’t due to an abusive behavior. It was an accident. She fell and hit her head on the corner of the island in the kitchen. That’s how she referred to the injury. She did call Daniel her boyfriend, yet he wasn’t sure why he questioned that choice. For a second, he didn’t know if he should feel proud and happy that she did that, or was it just because she didn’t want to be alone, so the only way that Daniel could be with her was as if he was a family member or someone close to her. But he gave up on questioning it. At the end of the day, the most important thing to him was that she was safe.

The cut ended up being nothing too serious, and she didn’t even need stitches. Just like back at the apartment, they didn’t talk much. Daniel would catch her looking at him as if she wanted to tell him something, but she never ended up saying anything. Finally, Daniel realized just how many emotions were fighting inside her, but he chose not to pressure her. He needed to give her time and, most importantly, love. Love was what she needed and Daniel had plenty of it for her.

Many times, back at the hospital and on their way back at the apartment, she would reach for Daniel’s hand. She wasn’t looking him in the eyes because, too preoccupied with what was going on around her. Such small but significant gesture. Daniel quickly squeezed her tiny hand with his much bigger one, hoping that it was enough to comfort her for now. Due to a lot of stress that she was exposed to, and then the adrenaline she fell asleep in the car with Daniel’s hand protectively resting on her thigh. As gently as possible, Daniel carried her back into his apartment.

Only Michael was still there. The two Australians exchanged looks before Daniel carried her to his bedroom to make sure that she was comfortable and finally resting. He stopped to gently run his fingers through her hair and took a moment to appreciate every single breath she took.

Although the look on Michael’s face quickly washed even the smallest amount of happiness off of Daniel’s face, “She’s all good?” Michael asked when he noticed that Daniel had walked back into the kitchen. “Yeah, nothing too serious. Doctor did say that she was not far off from a big concussion”. The silence fell upon them until Michael couldn’t take it anymore.

“He was already gone when they came here”, Daniel only nodded, “Mate, she didn’t even file a report,” Daniel wished it was different but at the same time those words didn’t surprise him. He didn’t expect it to be any other way, knowing her and how attached she was to the sick bloke.

Daniel’s silence irritated Michael; “No, but do you understand that this is a very serious shit?”, he asked, turning to his longtime friend. But Daniel didn’t know what to say because he knew this was wrong. He knew that this needed to be different. “I’ll talk to her…”, “Now this needs more than talking! This could have ended badly,” but this time Daniel interpreted Michael, “I know! That’s why I’ll talk to her. ”

After that, they said nothing else. Daniel didn’t manage to do anything after the conversation with Michael either. In the same way, Daniel felt that he couldn’t talk with Y/N, he felt like he couldn’t talk with Michael, so he went back to the bedroom. Even if it felt kind of creepy, he sat on the other side of the bed and just watched her sleep, knowing full well that sleep would never find him tonight. There were too many thoughts running through his mind, too many words he wanted to say, things he wanted to ask her, things he wished he could make her understand.

She mumbled something in her sleep, discomfort visible on her face, so Daniel quickly lowered himself to her level, wrapping his arms around her. “I’m here”, he said for what felt like at least a millionth time that night, “It’s just a dream. I’m here with you, and I promise you that one day I’ll make you see that this is not how your life should be. You deserve better and I could give that to you. You just have to trust me. ”


MAPS - DR / part iii

Different moments you find yourself in, connecting to each other like a map that always leads to him.

Warnings: 18+, swearing, angst, smut.

(part i) (part ii)

Spending two weeks apart from Daniel was not as easy as you had expected. You felt like an absolute cliché when you found the days pass tardily, but they actually did. Moreover, you had a constant tug at your heart as if you were sick with some undefined longing. Pathetic, really.

