#dapper chaps

Another appeal for information on an interesting but somewhat baffling photograph : if any of my dea

Another appeal for information on an interesting but somewhat baffling photograph : if any of my dear knowledgeable readers can enlighten us as to the meaning of the little painted sign set here between the sitters, I would be delighted to add an explanation to this post!

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Gosh, I almost forgot to post this one! How could this glowingly beautiful image have slipped my min

Gosh, I almost forgot to post this one! How could this glowingly beautiful image have slipped my mind, it’s one of my absolute favourites - such clarity and charm.

It also reminds me a great deal of one of the most popular pieces in my dear collection - if you like fine-looking well dressed young men sharing a light then you will surely appreciate this photographtoo.

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These incredibly intense looking gentlemen make a handsome pair, arms affectionately linked and ciga

These incredibly intense looking gentlemen make a handsome pair, arms affectionately linked and cigarettes left on hold to smoulder as their photograph is taken.

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A pair of dapper chaps, dressed to the nines in 1860s Allegheny City, Pennsylvania. What fantastical

A pair of dapper chaps, dressed to the nines in 1860s Allegheny City, Pennsylvania. What fantastically characterful faces they have; very different but each strikingly handsome in his own way.

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