Keep reading



summary:You haven’t really put words onto what you’ve been sharing with Daniel for the past six months, after you’ve met him in a club, but he’s finally back to you and you really want to clear some things out.. That is if he stops sulking about whatever he’s decided to sulk about.

warnings:A pinch of angst, a touch of anxiety and a handful of innuendos. You’ve been warned.

words count: 3.3k

a/n: A couple of thanks before you can read! Thank you to the anon who sent me the prompt, I hope you’ll like what I made of it! Thank you, as always, to my bestie @dansunflowers​ who keeps YELLING at me whenever I say “I wrote something, can you read it?” and then she says I’m a bitch. And a massive, enormous, GIANT thank you to @art-outlaw​ who beta-read this piece and helped me so much with grammar, punctuation and general vibes when I was sick as fuck and felt like I had written the most garbage thing ever. You’ve been a tremendous help, thank you for giving me a bit of your time  Enchantée and g’day to you  As we agreed, if you want to imagine a certain Daniel, think long hair/almost mullet Renault Dan!


Keep reading


Private Number # Chapter Fourteen

Daniel Ricciardo x Aero Engineer!Reader

Summary:You didn’t like him. That much was clear to both of you. He was cocky and arrogant and totally oblivious to all of the work you and your team did for him. No one else saw him for the egomaniac he was - only you. You were forced to work for him but that didn’t mean you had to fall under the spell he had trapped everyone else under. And you made sure that he knew that.


Warnings/ Rating: Gratuitous swearing. Mentions of alcohol and nudity

Word Count: 4445

Posted: 16 Feb 2022

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16 Weeks - Part 2

Author’s note: I will say that this story is completely 100% fiction, Daniel is not a cheater and I am not saying so in any form. Please look into all the warnings, please

Summary: A sad pregnancy story about the lack of interest shown by Daniel

Warnings: angst, 18+, mentions of cheating, pregnancy and a miscarriage.

disclaimer: Again I am telling you this story is completely made up.

the link to the part1 is here

well guys this is part 2

<2 days since I left home and moved into MY home in Monaco, I was sharing this house with my friend Rilley, when I moved out into daniel’s house she would stay in my house >

< Sitting on the couch with Rilley eating my life out >

“Hey hannah you need to get out, you sitting in the house like a slug–”

“A slug what the hell!! You know I never like to wish this situation to anyone, I am pregnant and the dad has become a dick and you expect me to go out”

( Rilley’s phone rings )
I see that the caller Id said it was Daniel

“put it on speaker,” I say

“hey!! Dan What’s up??”

“hey, Rilley you know where hannah is ?”

“No, she has not been returning my calls either–”

“Riley I know she is there right behind you can you tell her to come home , Hey hannah please baby I know I fucked up please come back home ” he said as tears started to fall down my cheeks

“Hannah listen to me, please baby I am soo sorry I fucked up–”

I ended the call and soon opened my laptop to start working as tears still continued to fall down my cheeks and I turned to Riley who sat there staring at me

“Look I know you will tell me to forget and forgive—” I was cut off

“Look Hannah I have known you since you were 18 and we have seen soo much shit together and I know that no matter what happened you are the woman who never put down her barriers to a man, Just tell me why you did it for him? you guarded your virginity for soo long, why did you think he was worth it?”

I was silent and looked at her, “You know I don’t have an answer for that I just thought he was different, I mean like look at me after I met him and I became a slop like was there ever a time that I cared for a man, I mean never”

“Then why him??” she asked

“Because I thought he was different,” I said getting up and walking to the kitchen I stumbled a little and sighed in pain

Ever since I left the house I was a little weak and my gyno had told me since I had issues with my pregnancy, I needed to keep my mind stable and anything else will cause ……

I switch on my phone and see that I have received a text from one of my friends who works in newspaper editing for The Monocan Post sent me a picture

hey hannah

do you think this picture is new or old


It’s probably old!

Thanks for the confirmation


I knew that picture was new I had bought that fucking shirt for him for his birthday this year.

I all I remember the next few moments was that I felt Excruciating pain in my lower abdomen and ran to the toilet and blood blood blood

“Hannah Hannah ” Riley was freaked

“It’s all good Rile don’t get all Rile’d up it’s ok”

“It’s not okay your fucking bleeding…… I call a doc”

“no don’t wait for some time”

“What do you mean wait like till after you die ”

“No call the doctor after you come down cause if you call him like this he will freak out too”

All I remember after that is waking up in the hospital bed and looking at Riley who looks like she saw a ghost as the doctor was talking to her

“hey hannah how do you feel??” she asks me

“Not great what happened”

“It’s hard for me to say it”

“Tell me what happened don’t hide it ”

“Hannah you suffered a miscarriage”


“Hannah I guess you did not hear me, your child is gone”

“Yes I heard you and I know it’s gone”

“So it this how you react to it”

“listen Riley your concern is great but I really don’t want to cause a scene here, you know me I have always kept to myself”

“Hannah you know I am always here ”

The next few days were soo hard to live through just to digest the fact that I had lost my child before I could have even met her.

Daniel was constantly trying to reach out and you were constantly trying to move out of Monaco.

Your parents came to visit you they stayed with you for a month and it helped immensely , though it could never fill that void.

After a month you started to work and started to go out with friend, you never enjoyed drinking it was not for you.

While sitting in a cafe over lookin the beautiful sunset of the medditerenean sea, It was probaboly the last place you thought to see Daniel, but there e was sitting next to a brunette you could clearly identify.

He caught you staring !SHIT! you hurried,tried to take you things and move to the chair so you could pay and be out of the cafe.

He followed you. You felt a hand around your wrist holding it tightly.

You turned back to look though you knew it was Daniel

you tried to hide you stomach which clearly should have had a bigger bump since you would have been 22 weeks pregnant

“Hannah what happened to ….” his voice trailed off.

He dragged me out of the hotel, tears were running down my eyes like a river flowing, all memories came back and the floodgates were opened and you thought you were strong enough to have handled it, but no you were soo damn week you could not restrict him dragging you

He threw you into the car and drove as fast as he could to the appartment

The car ride was pretty silent, it took 20 minutes to reach and by this time you had regained you strenght and were almost ready to fight him.
He parkes the car like a violent drunk man.

“Get down,” he said almost shouting, with a slightly authoritative tone.

“No,” you said firmly

He got out of the car and slammed the door , he opened yours

“Get down now”

“no, I don’t need to do things you say anymore I am not your girlfriend” you spoke out though you knew that was a mistake
In one go he picked you up and put you over his shoulders and locked his car.

You screamed but it was in vain because right now he did not give a fuck.He opened his apartment and threw you on the sofa

“You’re going to answer me about where the fuck is my baby” he shouted

“YOUR BABY!!!!! did you even care to know the gender of your child” you answered

“where is she, my child, I want to see her” there was a sudden change in his voice, which made you tear up

“Daniel …….. Daniel, I suffered a miscarriage a month ago, the baby …… she is gone ” you said stammering about because you were sobbing.

“What do you mean is gone………….. she died” tears fell from his eyes too

she did,” you said

“how ….. why ??” he asked

“I saw something and got super stressed about it and a bunch of hormones and that’s it lost the one hope I had in life ”

“What did you see, that killed this child” he spoke a little louder

“Nothing it’s none of your concern” you did not want to tell him about the Jemma picture because he would blame himself for that

“Hannah tell me now!!!!”

He just got up and went near the table in which there was this beautiful vase and he just threw it on the floor.
It was crazy that he was reacting this way.

“Daniel don’t do this”

“tell me the truth”

“Ok I saw that you were with Jemma in LA when I was here all alone in Monaco and I thought you were cheating on me and I left home but after a few days I again saw some news and then …….. Riley took me to the hospital”

“Hannah how could you ever think that I would ever do such a thing”

“Daniel you were so absent after I told you that I was pregnant and going to LA on weekends you could have spent with me” he was soo quiet

“Daniel baby” I stood up and walked towards him “Look Daniel its not your fault, just forget it”

“Hannah how could you not be mad at me for all I caused, I cheated on you, left you alone on your clinic visits, stopped spending time with you, and —”

“Daniel it’s because matter what you do I could never love anything more than you, "I said

"But Hannah I don’t deserve you, go find yourself a nice man”

“Daniel I am not going to let you dismiss me like that, what happened happened ”


sorry to stop here part3 will be up soon

16 weeks - Daniel Ricciardo

Author’s note: I will say that this story is completely 100% fiction, Daniel is not a cheater and I am not saying so in any form. Please look into all the warnings, please

Summary: A sad pregnancy story about the lack of interest shown by Daniel

Warnings: angst, 18+ , sex, nudity, mentions of cheating, and pregnancy

disclaimer: Again I am telling you this story is completely made up

part 2

I walked into the kitchen for the hundredth time today because no matter what I ate the void was never being filled, I saw that all the treats in my house in Monaco were finished and the kitchen was a bloody mess, all the wafer packets were lying on the kitchen counter all the vessels and utensils were not washed, so I thought at least cleaning will do you some good. So I started to wash the plates and poured the dishwashing soap into a bowl and it was Friday and it was 3 O'Clock and I had taken leave from my workspace, and what the hell I thought I felt soo lonely.

Ever since I had told Daniel I was pregnant our relationship was on the string, sure he said he was happy but he did not show it. Well I knew this would happen, we had discussed we did not want children but if you end up having too much sex you do end up becoming pregnant.

I thought if this is is how he is going to treat me through my pregnancy, it’s not like he was not happy he really was, but I guess he was not really for a child and nor was I but as all the people say we’ll figure it out, anyway these thoughts were disturbing my mind I finished the vessels and I wanted to spend time with him you know when you live in a huge house with only a cat its difficult.

Well I don’t wanna pine it all on him, well I also would be shocked

< A rattle on the door >
Moved me out of my thoughts

“Hey, hannah!! you there?” my Aussie cunt has returned

“Hey Ric I am in the kitchen” I shouted back

“Hey why are you working?” he asked in a worried voice as he made his way into the kitchen and placed his hands on my now swollen womb

“I just wanted to get my thoughts away from the reality,” I said

“Whatever you mean love. By the way, I needed to say they I have t go to LA for the next three days that will be till Monday” he said which just irritated me soo much

It was a no-race weekend and which means its the only time I get with him behind cameras, and lately, he made sure that he needed to go somewhere every time he could have been at home and spent time with me.

“Hannah hannah you there” He shook me

“Yeah ok should I come with you??”

“I don’t think it good for you to travel with the baby and all……….. you know its kinda difficult……….. but look on the bright side you can go to the spa or invite your friends over and have a good time it will be like I never left and I will back in no time…… Is that OK??” he said

“Yeah sure, I have got all your clothes from the laundry and pressed and folded them OK and your suitcase is out by our your bedside,” I said like we were living a (lie) life of a manager and client


When you have such a great boyfriend and just because “in a few months a human being will exit you everything changes” everything maybe you start to think what if …

Well this was my moment I was thinking about WHAT IF I could say goodbye and go back to my home in Germany, Getting a job was no problem BUT DANNY WAS THE ONLY CASUALTY

I think I needed to stop caring about a man who was living a lie with me

So he did go to LA, and I started to think why would he go to LA soo frequently I wonder

Anyway I knew he was not the cheating kind, so I started to grade the papers and felt that something was wrong with my belly, I just thought the baby was moving, so I continued to grade the papers.

I did around 15 papers and had ordered Chinese take-away which was the only good think in my life at the moment

I put all the food into plates and walked to the drawing room and switched on the Tv and began my binge on a series called Altered Carbon (I mean look at Joel Kinnaman) and I seem to go into the flashback of us having sex on the same couch for the first time.

I sat on the couch all alone watching a movie I was not paying attention to and soon something else got to my attention Daniel was walking around without a shirt and his muscles were glistening against the Monacon Sun I had not had sex in a long time, and I was still working and he would be away all weekend so no time

“hey girl are you gonna just stare or will we–” he said with his dumb smile

“Hey we cant you have hurt yourself right, I don’t want it to worsen,” I said but I wanted him right there right now

HE walked to the couch and sat down beside me, he realized my body stiffen against his touch

“Hey Dan it’s ok you don’t need to”

“but I want too,” he said putting his hands between my thighs slowly moving up to my panties which were wet, now let’s be serious it’s DANIEL EFFING RICCIARDO.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” he grabs my hips, making me shudder in anticipation.
“Yes, just fuck me before I change my mind.” I say trying to pull down his shorts , dan laughs.

“Yes of course.” I throw your head back and moan, once you feel the tip of his cock pressed against your wet heat, it’s been a while since I have had sex.

I grip your knees as he sinks into me, filling me with an inch at a time, until eventually he’s buried inside of me. “Why are you going so slow? We are fucking not making love.” dan can only giggle.

He digs his fingertips into my hips even harder, to get a better grip of me and pulls all the way out, only leaving the head inside only for him to slam back into me, pulling a moan from me, Daniel moans in response and repeats the motion three more times, before settling into a rough, but deep pace. “You feel amazing,” Daniel whispers into my ear, as he drives in and out of me, moving harder and deeper with every thrust until he eventually hits the sweet spot inside of you. A loud groan escapes my throat from the amount of pleasure. Daniel moans. “You are so fucking sexy.” He changes his angle slightly, so every one of his thrusts slams into your G-spot, enjoying the way I moan underneath his body.

I threw my head back in pure pleasure, with the constant slam onto your G-spot, my legs are starting to shake and I know I can’t handhold on for much longer, the amount of pleasure he is giving me is just too good. Isco slams your G-spot one last time and you are coming hard, squirting my juices around the cock in pure ecstasy.

My orgasm was just so good, it’s been so long since someone has given you such an explosive orgasm. HE himself is thrusting into you with all his might, as he chases his own orgasm, he growls, calling out your name as he spills inside of you, filling you up with his milky white seed.he pulled out of me and I hid my face because I am pretty sure I was blushing like a giddy girl in love


It had been days since Daniel left for LA and he had not even called once only left a short text and my miind was trying to navigate through other circumstance which I tried pushing away

I came out of my trance looking at my phone which was ringing

I pic it up

“Hello Hannah”

“Hallo mumma”

“ist alles in Ordnung,” she asks

“ ja Mama warum fragst du ich sage meine Tränen zurückhalten"i say

” Nichts Liebling, ich hatte nur das Gefühl, dass du dich traurig fühlst, also habe ich dich “

"Naja, Mama weiß es immer am besten, ich war eigentlich müde, weil ich Arbeiten benotete und du weißt, wie das geht” she says

“ naja, nimm es nicht zu hart mit dir, ok hannah”

“ Ich liebe dich Mama ”

“ich liebe dich auch hannah”

sorry got a little carried away-here it is in english

“Hello Hannah”

“Hello mumma”

“everything is fine,” she asks

“yes mom why do you ask i say hold back my tears” i say

“Nothing darling, I just felt like you were feeling sad so I got you”

“Well, mom always knows best, I was actually tired because I was grading work and you know how to do it,” she says

“well, don’t take it too hard, ok hannah”

“ I love you mom ”

“I love you too, hannah"I cut the call and decide to check my Instagram and Whilst scrolling through my Dm’s I see this particular message from my best friend Rilley "hey hannah I just saw Daniel With Jemma look at this the newspaper will be covering this story”

My heart falls to the ground

I knew this picture is new I gave him this shirt this month for the Monza win

god my life was just worsening

I decide to call him but he does not pic up the call

I was all bottled up on hormones as I just pack all my bags and leave


heys guys wait part 2 coming right up



>flashbacks in the supermarket<

a/n: lol. lmao. hashtag sorry not sorry

Heavy - Orla Gartland

gif creds to owner :)

Warnings: mostly angst, slight smut in one of the flashbacks, excessive mentions of alcohol sorry guys I’ve never been broken up with so my research was romcoms

No milk. 

No alcohol either, so that was obviously the priority. 

A heavy sigh left your lips and filled the empty fridge in front of you, visible condensation laughing at the building inability to look after yourself. “Wine, yeah, that sounds good” you said to no one in particular, painfully aware of your pairing with the apartment’s four lonely walls. 

Keep reading

Holy fuck it made me so and I am now a depressed piece of shit

But guys it’s a must read

@welld0nebaku you really talented and you can make people feel thing with your writing
